
A Complicated Auction (2/3)

From the start, the enthusiasm in the auction wasn't that great as the auctioned items were mainly irrelevant. Although the items were popular amongst the noble ladies, Rhode had no interest in them at all. He was waiting for the opportune timing patiently. Natasha had successfully bid herself a beautiful crystal sculpture with 1500 gold coins while Grendy was eager to give bidding a try as he seemed to have taken a liking for a magical sword.

Soon, the auctioneer revealed his 13th auction item… That was a pair of beautiful Emerald Earrings. The auctioneer explained that this pair of earrings was made with an ancient craftsmanship and it was perfectly preserved. Fine silver lines wrapped around the emerald, arousing everyone's hearts. This pair of earrings had a starting bidding price of 800 gold coins…