
Super Fruit System For Pokemon

I really liked this fan-fiction on mtl so i am translating and uploading it here with english correction, so all of us can read it here and listen as well. Keep enjoying. The cover photo of book is used from pinterest application.

Doom_Writer · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 07 Brand new elf: Thunder Pikachu!

"From today onwards, you will become a Devil Fruit Ability Spirit, Thunder Pikachu!"

After speaking, Luo Yi shoved the Thunderbolt Fruit into Pikachu's hand and signaled it to eat it.


Looking at the devil fruit in his hand, Pikachu's eyes glowed. It had noticed this strange fruit just now, and felt a source of attraction from above.

This has nothing to do with sanity, it's purely instinctual attraction.

It can be said that the thunder fruit has a fatal temptation for any thunder-type Pokémon.

Ow!Swallowing the Devil Fruit in one mouthful, Pikachu almost vomited, and his expression was very bad, because Devil Fruit was so unpalatable.

But after eating, Pikachu didn't feel any abnormality, and the little thing looked left and right, a little dazed.

Devil fruit is like this. After eating it, you will gain the power of devil fruit in an instant, but there is no vision. People who don't understand the situation may not be able to find it for a while.

As for the development of fruit ability, it depends on the individual.

Pikachu, who didn't know what was going on, looked at Luo Yi eagerly, trying to climb up on Luo Yi's legs.

"What are you kidding me, you go first!"

Luo Yi didn't dare to let him get close to him. The current Pikachu, but the Pikachu who ate the fruit of the thunderbolt, don't electrocute him uncontrollably.

"Pika?" Pikachu, who was rejected by Luo Yi, looked aggrieved.

At this time, not only Luo Yi did not dare to approach him, but Lucario on the side also looked at Pikachu solemnly and took two steps back.

He had personally explored the terrifying power in the Thunder Fruit. The ghost knew what would happen if he ate such a terrifying fruit, and Lucario would definitely not approach him.

"Pikachu, see the fruit on the tree, turn it off!"

Luo Yi pointed at the fruit on the tree just now, and wanted to see if Pikachu who ate the Devil Fruit had changed.


Hearing Luo Yi's words, Pikachu clenched his fists with both hands, his expression changed, and he began to accumulate energy again.

boom! !

With a loud noise, thunder and lightning erupted from the two electric bags on Pikachu's face in an instant, directly drowning and surrounding Pikachu.

For a time, all within half a meter of Pikachu was lightning.

Even the ground where Pikachu was located was sunken in a large piece, and a large pit was melted under the power of thunder and lightning.

Luo Yi and Lucario next to them were startled by this scene, and were almost knocked to the ground by the momentum, so they quickly backed away and tried to stay away from Pikachu as much as possible.

At the same time, Luo Yi and Lucario looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The electric mouse, who was struggling to fart just now, is now so awesome!

Really became a super mutant Pikachu!

At this time, Luo Yi's heart was a little better. He had long known the effect of the Devil Fruit, but Lucario was different. Although he knew that there was a terrifying power in that fruit, he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

And this effect is also very good, eating the rhythm of changing into a beast in seconds.

In his cognition, Pikachu also stored a little electricity in the electric bag in his face, and when it was used, it was only a trace of electric light.Even the evolved Raichu cannot achieve such an effect.

Who has ever seen a Pikachu with lightning in a radius of half a meter?

Is this still an electric mouse?You change your name to Divine Beast!


Just when Luo Yi and Lucario were shocked, the lightning around Pikachu converged into the body, all concentrated on the tail, and suddenly a huge, thick lightning struck from Pikachu's tail, slamming straight on Luo Yi. on the designated tree.

The whole tree was scorched black. Although the target was the fruit, the tree had been baptized by lightning from top to bottom, and the entire tree had turned into coke.

Beside Luo Yi, the arrogant Lucario shivered all over, and his eyes changed completely when he looked at Pikachu. He completely regarded him as an elf with the same strength as himself, and began to treat Pikachu equally.

Luo Yi's face was ecstatic after shock!

"Success! Devil Fruits really can work on Pokémon!"

"My super mutant Pokémon, Rapier Pikachu was born!"

At this time, Luo Yi's head has begun to have infinite fantasies, all kinds of brain holes are opening, burning fruit, shaking fruit, rock berry fruit, rubber fruit...

And Pikachu, who did all this, was stunned and scared himself.


It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength. After releasing the blow, Pikachu opened his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Lucario immediately stepped forward to check, holding Pikachu in his arms, and reassured after confirming that there was no problem.

"Master, Pikachu's body is fine. It seems to be adapting to the new power and is sleeping."

Luo nodded, this is normal.

At this moment, Mie, who had just been stunned by Lucario's waveguide power, woke up.

"Hey, my head hurts, what's wrong with me?"


Author Note:- Readers, if you want more chapters quickly, then support my original book and vote it with power stones. Book name-

Virtual Extraction: I Grant Superpowers [ BL ]

There will be more chapters for this book as per power stones voted to original work.