
Sunlight system

Will be cross posting to scribble hub under loskro as well for pc users What happens when a R.O.B gets bored? Alexander drake learned first hand when he died of his long term illness he contracted when he was young. How will someone without any real world experience handle being thrown into a fantasy world were the strong rule and the weak are ignored with a unique system? The R.O.B also wants to know.

loskro · ファンタジー
85 Chs

Visiting home

The girls teased alex about leaving them to clean up the mess that was his bed but he defended himself by saying that he wasn't the one that soaked the bed through. all of the girls blushed at this as alex went to get a shower locking the bathroom door behind him. this proved to be a good idea as yang tried to enter the bathroom after him but pouted when she found the door locked. alex got his shower uninterrupted before getting dressed in a casual set of clothes.

Once alex left the bathroom he was confronted by the girls who insisted he belonged to them now and that meant he needed to keep them satisfied. alex had no problem with that but said he planned on using this week when classes were canceled till next semester to visit his hometown on menagerie. "how exactly do you plan on getting there and back before the semester starts?" weiss asked confused. "i figured out the distance between here and there as well as my top flight speed of mach one and figured that i could get there in about twelve hours." alex explained casually while showing the girls the two places on his silver globe he "found" while shopping.

"So you can basically reach anywhere in the world on your own? by flying for a day?" weiss asked in disbelief. "now that you mention it , it does look like that huh?" alex said measuring the distance between beacon and the other parts of the globe. "couldn't you take us with you , we would like to meet your parents as well." ruby said with a hopeful expression. alex shook his head "if push came to shove i could probably fly with all of you , but none of you would be comfortable for a whole day and i would prefer not subject you all to that." he said honestly.

"Whats worse is that if i get attacked while carrying you all we would be helpless to defend ourselves without stopping." alex said before any of them could try and argue. that seemed to have worked as the girls looked depressed. "ah right , blake since i'm going to be near there anyways would you like to leave your father a letter or anything?" alex asked blake who perked up hearing her name. "no we keep in contact through the atlas relays so there aren't any issues there." she said honestly.

Alex informed ozpin of his home visit to which the headmaster told him to bring a souvenir for him which alex agreed. as alex left beacon he was spotted by a certain team led by a pale skinned black haired girl in a red and yellow dress. "that might be a problem for our plans , investigate who that is , i want to know everything about them." the girl ordered her team members who left with serious expressions. alex was already at his new top speed at this point completely oblivious to the storm looming ahead.

Alex was greatly surprised when he arrived at serg in a little under seven hours late in the evening. it was at this point he figured out that his top speed had nearly doubled letting him cross an entire continent and ocean in record time. alex's arrival was unexpected to say the least as his parents were greatly surprised when he knocked on the door. they were happy to see him of course but asked how he had gotten here so fast since they had talked on the atlas relay just two days prior.

When alex explained how fast he could now fly his parents looked at each other with the same thought. 'did we actually make this thing?' it was a reasonable question as neither of them were that exceptional as hunters much less anywhere close to as powerful as alex. besides the fact his parents were questioning if they made him alex was greeted warmly as his mom even made his favorite dish for diner. the next day alex figured he'd go rob the nevermores again for rainbow salt for oobleck who would definitely appreciate the gift. other than that alex mostly collect some rather rare objects from nearby dangerous spots as souvenirs.

It was only after alex checked the shop that he had noticed that he had earned two more feats with huge rewards. the feats were *cross country and *mister worldwide , both of which required him to travel a certain distance in a single trip without stop. the first needed him to cross an entire country which he would have gotten earlier if not for him stopping in kuana koa. the second required him to travel from one continent to the end of another including at least one major ocean.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

loskrocreators' thoughts