
Super Gene Immortal Chapter 11

Lux was a little overwhelmed with how many different creatures he had killed during the night 150 kills. The vast majority of them had been Ordinary creatures. A smattering of Primitive creatures, and only three Mutant creatures over the course of the night. Of the three Mutant creatures only one of them was of a reasonable size for him to eat himself. The other two were a crocogator and what seemed like a hippo with antlers. Both of them weighing in at multiple tons. The one that was reasonable was a bat the size of a basketball.

 Aster, the three-eyed cat made its reappearance to feast upon the many corpses that were useless to Lux. The cat was the size of a house cat, its combat form not having been unlocked yet, but it seemed to have a bottomless stomach as it ate more than its body weight multiple times over. Obviously, there was some kind of weirdness going on because the stuff it ate just seemed to vanish in violation of the laws of physics. Lux wasn't going to question that though.

 Setting up to cook his batmeal Lux whistled a happy tune as he cooked and organized his beast souls, dispersing and getting rid of the ones he didn't want to keep or need. Distributing too many beast souls had already gotten him in trouble almost. So he was going to focus more on selling quality over quantity. Certain types of Beast Soul were ludicrously expensive, so if he just spaced out his selling to one super expensive beast soul every three to six months he would still end up with a ridiculous amount of wealth. Mounts, Flying, and Armor Beast Souls tended to sell for ludicrous prices. The more rare types like Aura went for literal billions sometimes, depending on their effects. So, Lux simply dispersed the ones that were unpopular or undesirable. Stuff like throwing stars and Senbon were treated like trash, no one wanted them unless they were Mutant rank or above, and even then, the prices on them were really low. So even though he had acquired a huge number of beast souls over the course of the night, Lux cast aside the vast majority of them only keeping the ones that were actually useful, would be useful, or were good to sell eventually.

 Lux spent most of the day just feasting on the Mutant creature while letting the Aster eat as much as it desired. That night he slept like a log and awoke when the sun was shining over the horizon. Time swiftly passed as Lux continued to hunt for Mutant creatures. He stopped here and there to collect herbs, fungi, fruit, and berries when he spotted them and fed Aster as much as he could manage, though it had stopped eating ordinary beast meat and was now only going after primitive and mutant flesh.

 On the fourth day of wandering the swamp he found an area with tall trees that was swarming with wasps the size of an average person's forearm. There were thousands of them flying around in between the trees. And Lux could see two variations of the wasps. The most prevalent ones flying around were brilliant yellow, the less prevalent were a brilliant scarlet color. Lux would bet money that scarlet ones were mutants.

 This area with the wasps would have ludicrously dangerous for most people. But Lux in his Golden armor, equipped with a variety of beast souls, was in a perfect location to hunt. Using his newly acquired net beast soul, he easily dealt with the swarms that started coming after him as he started to systematically slaughter the wasps.

 Lux was quite pleased with himself as he netted and stabbed dozens of wasps all at once. Everyone knows that wasps are assholes, so he felt no cumpunctions about driving whatever nest they came from to extinction. Now if they were bees he would feel bad, because bees are awesome and just better than humans in every way. But Wasps? Hell no! These filthy Xenos were defiling the lands of the… Lux shook his head. Best not to channel that particular franchises spirit.

 It wasn't long before Lux was getting tired of his rampage, but he kept it up. He had already killed over a dozen Mutant variants of these wasps. He wasn't going to be able to eat it all by himself, but he did have a pet beast soul that was going to need to eat mutant flesh soon to get its combat form. So, he kept at it.

 Lux ended up spending two days killing the wasps in a constant stream. When he found the nest, he was not surprised by the house sized structure of it. He had started destroying the nest immediately upon finding it. Upon breaking into the nest Lux was inordinately pleased, though in pain too.

 He had been merrily hacking away at the nest when a wasp that looked like it was made out of ruby speared out of the nest and drove its stinger right into his head. It didn't pierce through Lux's armor, but it had been moving fast enough to ring his bell and generated a scraping nails on chalkboard sound when it hit. Lux had instinctively grabbed the ruby wasp on his face and smashed it to the ground before bringing the blade of his spear to bear on the thin connection point between its abdomen and thorax, severing it in two.

 [Sacred-Blood creature, Ruby Wasp Queen, killed. Beast soul of the Sacred-Blood Ruby Wasp Queen gained. Eat its flesh to gain zero to ten Sacred-Blood Geno points randomly.]

 The sanctuaries strange voice reverberated through his mind.

 "Fuck yeah!" Lux crowed as he collected the corpse after having killed enough of the frenzied wasps that there were only a few stragglers here and there. Lux had conducted a glorious purge of the Xeno filth, and now it was time for him to feast.

