
Super Invincible Battleship

Yan Fei ordered a small drone online, never expecting that the drone would suddenly become his avatar. Amazing, right? But what's even more incredible is that this drone avatar can actually upgrade, into a drone fighter jet, a heavy combat jet, a stealth bomber...... Are these powerful combat units really my avatars? Do they really expect me to take on the entire world? Yan Fei is utterly bewildered!

Diving Fish Out to Sea · SF
857 Chs

Chapter 84: Clouds Moving in All Directions

Just as Yan Fei's Drone had taken off and left, the Japanese intelligence department in Tokyo received accurate information, which was immediately passed on to Isao Inoue, who was in charge of handling unidentified drone incidents. However, before he could receive specific instructions from his superiors, Harrison, a representative of the US Forces, contacted him, revealing that the US military had also detected the mysterious Drone's trail.

Whether it was the US Forces or the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, both had suffered greatly at the hands of Yan Fei's Drone Avatar. Upon learning that the mysterious Drone had appeared in Japan, both militaries intensified their search efforts in Japan's airspace. Thus, as Yan Fei's Drone Avatar brazenly attacked the allied forces of the two countries, their radar systems detected the Drone's presence simultaneously.