
Sunda Yozora no Shita (Under the clear night sky)

Akemi Seiko, a woman in her early 20's who is sick from her boring trash life, or so what she think on her life. But suddenly, she met "Sumire Kasumi", a matured looking woman as she was asked if she remember her, but Akemi don't remember her and not even once she met a gorgeous lady in her whole life. But Sumire was sure that they met and confirmed her name. After that, Sumire got emotional, burst into tears and hugged Akemi, but it's more than that! Sumire kissed Akemi in the most seducing kiss —a french kiss!! What will happen after that? Find out their relationship! Note: All names, places, or time of the events are pure fiction. All that happened in real life is purely coincidence.

Atraktrus · LGBT+
2 Chs

Chapter 2: I don't know you, so stay away!

[Shit! Shit! Shit!]

That's what I'm thinking right now. A soft bed and blanket is set on me, but I'm naked! And what's more? There's a beautiful lady on my side of the bed! And.. she's naked...

What the actual fu--!?

I glanced over her shoulder that hasn't covered up by the same blanket I'm using, I blushed and look away.

That is dangerous! Just from her shoulder, I'm getting a unknown thumping from my chest for some reason.

[But she sure got a pretty pale pinkish skin. I wonder what her skin care might be. Must be pretty expensive that I can't even afford to.]

[Wait! That's not the time to think about that! The real question is what the hell did happen last night!?]

I tried to remember what happened and a sudden "TING!!" sound that comes a great surge of pain in my mind.

[Urgh... Did I just got drunk over something?]

And from that, like a surging wave like earlier, the vague memories comes to play like a video in playback.

[Sei-chan... We're almost there... in bed.. Hang on a bit..]

[I didn't know Sei-chan would get drunk from my kiss... But looking from this room.. This city sure got some interesting hotels.]

[It makes... somewhat erotic... Her chest developed so well.. Sei-chan is in the bed drunk... Fufufu... I kinda want to... have se-]


As if warding some evil spirits, I began swinging my arms in the air.

That can't be real happened... right?

Convincing myself is futile, something has happened. I may or may not lost something special like my first... time. I mean, we're both girls! Girls doesn't do this kind of stuff, maybe it just some touching like something skinship between girls. It's normal!! Or that's what normal girls think, but I am—


Fuck it, let's get out of here. Umu, let's bail! I need to get away and forget about this besides if I'm late for work that scumbag will going to exploit this reason and I can't have that!

I raised the blanket and got out of bed silently and yep, I'm really naked down to feet. So I grabbed my underwear; bra and panty in the ground that is near me as well my jeans that is next to— OH GOD!! THAT LINGERIE UNDERWEAR IS LEWD! I mean, it's way too erotic!

Adults are way too amazing to wear something like that! Sheesh... Generations these days... How embarrassing. {—She is adult, herself. And part of the generation she's talking about.}

I lastly wore the lame jacket that is in the other side of the bed, in the lady next to it. Good thing she is not keeping it from her body or else I would wake her if I moved her even just for a bit.

I tiptoed towards the door and slowly opening it, not causing a single sound but only the "ka-chack!" of the doorknob.

I sneakily go outside to close the door, but I took one final glance at her, who is sleeping peacefully from the bed.

I don't know who is she, but she seems to know me. If there is something happened between us in the past or just yesterday. It doesn't matter to me. I'll receive my weekly payment later, after that, I'll quit there and find another job. We'll never met again.

[I don't know you, so stay away.]

I walked out from the hotel. Good thing the hotel is 2 blocks away from the restaurant, so I just ran in maximum speed.


Exhausted and out of breath, I gasped heavily for air in the back of the restaurant where the staff room is. And there he is, the old scummy.


Morning rush he says, but only few people comes from this. Well, I'm not here to work anymore, but claim my payment.

Not commenting from his ranting, I just stayed blankly silent. Suddenly, he shoved a cash that contains a 5,000 yen in me.


He says, as he's expecting me to fight back as the weekly payment is 10,000 yen. And I know what his motives are, he wants me to beg to give the extra 5,000 yen, for that, you need to do anything to what he says. But not today, I took the money and walked away.

5,000 yen is not worth it to put and sold my body on his scummy thing. Says the one who lost her first time to a woman she doesn't know.

Well, she is pretty so I gave her pass.


After getting to my apartment, I took a shower and wore a plain shirt and pants. And knock over myself into my bed to sleep again. I can finally remembered the memories more clearly, reminiscing about what happened. I'll give a short and simple explanation.

The beautiful lady in there took advantage on me and [beep beep] me. It's a shame that I'm sleeping, I kinda want to feel how she touched me.

Blushing, I went to open my laptop and browse the hiring posts that is near in this city. I lost my job and now I need a new one. Hope I can get an easy job with no scum bastards.

Found one.

[HIRING! In need of Janitor/Janitress!

—Hinode Interprise— (JP meaning: Sunrise)

Pay: 100,000 yen per month]

Hmm... Quite alluring.. I think I can handle janitorial services besides the money is quite a steal.

I clicked the application URL that is given to the hiring advertisement and upload my already formed resume and ID picture to apply.

Now, let just wait and see... I should be able to survive for several days with my savings.

I glanced over the countertop in the kitchen where I hid my safe box that contains my savings.

I turned off my laptop and laid down straight in my bed, staring in a white ceiling.

Wanting to arrange my thoughts in order to what will be the needs for money, experience, and will be new job that I'll get.

Before I knew it, I'm drifting off to sleep as I ponder to these events that happened to me. And before I go to a world of sleep, I blurted out words of....

What a day.

{To be continued...}