
Sunlight In Grey Scale

Carly Abena Jackson had just moved to South Korea but life in Seoul is not all blissful and rosy has depicted in the movies. Reality kicked in harder than she would have imagined. Romance was totally out of the book with the philosophy that Blacks and Asian relationships are not fathomed in Korea. A fallacy tainted in her mind. But what happens when the beginning of the new semester takes her on the rollercoaster of love and friendship. Will their love be able to stand the test of time?

Twilight_Blues · 都市
5 Chs


Carly's hostel, "Study Haven", was a cozy and modern studio apartment located in the heart of Seoul, just a short walk from the prestigious Yonsei University, her University.

The exterior was a sleek and minimalist building with a black and white facade, blending in with the trendy neighborhood. A small sign bearing the hostel's name and logo was discreetly displayed near the entrance.

Carly stepped into her small but cozy hostel room, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside her. Excitement for her new adventure in South Korea wrestled with anxiety about the challenges she had heard lay ahead. She was already beginning to miss home.

As a Ghanaian student, she had been warned about the cultural and social nuances of navigating a foreign country, especially one with a reputation for being homogeneous. But Carly was determined to embrace this experience and make the most of her time abroad. After all, this is her dream.

Her hostel room had a compact but efficient living space, carefully designed to maximize comfort and productivity. The studio apartment was furnished with:

A comfortable single bed, a desk, and a wardrobe all cleverly arranged to maximize space. The walls were painted a soothing grey, and the bed was adorned with a soft duvet and a few pillows. A small fridge hummed quietly in the corner, stocked with water, snacks, and fresh fruit.

The bathroom was clean and modern, with a shower, sink, and toilet. Hot water was always available, and toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, and body wash were provided. The floors were heated, a welcome luxury during the chilly winter months.

The hostel was equipped with everything Carly needed to focus on her studies, including a desk lamp, a comfortable chair, and a fast Wi-Fi connection. There was even a small bookshelf stocked with Korean textbooks, dictionaries, and novels for relaxation.

The building had a secure entrance and 24/7 CCTV, ensuring Carly's safety and privacy. The hostel was also conveniently located near a 24-hour convenience store, a coffee shop, and a traditional Korean restaurant, making it easy to grab a meal or snack anytime.

A large window overlooked the bustling streets of Hongdae, offering a glimpse into the vibrant nightlife and street food scene.

Just a short drive from the hostel, Carly could explore the trendy shops and cafes of Hongdae, visit the iconic Namsan Tower, or take a stroll along the scenic Han River.

With its prime location, modern amenities, and cozy atmosphere, "Study Haven" was the perfect place for Carly to focus on her studies and enjoy her time in Seoul.

After unpacking her bags and settling in, Carly took a deep breath and veered into the wash room to freshen up. Bracing herself up for the hectic day ahead.


At around 6:30am, Carly made her way to her university. As she stepped out into the crisp morning air, the vibrant city of Seoul awakened around her.

The sky was a kaleidoscope of pinks, oranges, and purples, a breathtaking sunrise that painted the landscape with warm hues. The streets, once quiet and still, began to pulse with life as the morning commute commenced.

The sound of buses and cars hummed in the distance, a gentle accompaniment to the chirping of birds and the soft chatter of pedestrians. The sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted from street vendors, enticing passersby to start their day with a warm cup.

She suddenly felt alive alongside the city's energy as it grew more dynamic. Neon lights flickered to life, casting a colorful glow on the bustling streets. Billboards and advertisements flashed, showcasing the latest trends and innovations. The air was alive with the hum of technology and progress.

Seoul's unique blend of traditional and modern architecture stood out in the morning light. Ancient temples and palaces shared the cityscape with sleek skyscrapers and contemporary buildings, a testament to the city's rich history and forward-thinking spirit.

The morning air was crisp and cool, carrying the promise of a new day full of possibilities. As Carly made her way to university, she felt invigorated and inspired, ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The city's infectious energy and vibrant atmosphere had her heart racing with anticipation, eager to embrace whatever the day might bring.