 With Aster out and eating, Lux cooked up and ate as much as he could. He doubted that he would ever get such a good haul from a hunt ever again. These creatures were pretty small, so he boiled the majority of them in his fabric pot, while he cracked the sacred blood ruby wasp queen open and directly ate its flesh before throwing the remains into the pot to boil along with the mutants.

 With this one, admittedly giant pot of stew that he was making, Lux was pretty sure he would max out the Geno points that this particular species could give him. Plus he'd get ahold of more Sacred-Blood Geno points.

 When Lux figured that the stew had boiled for long enough, he pulled it off the fire and started taking sips of the broth. It wasn't the tastiest thing he had ever eaten. But like most things when it came to the creatures of the sanctuaries it was actually good. The voice of the sanctuary rang out through his mind over and over again as he steadily drank up all of the broth over the course of the day.

 At some point every notification started saying the same thing though. "Zero Points Gained" which meant that he had maxed out what these creatures could do for him. and he hadn't even eaten their flesh. The power of stuffing a hundred chopped up creatures into the same pot Lux supposed.

 Finally, Lux decided to check out his gains. He'd only been out here for a week. But he had made some incredible progress.

Han Sen(Lux Luxor): Not Evolved.

Status: None.

Lifespan: 200 years.

Geno Points Required for evolution: 100 Geno Points.

Geno Points Gained: Ordinary 100(Maxed), Primitive 100(Maxed), Mutant 64, Sacred-Blood 44, Super 0

Beast Souls Gained: Sacred-Blood Black Beetle(Armor), Sacred-Blood Bloody Slayer(Shapeshifting), Sacred-Blood Obsidian Wyrm(Weapon-Spear), Sacred-Blood Purple-Winged Wyvern(Flying), Sacred-Blood Ruby Wasp Queen(Weapon-Arrow), Mutant Three-eyed Cat(Pet) Mutant Yellow Winged Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)X10, Mutant Green-Scaled Beast(Weapon-bow), Mutant Red-Scaled Basilisk(Mask), Mutant Night-Seeker(Weapon-Katar), Mutant Shallows-Lurker(Weapon-Axe), Mutant Swamp Strider(Mount), Mutant Scarlet Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)x153 Primitive Swift Mantis(Weapon-Dagger)X2, Primitive Kuo-Toa(Weapon-Net), Primitive Swamp Goblin(Weapon-Spear)X5, Primitive Snapping Turtle(Shield)X2, Primitive Mud Mephit(Single use-Arrow), Primitive Myconid Sprout(Single use-Shield)X4, Primitive Nothic(Weapon-Dagger)X4, Primitive Otyugh(Weapon-Whip), Primitive Quaggoth(Weapon-Sword), Primitive Roper(Weapon-Whip)X3, Primitive Rust Monster(Armor)X15, Primitive Yellow Wasp(Weapon-Arrow)x23,876

 Lux had gained more in the past week than the next ten thousand people combined more than likely. The absurd number of beast souls that he had gotten in that time would probably equate to at least a hundred thousand people combined efforts across the sanctuaries. This was also why he couldn't ever tell anyone even sell a tenth of what he had gained until he was at least a demi-god and couldn't be turned into a factory. Not to mention all of these beast souls that he had acquired would eventually go up in rank as long as he held them in his sea of soul. At the very least Lux would be able to hand off some really good stuff to Han Yan when she started going into the sanctuary.

 Lux felt… complicated, as he looked at that list. His options were ever increasing. His power rising, but he was still a tiny fish in a massive ocean with ancient predators lurking in the dark corners.

 After a bit of thought, Lux decided to head back home for a bit. His Shrieky Beast would be ready to harvest soon, and he wanted to check up on the news to see if anything interesting was going on. That decided, Lux head off on a northeasterly course back towards the Steel Armor Shelter. This swamp was a treasure, and he would return to hunt as soon as he could. But he had had enough of month-long excursions.

 When Lux got to the point where he had flown off towards from on his journey out to the swamp he stopped and frowned. It seemed that the new buffs had increased his flight speed yet again, because he was sure that he had covered the distance in just under an hour this time. Which was saying something. His buffs may be getting out of control. That made him smile. Become OP return to Monke.

 Lux touched down and made sure that he wasn't being observed before dismissing his armor and wings. Then he made his way back to the Shelter with a spring in his step.

 "Sen my brother!" a familiar voice called out the second he stepped foot through the shelter gates.

 "Beifeng! How are you?" Lux clasped hands with Lin Beifeng in firm handshake greeting.

 "I have been great Sen. But you should have let me know that you were going out to hunt, I would have joined you!" Beifeng looked glum at the statement.

