
Sunlight In Grey Scale

Carly Abena Jackson had just moved to South Korea but life in Seoul is not all blissful and rosy has depicted in the movies. Reality kicked in harder than she would have imagined. Romance was totally out of the book with the philosophy that Blacks and Asian relationships are not fathomed in Korea. A fallacy tainted in her mind. But what happens when the beginning of the new semester takes her on the rollercoaster of love and friendship. Will their love be able to stand the test of time?

Twilight_Blues · 都市
5 Chs

Unfolding Campus Life

As they walked out of the classroom, Carly's eyes locked onto a familiar face across the hallway. It was Ha-neul, the charming student leader who had saved her from navigation nightmares on her first day! They collided in a friendly collision, exchanging bright smiles and warm hellos.

"Hey, Carly! Great to see you again! How's your first week treating you?" Ha-neul asked, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest.

Carly beamed. "It's been amazing, thanks for asking! I'm still finding my footing, but I'm loving every minute of it!"

Ha-neul nodded enthusiastically. "That's the spirit! I'm glad to hear it. Well, I should get going - nice running into you, Carly! Maybe I'll see you around campus?"

As they parted ways, Soo-jin, Min-ju, and Ji-hyun pounced on Carly like excited kittens.

"Spill the tea, Carly! How do you know Ha-neul?" Soo-jin demanded, her eyes shining with curiosity.

Carly laughed. "He helped me find my hostel on my first day. I was lost, and he rescued me!"

The girls exchanged knowing glances, their faces lighting up with excitement.

"Well, you're officially part of the Ha-neul fan club now!" Min-ju declared, grinning. "He's like a campus legend - everyone knows and loves him!"

Ji-hyun nodded vigorously. "And he's got a secret talent for singing! I've heard he's amazing, but only a select few have seen him perform."

Soo-jin leaned in, a conspiratorial whisper escaping her lips. "And rumor has it, he's planning something big... but only a few people know what it is yet!"

Carly's eyes widened, her heart racing with excitement. "No way! That sounds intriguing!"

The girls all squealed in unison, their laughter echoing down the hallway like a joyful contagion.

"Let's try to find out what he's planning!" Min-ju suggested, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Carly grinned, feeling like she was part of a special club now. But she wasn't ready for such an adventure. "Sorry girls, count me out." She snapped.

The girls looked at her with surprise and disappointment, but Carly held her ground. "I'm just getting settled in, and I don't want to get in over my head," she explained.

Soo-jin nodded understandingly. "No worries, Carly! We'll fill you in if we find out anything juicy. But don't think you're getting off that easily - we're still going to drag you to the campus festival next weekend!"

Carly laughed, feeling relieved. "Okay, deal! But no snooping around for secrets, promise?"

The girls grinned, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "We make no promises, Carly!" Min-ju joked, as they all walked off together, chatting and laughing.

"Anyways, how about a shopping spree?" Soo- jin's voice echoed in the distance.

Carly's face lit up. "That sounds amazing! I actually need to get some new clothes and supplies, so this is perfect timing. And a little tour of the area would be great too!"

Min-ju and Ji-hyun cheered, already planning their shopping adventure. "We'll show you the best places to get the cutest outfits and accessories!" Min-ju exclaimed.

That very day, the girls set out on their shopping adventure, eager to explore the local mall and all its wonders. As they strolled through the bustling corridors, Carly's eyes widened in amazement at the array of shops and stalls selling everything from trendy clothing to delicious street food.

Soo-jin, Min-ju, and Ji-hyun led the way, expertly navigating the crowds and guiding Carly to their favorite stores. They spent hours trying on outfits, sharing laughter and fashion advice, and enjoying each other's company.

As the sun began to set, they settled in at a cozy café, sipping sweet tea and indulging in decadent desserts. Carly felt grateful for her new friends and the wonderful day they had shared.

Just as they were about to leave, Ha-neul appeared, his charming smile lighting up the room. "Fancy running into you all here!" he exclaimed, joining their table.

The conversation flowed effortlessly as Ha-neul joined the group, his presence adding a new layer of excitement to the evening. Carly found herself laughing more freely, charmed by Ha-neul's wit and the easy camaraderie he shared with her friends.

As the cafe's lights dimmed, signaling the end of the day, they all agreed it was time to head home. One by one, Carly's friends made their excuses, leaving her in the unexpected company of Ha-neul. She tried to call them back, but they were already disappearing into the night.

Carly turned to Ha-neul, a sheepish smile on her face. "Well, this is unexpected," she said, her voice tinged with amusement.

Ha-neul's smile widened. "Seems like fate has a sense of humor," he replied. "Shall we?"

Together, they stepped out into the cool evening air. The city lights twinkled like stars brought down to earth, casting a romantic glow over the streets.

Seeking to keep the atmosphere light and neutral, Carly glanced at Ha-neul. "So, what are you studying?" she asked, her curiosity genuine.

Ha-neul's eyes lit up at the question. "I'm majoring in architecture," he shared, his passion evident in his voice. "There's something about designing spaces that can inspire and comfort people that really appeals to me."

Carly nodded, impressed. "That sounds fascinating. It must be amazing to create something that becomes a part of people's lives."

As they walked, Ha-neul shared stories of his studies, his dreams for the future, and his favorite architectural designs. Carly listened intently, finding herself drawn into his world of creativity and vision.

Their conversation continued, a comfortable exchange of interests and ideas, as they made their way through the city's vibrant streets.

With a playful glint in her eye, Carly turned to Ha-neul. "Did you know you have a fan club at school?" she teased.

Ha-neul let out a surprised laugh. "Really? I had no idea," he said, his smile genuine. "But I must confess, my singing isn't that great."

Carly chuckled. "Well, it seems you're quite the celebrity regardless. Maybe it's your architectural designs that are winning hearts."

Ha-neul shrugged modestly, but Carly could tell he was pleased by the notion. Their banter continued, light and teasing, as they navigated the streets together.