
Sunset: Monstergirl Harem

Sunset after being abandon by his friends goes into the woods to find a source of magic. There he frees monstergirls who had been sealed away and now has a harem of monstergirls.

madhat886 · テレビ
20 Chs



Sunset has been planning about how to reintroduce the monster women to the humans. He's been trying to figure out the best way to do so, and even with Adagio, Aria, and Sonata with him to brainstorm an idea to reveal the monster girls. They been coming up with blanks. That's when the young children of the monster women who have also been freed, did it for them.

The young monster children being like human children are easily bored when they have little to do and they wondered around in the woods. Where they came upon the newly built summer camp for the Girl Scout, which currently has Girl Scouts between the ages of 7 and 9 camping there with the camp counselors.

The camp grounds use to be another camp before it was shut down name, Hardscrabble Farms. The camp was aimed to educate kids about nature and hard work however it is notorious to make kids miserable, and even traumatized some others. Which caused an investigation of the camp by the authorities, after one of the campers died from food poisoning. Turns out the food at Hardscrabble Farms is atrocious and from each meal, and all the leftover food is scraped into a pot which creates a stew that is served as part of the meal the next day. Resulting in a big fat lawsuit from the parents, the old owner and staff charged for child endangerment and health code violations. (1)

The new camp has real flashing toilets and showers, serving fresh food for every meal time. The mess hall has a working kitchen and cooks who aren't violating the health code. A nurse cabin which the old camp didn't have. And cabins where the campers can have fun inside, instead of always outside.

The young Girl Scouts were running around the camp having fun and being kids. The monster children attracted by the sound of playing stumbled across the camp and joined in on the fun. Resulting the camp counselors finding the young girls under their care playing with odd looking girls that showed up out of nowhere. The fact that many of them have wings, tails, horns, and other things that made it clear that they're not human, caused them to call the authorities to the camp to figure out what's going on.


Later -

Sunset stood with the Dazzling sisters and Trixie as they watch what's happening at the camp that the monster children found. The children both monsters and humans are running around playing while their parents are talking with each other. Leading to awkward conversations as the dads and some of the mothers clearly flustered while talking with the very sexy monster mothers. Many of them dress in in very little clothing that would only be not out of place if they were at a beach or near a body of water, which the camp doesn't have one.

"The news crews are here," Adagio said.

The local cops are at the camp wondering what to do with what's happening and waiting for orders. The some of the parents had showed having heard something happen at the camp, and are talking with the mothers of the monster children. The news crews are now showing up and are setting up their equipment or are talking with some of the monster mothers.

"So much for the big plan," Aria said.

"Well it's time to break the news to my parents," Trixie said.

"If they wonder if you're having sex with Sunset, just lie that you're having sex with us and we're the ones who have sex with him while you watch," Sonata said causing Trixie to blush.

"No, I'll think of something," Trixie said.

"So much planning and this happens instead," Sunset said.

"At least this way people see that the the monster women are just like them," Adagio said.

"We make some calls, we haven't lived here for centuries without knowing some people here and there in high places," Aria said.

"If any of the old groups that hunted down the monster women are still around, we need to make sure to paint them as the villains," Sonata said.

"Things are just going to get way more complicated from here," Sunset said. One hand he had been trying to figure out how to let out the big secret that monsters are real and that they're all females who need to mate with human males to have children. With some of the human women not liking that and hunted them down and sealed them away and made them into monsters.

"At least it's all out in the open and can't be covered up," Trixie said having emailed and sent pictures online to make sure of that once the news hit them that some of the young monster children had made their way to a Girl Scout camp and are interacting with the people there.

"There is that," Sunset said knowing that he be the center of attention sooner or later once it's revealed that he's the one who freed the monster women race.


Author's Notes -

1 - The camp is from Wimpy Kid series and shut down because any camp that serves old leftover food would be violating tons of health codes.
