
A New Identity

The very next morning as he said he would, Feng Mu managed to repair Profound Ark. Being able to fly again the three of them with Lin Tao took off into the sky heading towards the Capital City. Thanks to the Profound Ark, the journey was only set to last a few weeks at most.

Lin Tao lazily sat on the ledge of the Profound Ark watching the land below them pass by. In the corner of his eye, he spotted Lai Mai approaching him as Feng Mu drove.

"Benefactor if you don't mind me asking, is that staff a Profound Weapon?" Lin Tao raised a brow as he looked towards Ruyi Bang and could only shrug.

"Not sure." He knew why Lai Mai was asking, it was probably just out of curiosity. From what he could tell Ruyi Bang gave off no Profound Energy just like Sun Wukong, however at the same time it could hurt a Profound Beast at the True Profound Realm without denting even slightly.

Still, if he was to convert its strength it would definitely be beyond that of the True Profound Realm, perhaps it was something that even boarded the level of Thrones? Who knew for sure, he could only make wild guesses based on what he knew about Sun Wukong. Hell, he didn't even know what had happened to his own body.

"I see… Well, still Benefactor you're extremely strong. As such I was hoping you would-" Lai Mai's words were cut off as Feng Mu yelled to announce something.

"We're here!" Hearing that Lin Tao sat up and looked a few miles ahead of him. Despite being so far away he could still tell how immensely large it was. It easily dwarfed the previous cities he was in even if you put them all together. A city that easily hit the thousand-mile mark in size was an incredible sight to behold.

The Profound Ark began to slow as it approached the city approaching a large area. It looked like a small city in itself, walled off from the rest of Capital it had a circular foundation. On the very outside of this foundation was where the Outer Sect Disciples lived. Pavilions and massive buildings became more common as you approached the center of the sect.

In the very center stood, a large mountain that had been built into the sect itself. Luxurious level's had been carved into the mountain's face housing luxurious buildings and whatnot. Clearly, that was where the Inner Sect Disciples lived. However, near the very peak, there seemed to be a place that was its own isolated world.

Standing above the cloud's it almost looked divine in nature, Lin Tao couldn't help but wonder what was up there. Luckily enough Lai Mai standing next to him saw his gaze and answered with a slight bit of excitement in his voice.

"The Upper Sect is where the Top Ten Disciples in our sect live. You see, the Mountain itself is rather special. It generates an elemental aura that purifies everything around it and gets more intense further up the mountain. Of course, that immensely helps with Cultivation."

From what Lin Tao heard Lai Mai explain, only the Top Ten Disciple's along with the highest-ranking elders were the only ones who got to enjoy the benefits of living that high up. They literally looked down on the rest of the sect and the city.

More mysterious was that besides are their names rarely anyone has ever gotten to see the Top Ten Disciples except during sect gatherings.

"Really…" Lin Tao wasn't that interested in most of what he said. However, his mind did drift off to one thing. This sect's treasury had to be up there right? He couldn't help but wonder what kind of treasure it held. I guess no matter how much a person changes, a thief couldn't help but think like a thief.

Slowly the Profound Ark began to come down for a landing in a large open area in the sect. Waiting in that area was a single old man, who gave off an intimidating aura. His face clearly showed he was angry and his eye's tracked the Profound Ark as it landed on the ground.

"Looks like you two have company." Lin Tao pointed to the old man as Lai Mai leaned over the ledge of the Profound Ark and spotted him. Immediately his face turned terrifying pale and his teeth chattered.

"Oh no… It's Elder Cao." Turned out that this person was the original owner of the Profound Ark. The three of them were his direct students and he had given them this mission personally along with lending them this Profound Ark.

However, they were supposed to have completed this mission weeks ago. It was no wonder he was absolutely livid and even Lin Tao had to admit he let them have it when they got offboard.

"All of you are idiots! I can't believe you two would act so foolishly! Your actions not only got your Senior Brother injured but also nearly got you killed! And that's not even getting into all of the Profound Stones you used up…" As he spoke his voice couldn't help but lose power.

Placing his hand on his forehead he had no idea how he was going to explain this. It was only when he calmed down a bit that he noticed Lin Tao standing a ways behind them.

"Who are you?" He seemed suspicious however before Lin Tao could open his mouth Lin Mai spoke first.

"Ah! Elder, that's our Benefactor, he's the one who defeated the Profound Beast that attacked us. If not for him we would surely be dead." Hearing that Elder Cao looked back up at Lin Tao with a relaxed smile compared to the angry glare he had before.

"Ah, I see. Then allow me to thank you for saving my idiotic disciples."

"It's fine. It was mutual help." He wasn't trying to be heroic at the time so really any thank's was misplaced. Seeing that Elder Cao shook his head.

"No matter what, you still saved their lives. For that, I offer my thanks and gratitude. Tell me If there is anything I can do to assist you during your time here. As long as it's within my power of course." Hearing that Lin Tao thought for a moment. Turning down such an offer would be a fool's errand.

"Well, I was looking for a place I could stay, while I'm in the city." Hearing that Elder Cao, Lin Mai, and Feng Mu all seemed surprised.

"That's all? A simple task, in fact, I can do you even better. There is an old house within the sect close to the Elder's Living Area that hasn't been used for quite some time. I'm sure I can lend it to you during your stay here." Lin Tao had no reason to deny so he simply nodded in agreement.

"Perfect. Now then as for you two… Hurry and take your Senior Brother to the Medicine Pavilion and have him treated. And then when you're done come and meet me. You won't be getting off without a punishment." The two of them could only lower their heads and sigh before nodding.

"Yes Elder."

Once that was dealt with, Lin Tao saw Elder Cao place the Profound Ark in what he could only guess was a spatial ring. As Lin Mai and Feng Mu rushed off he began to lead Lin Tao through the sect. He got a few strange looks here and there due to his appearance which Lin Tao felt were justified.

He did look quite strange with the worn-out armor he was wearing, and his face being different in some ways compared to normal persons. Still, with Elder Cao next to him, there was no one questioning why he was here. And soon he was led to a walled-off house close not far from where the Profound Ark had landed.

The house itself was actually quite big at least twice the size of that of an Outer Disciple's abode. Not only that but it looked quite nice from the outside, the only real issue was that it had clearly been neglected in the maintenance area of things.

"As I said this place is yours to use as you like. Though I would have to ask you to stay here for a day while I get permission for you to walk around the Outer Sect grounds freely." Lin Tao nodded with a shrug, he needed time to think to himself either way so he had no issues with this.

"Very well then, I'll have Lin Mai come here tomorrow morning. Oh, and do tell me what your name is?" Lin Tao looked at Elder Cao and thought to himself for a moment. He hadn't given it out before because his original name was definitely not shined in a good light. He was a wanted man after all.

'I guess for now I'll have to borrow yours. Considering you dumped so much onto me I'm sure you won't mind right?' Lin Tao smiled to himself as he looked towards Elder Cao.

"You can call me Sun Wukong."