
Sunlight In Grey Scale

Carly Abena Jackson had just moved to South Korea but life in Seoul is not all blissful and rosy has depicted in the movies. Reality kicked in harder than she would have imagined. Romance was totally out of the book with the philosophy that Blacks and Asian relationships are not fathomed in Korea. A fallacy tainted in her mind. But what happens when the beginning of the new semester takes her on the rollercoaster of love and friendship. Will their love be able to stand the test of time?

Twilight_Blues · 都市
5 Chs

To The Dreamland

Carly's flight was scheduled to take off at 6:30 am. Before her alarm would even go off, she was already up on her feet, carrying out her final touches and making sure she had everything set. Her documents, including her plane ticket and visa, were carefully placed in her carry-on bag. Though she was trying as much as possible not to wake the house, she couldn't avoid the little noises from her movements.

As she zipped up her luggage, the sound echoed through the silent room. She froze, holding her breath, hoping no one would stir. The stillness was short-lived, as her mother's gentle voice called out from the adjacent room.

"Carly, are you leaving already?"

Carly's heart skipped a beat. She had hoped to avoid a tearful goodbye, but it seemed fate had other plans.

"Yes, Maame," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Hoping it was only her mother and not the twins too. "I didn't want to wake you and the girls up."

Her mother appeared in the doorway, a warm smile on her face. "I couldn't sleep anyway, knowing you're leaving today."

Carly's eyes welled up as she embraced her mother. They held each other tightly, the silence between them speaking volumes.

Theresa, who had slept over, emerged from the room, rubbing her eyes. "Hey, cuz, you're really leaving, huh?"

Carly nodded, trying to compose herself. "Yeah, I have to go."

With one last check of her belongings, Carly took a deep breath and headed out the door, her family's well wishes and tears of joy echoing behind her. As she had opted to go alone. Knowing how hard it will be for them at the airport.

The twins were still asleep so it was easier convincing her mother.

As she made her way to the airport, the early morning sun cast a golden glow over the city. Carly felt a mix of emotions: excitement for her new adventure, but also sadness at leaving behind the people and places she loved.

At the airport, she went through the usual security checks and boarded her flight. As the plane took off, Carly gazed out the window, watching Accra fade into the distance. She felt a sense of liberation, knowing she was one step closer to achieving her dreams.

The long flight ahead would give her ample time to reflect on her journey so far and the unknown experiences awaiting her in South Korea.




As the plane soared through the skies, Carly settled into her seat, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She had done it – she was finally on her way to South Korea! The excitement of the unknown coursed through her veins like a stimulant, and she couldn't wait to experience all that this new chapter had in store.

The hours passed slowly, but Carly remained engrossed in her thoughts, replaying memories of her family and friends in Ghana. She knew she would miss them dearly, but she was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As the plane hit turbulence, Carly's thoughts were interrupted. She gripped the armrests tightly, her heart racing with a mix of fear and thrill. The plane stabilized soon after, and she let out a sigh of relief.

The flight attendants began their rounds, offering snacks and drinks. Carly opted for a cup of coffee and a pastry, savoring the flavors as she gazed out the window at the fluffy white clouds.

As the plane began its descent into Incheon International Airport, Carly's excitement surged. She could hardly believe she was finally arriving in South Korea – the land of K-pop, delicious food, and vibrant culture.

With a gentle thud, the plane touched down on the runway. Carly joined the throngs of passengers disembarking, her heart racing with anticipation. She had dreamed of this moment for so long, and it was finally here.

As she made her way through customs and immigration, Carly felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had done it – she had taken the first step towards making her dreams a reality.

With her luggage in hand, Carly stepped out into the bright South Korean sunlight, ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.


As Carly stepped out of the airport, she was immediately struck by the unfamiliar sights and sounds of South Korea. The bustling streets, the neon signs and the chatter of passerbys.

Her University was supposed to arrange for a pick- up for her but for some reason, they were faced with some challenges they couldn't help.

Unfortunately, the represntative who was to come for her was also not yet in. So she decided to figure a way out.

Carly pulled out her phone to check the address of her hostel that was sent to her once again but her eyes widened in panic as she realized she had no idea how to get there. The streets seemed to stretch on forever, and she had no clue which direction to go.

Just as she was starting to feel tears prick at the corners of her eyes, a gentle voice spoke up behind her.

"Excuse me, are you lost?"

Carly turned to face a kind-eyed Korean guy, probably in his mid 20s, who was smiling at her with concern.

"Yes...I'm trying to get to my hostel, but I have no idea where I am," she admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.

The man nodded sympathetically. "Don't worry, I can help you. Where is your hostel?"

Carly showed him the address on her phone, and he nodded. "It's not too far from here. I can walk with you if you'd like."

Grateful for his kindness, Carly agreed, and together they set off into the unknown streets of Seoul. As they walked, the man introduced himself as Ha-neul and asked Carly about her journey to South Korea.

Carly found herself opening up to Ha-neul, sharing her dreams and aspirations, and he listened intently, offering words of encouragement. Before she knew it, they had arrived at her hostel, and Ha- neul bid her farewell with a warm smile.

"Good luck with your studies, Carly. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask."

Carly watched as Ha-neul disappeared into the crowd, feeling grateful for the unexpected kindness of a stranger in a foreign land. She took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination wash over her. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that there were good people like Ha-neul who would help her along the way.