
Struggling form the start

' Well... shit, now I really have no other choice'

Arthur was staring the syringe pistol with a red vial on top of it, meanwhile on the other side of the room behind a thick metal door,meant for security, the sound of a plasma torch cutting through the steel can be heard.

Arthur knew, he only have an hour maybe even less...and then the men on the outside will be on his throat...behind him there was nothing, only a very thick wall...he was in trap.

The situation was desperate so he didn't waste anymore time and took the syringe pistol, his eye were glowing with determination.

---- 2 week ago----

--- MC POV---

The last thing I remember before all of this started is that I had a very strong headache...and now,out of nowhere , i am in a different world... Trust me when I say that the first one to be shocked is me, at the beginning I was thinking it was only a really vivid dream and I tried everything in my power to wake up,I was so close hurting myself beyond repair, but in the end it was all meaningless...I'm not dreaming this is real, this body is real...it took me a while to figure it out, even more to accept it.

This body name is Arthur Penn, that is the only thing we have in common, 20 years old, works as assistant for Doctor Maya Hensen from A.I.M.

It wasn't long before I realized in which world I ended up to...I can't forget the day I realized that an alien invasion happened in Manhattan and the heros from heart put a very strong resistance, coming up on top.That was the day the Avengers were born.

And now I am facing a problem, a big one. In this case my problem is one person Aldrich Killian AIM's CEO, a very intelligent person if you ask me with the bad habit to be a psychopath, he used Dottor Hensen's work to heal himself, even when Maya Hensen and the old me strongly suggested against it, that's because [Extremis] was still incomplete and unstable.

Truth is that it showed awesome effective, Killian was healed and gave him powers he doesn't deserve, the drawbacks are that he needs constant injection of the manmade virus as it is unable to permanently change his DNA and there is an high chance that the patient can show resistance to the virus, in that case the death is inevitable.

Killian become power crazy soon, he started human experiments earlier hoping to weaponize the virus, but as expected people started to die...with loud and strong explosion of energy, but I knew that even the people that showed good response in the first place have an high chance to blow up... it was only a matter of time.. the problem as the old me speculated is that [Extremis] is too violent for the human body and need a counter balance.

With all this death I did what every normal person in my shoes would do, i downloaded and copied all the research data and stole the sample of extremis that the same old Arthur had created, this sample was a special one, it was a little less aggressive and had a lasting effect, the stupid old Arthur was sure to please Killian with this.

I didn't rush things I waited the perfect time, when Killian was occupied with creating the Mandarin persona and Hensen was trying to contact Tony Stark to get help with the formula, only in that moment I deactivated all security and run away.

In the beginning I just wanted to contact the press and let them known who the mandarin really is, but after I have seen what happened to Billy I changed my mind. Billy was a coworker that tried to do the right thing before me, well it didn't work out very well for his health... it seems Killian has that side covered in one way or another.

Running away needs money, a lot of money... so where to find them? well the answer is easy: go to an usurer.

They'll try to cut my leg if I don't pay them back in full, but before they'll realize I will be far away, it's not like they can threaten me with my family, I don't have one.

I conviced them that I have a gambling problem and wanted to test my luck, they will be searching in the wrong places.

I took a plane to Las Vegas to confuse them and then I took two other plane, now I am finally in Nepal, my objective is to find Kamar-Taj, to ask for the Ancient One help... if no scientific mean can stabilize [Extremis] maybe a magical one will do the trick.

But little I know that I was way too naive...