 "You would not have enjoyed it." Lux said shaking his head, "Worse luck than the time we met almost."

 Lux noticed something odd, there were very few people in the shelter streets. So few that it was surprising actually. "What's going on? Where is everyone?"

 "Ah! That's right! I was actually looking for you because of this brother. The Shelters Martial Hall has opened; most everyone is signing up to participate in the Martial Arts competition of the Sanctuary. I wanted to know if you are competing." Lin Beifeng explained,

 "Well, seeing as I was out hunting I didn't even know." Lux said, "But I'll go sign up now if its still available."

 "It is indeed brother." Beifeng smiled as he turned to walk with Lux.

 Together the pair headed to Steel Armor Shelters Martial Hall. It was the single largest structure in the Shelter. Lux was not going to be competing using his Han Sen persona. He was going to be using his 'actual' name so that he could use all of his beast souls and win the tournament.

Physically Lux was in the top 1% of those within the first Sanctuary. His practice of Jade Skin had elevated his fitness level to greater heights than his geno point tally would indicate. Then on top of there were the Buffs. Lux really needed to go to a testing center once more to get another assessment and see just how much he had improved. He knew how much his body should be able to take purely based on geno point tally as that was something that you could just look up on the net. But Hyper Geno Arts changed the dynamic and Lux didn't have the data required to know exactly how big that benefit was. So after the test Lux would know at least know how far above baseline he was. He wouldn't be surprised if he scored a 12 or more on the fitness index at this point.

On top of that, Lux was hoping to use his persona to sell off the corpses of the mutant Scarlet Wasps that were in his pack. He had only drank the broth and fed ten of the corpses to Aster. He still had like a hundred and forty of them left and they were jam packed into his pack. With that many mutant creature corpses Lux was sure that he could get either a stupid amount of money out of Son of Heaven, or possibly some S-class licenses from the Saints Hall. The Saints Hall were the number 1 experts on Hyper Geno Arts, and an S-class license or two would get him access to high end Hyper Geno Arts. More Hyper Geno Arts would mean more power in the future. One did not need to have a license to buy the Saint Hall's normal Geno Arts. The Licenses were specifically for Hyper Geno Arts that were the best of the best. Stuff that the Alliance was afraid to release in mass to the public because they were too afraid of people becoming too powerful to control. The Alliance would deny that accusation and say it's because the arts were too dangerous to the users and only responsible should use them. But really, who would ever believe the words of their government? Like seriously, you would have to be a retard to listen to a single thing that comes out of any politician's mouth.

Anyway, Lux, his persona Lux. Had already gained too much notice. He could never use it in the Alliance space without being absolutely sure that he wasn't being observed. And at least in the sanctuaries he would only ever face people at his own rank. So he figured, he had already tried to lay low and it didn't work. Now he was going to spread some love.

An idea popped into his mind. He could totally sell his Beast Souls as well. It's not like anyone in the 1st Sanctuary could catch him with his flight capabilities. He had so many primitive beast souls that he could sell them in bulk to Qin Xuan through his Lux identity for S-class licenses. A great thing about the licenses is that the Saint Hall did not report to the military on who used the licenses. The government would never know.

At the entrance to the Shelters Martial Hall, Lux froze. Lin Beifeng stopped with him.

"Something wrong?" Beifeng asked.

"Brother I am afraid that I may have spoken without thinking." Lux said, "You know who Son of Heaven is?"

Lin Beifeng nodded, "He is the son of the owner of the Starry Group. Leader of one of the three big gangs here in Steel Armor Shelter."

"Well, that guy hates my guts and wants me dead." Lux said, Beifeng paled a little at that, "If I join the competition and am matched up against anyone from his gang… or even Son of Heaven himself they are going to try and permanently get rid of me."

"Brother… Normally I would say that anyone who stood against you would face my wrath. But Son of Heaven has… significantly greater pull than me. I would doom my whole family if I went against him." Beifeng was genuinely distressed.

"That is why I told you we shouldn't be seen together in the Shelter before. But I doubt that just association would put you under the radar. If you are approached, just lie and say you have nothing to do with me. I will deal with him eventually." Lux patted Beifengs shoulder, "In the meantime I am going to go home. See you after the tournament?"

After a brief goodbye, Lux moved through the streets of the shelter. Doing everything that he could think of to lose a tail if he had one. It was a pity that the Shelter didn't have a sewer system. The toilets somehow magically evaporated anything that went through them, so a sewer was unnecessary. Anyway, once he found a suitable location and was sure that no one had followed him, Lux donned his armor and decided to go with the Batman voice. Successful in his disguise as himself, Lux marched through the streets to the Martial Hall and entered the massive structure to register himself in the tournament.