

"I'm so tired," I grumbled to myself, having just got off work. I walked under the dim street lights to the park, like I do when life gets to be too much. Not wanting to go back to my small apartment and binge-watch myself into a coma, I step onto the familiar, earthy-smelling mulch and plop down on the merry-go-round. I push my feet back and forth, making it sway gently. I sit there for what feels like hours, thinking about everything but nothing at the same time, when I hear footsteps on the mulch.

Raising my gaze, I spot a tall, muscular man walk over the swings and, with a heavy-hearted sigh, sits down and pushes off, the wind blowing his dark, almost waist-long hair behind him. Wow, what shampoo does he use? I return my gaze to my hands and continue swaying the merry-go-round. After a while, a husky, almost honey-like voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Rough day?" the man said, slowing the swing down. "Define rough." I scoff. He gets up and walks towards me, revealing his toned frame. Of course, he works out. I inwardly roll my eyes as he stops several feet away from me, my guess is not to seem like some creep at the park at midnight, but again, here I was. "With that heavy of a sigh, I'd say you had it worse than me." I had a trying day, I was working at a bank, and I had been dealing with disgruntled customers all day, had to make run to another bank, I was exhausted. He takes a couple of steps to the merry-go-round.

"Eh, nothing new," he shrugged his broad shoulders. "What has you spacing out at a park at this hour?" He implored, sitting down next to me, talking to me as if he's known me for years. Stranger danger much, Emmi? But I didn't feel an ounce of fear, his presence somehow made me feel safe. "I could ask you the same th-" "Adriel Santoro. Though most people call me Dre." He blurted out. Is he nervous? Maybe his parents are si-fi nerds, though haven't I heard that name before? "Emmi Cross, with and 'I', short for Emerald," I reply with a polite smile, unsure of why he's talking to me. "Emerald. I like it." He said my name in such a soft way, it makes my skin tingle. I shift to look at him.

The clouds giving way to the moon, I see his face more clearly and let out a quiet gasp as I see his green, nearly glowing eyes staring back into mine. I take in his sharp features brought out by the bright moon. His jawline was strong, his nose was almost perfectly straight, his skin was tan and smooth, his full lips pursed into a slight smile. His dark brown hair cascaded around his shoulders. He looked mid-twenties at best. He looked like he stepped out of a page of Medieval Times GQ. Is he real right now? Would he be creeped out if I ask for a picture, because the ladies at work will never believe me. I felt a heavy sensation in my chest and looked away, though I could still feel his eyes on me, probably an unconscious gesture to him, but made me hyperaware to his every movement.

"I always like to come here when I need a break, nostalgia for a simpler time, I guess." He said, breaking the silence. I pull my knees to my chest, resting my chin on them. Why is he so friendly? He noticed and looked at me with amusement, "Don't worry, I'm not a creep or anything." He held his hands up, as if surrendering. "That's exactly what a creep would say," I retorted, mocking him. "Ouch, I'm wounded!" He clutched his chest, rolling around the merry-go-round, letting out a throaty laugh that was almost musical, his white teeth lit up his face.

I couldn't help but laugh with him. Oh, we got a funny guy. We wiped the tears from our eyes as his cell phone suddenly went off, and his porcelain face wrinkled into a grimace. "Crap. I've got to go." standing up, he turned to me, "Wanna meet here tomorrow?" His green eyes searched my face. I didn't know him, but something in me wanted to. I was curious about this stranger in the park. "Sure, same time?" I got up, and he extended his hand, "Sure," I shook his hand and watches his broad back as he left the park.

I lived in a one bedroom apartment in a quiet part of town, far enough from the noise, close enough to walk everywhere. The Daisy's I planted last year, starting to bloom in the spring weather. Walking through my front door, I toss my bag on the table and put my shoes away, before walking into the kitchen to make a bowl of Cap N' Crunch. I lean up against my counter, mindlessly taking bites as my mind drifts back to earlier. Tonight was so weird, who just comes up to someone like that? And why did I agree to meet up? But it's kind of strange, it felt like I knew him, but Id remember a gorgeous face like that. Would it be ok to go back? Looking around my silent, still apartment, I sit my bowl in the sink. I guess it wouldn't hurt, but ill bring my pepper spray in case! Looking at the clock on my stove, I see it's already one-thrity in the morning. Shit, I have work at five! I hurry to the bathroom, throwing my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and quickly wiping of my makeup before getting in the shower. Brushing my teeth, I rub moisturizer on my face, tugging on my favorite nightshirt and underwear. I lay in bed, watching the lights on my humidifier change color. How old is he? He looks so young, the way he holds himself, it's like he went to etiquette school or something. Wonder what he wants with me. Probably trying to hook up, Emmi. kind of weird way to go about it though. My mind filled with questions and intrigued, I drift off, getting some the best sleep in what felt like years.