The vibrant energy of students from all walks of life was no different when she walked in. The air was electric with anticipation, as fresh faces and familiar friends reunited for another semester of learning and adventure. The sound of laughter, chatter, and clinking coffee cups filled the air, creating a symphony of student life.

In the lecture halls, students scribbled notes furiously, their pens scratching against paper as they eagerly absorbed knowledge. Others typed away on their laptops, their fingers flying across keyboards as they worked on projects and assignments.

In the corridors, students rushed to their next class, their backpacks bouncing behind them like loyal companions. Others lingered, chatting with friends or scrolling through their phones, their faces aglow with the glow of screens.

In the cafés and coffee shops, students gathered in clusters, sipping lattes and sharing stories of their summer adventures. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafted through the air, enticing passersby to join in on the fun.

On the lawns and green spaces, students lounged in the sun, soaking up the warmth and enjoying the freedom of campus life. Some played music, their guitars and instruments filling the air with sweet melodies. Others played games, their laughter and shouts of excitement carrying on the breeze.

Everywhere, students were living life to the fullest, embracing their passions and pursuing their dreams. The campus was a vibrant tapestry, woven from threads of diverse cultures, interests, and personalities – a true reflection of the beauty and energy of student life.

As she walked through the campus, she marveled at the modern buildings and bustling streets, feeling like a small fish in a vast ocean. The sheer number of people rushing to and fro was overwhelming, yet exhilarating.

After about an hour of roaming, Carly found herself outside the lecture hall, her heart racing with anxiety. She had been searching for the classroom for what felt like hours, but the complex campus map and unfamiliar building names had her completely lost. She was starting to worry that she would miss her first lecture, and her mind was filled with thoughts of failure and disappointment.

Just as she was about to give up, three girls approached her, concern etched on their faces. "Hey, are you okay? You look lost," Soo-jin said, smiling kindly.

Carly felt a wave of relief wash over her. "I'm so lost," she admitted, laughing nervously. "I have no idea where my lecture is."

Min-ju nodded sympathetically. "We've all been there. We're headed to the same lecture. It's our first day too."

Ji-hyun, the charismatic music major, grinned. "Yeah, and we're not exactly experts on campus navigation either. But we can figure it out together!"

Carly's gratitude was palpable. "Thank you so much," she said, following the girls as they led her to the classroom.

As they walked, they chatted easily, sharing stories and laughter. Soo-jin told Carly about her passion for student politics, Min-ju shared her latest art project, and Ji-hyun sang a few bars of her favorite song. Carly felt like she had known them forever, and her anxiety melted away.

When they arrived at the doorpost of the classroom, Soo-jin turned to her and said, "Don't worry, we'll stick together. We're in this together, okay?"

Carly nodded, feeling a sense of belonging she hadn't expected. The lecture hall was buzzing with energy as students chatted and settled in for the long haul, when they strolled to their seat.

The professor, a renowned expert in their field, launched into a passionate lecture that lasted for what felt like an eternity - two hours and forty-five minutes, to be exact! But despite the lengthy lecture, Carly was engaged and fascinated, thanks to her new friends' infectious enthusiasm.

As they scribbled notes and asked questions, Soo-jin, Min-ju, and Ji-hyun made witty remarks and humorous observations that kept Carly giggling and on her toes. Even the professor couldn't help but crack a smile at their antics!

When the lecture finally ended, the girls let out a collective sigh of relief and gathered their belongings. "That was intense!" Min-ju exclaimed. "But so worth it," Ji-hyun added, grinning.

As they filed out of the lecture hall, Soo-jin turned to Carly and said, "Hey, we're grabbing coffee and snacks at the campus café. Want to join us?"

Carly nodded eagerly, feeling like she was part of the gang. "Absolutely! I need a caffeine boost after that marathon lecture!"

Together, the quartet strolled across the hallway, chatting and laughing as the navigated their way out.

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