
Iceberg Lounge

E/N: ahhhhhhhh, I'm so sorry I was freaking busy with writing all my research reports and ppt; I am contemplating my life rn, I mean, y did I even choose business?


The nighttime is when Hell's Kitchen will be having its real party.

Bullseye donned a simple mask, his face half-hidden, and walked right into the famous club.

To be honest, Bullseye was also very curious about how Penguin did it.

In just a few days, the "Iceberg Lounge" nightclub surpassed the dozens of nightclubs opened by KingPin in Hell's Kitchen.

"If I can learn it too, then don't I have a lot of money?"

Bullseye couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It's understandable for Bullseye to think this way; after all, Bullseye is not in a subordinate relationship with Kingpin.

There is only one reason why Bullseye is working for him.

Kingpin gives too much money to get his job done.

Kingpin is also very aware of this matter.

In addition to being a ruthless killer, Bullseye also has an attribute that is very easy to manipulate - his greed for money.

Almost every time Bullseye performs a mission, Kingpin pays him millions of dollars.

Still, at least it's worth the money.

There has never been a single miss in the mission performed by Bullseye.

Bullseye has reached the door of the "Iceberg Lounge" nightclub.

Raising his head, he glanced at the tall building, and Bullseye was shocked.

The so-called "Iceberg Lounge" nightclub turned out to be an entire building!

Bullseye raised his foot, and the two welcoming guests next to him said with smiles on their faces: "Welcome! I hope you have a good time."

Bullseye went straight into the nightclub.

The entire first floor of the building is filled with party people. Under the influence of alcohol and hormones, coupled with the dynamic music, these men and women who come to get drunk and have fun spent (donate) a lot of money in their hands without hesitation.

With just one look, Bullseye looked away.

The "Iceberg Lounge" on the first floor is no different from kingpin's nightclub.

Bullseye made his way through the crowd, trying to get up to the second floor.

There were also guards on the second floor. After seeing Bullseye, two security guards reached out and blocked Bullseye.

"Where are your tickets?"

"Do you need a ticket to go to the second floor?" Bullseye asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, if you want to go up to the second floor, you can buy tickets at the liquor store on the first floor. A ticket costs 300$." The security guard explained to Bullseye.


Bullseye was taken aback by the price but still nodded and walked to the liquor store on the first floor.

Bullseye is not an uninformed person, but an entry ticket costs a full 300$, and he has never seen this style in any other nightclubs.

You know, this is only the price of the second floor!

"Give me a ticket to the second floor," Bullseye said to the bartender who bought the wine.

"May I ask if you want a ticket for the men's lounge or a ticket for the women's lounge?"

"There are men's and women's lounges?" Bullseye was stunned for a moment.

The bartender nodded, and after mixing a glass of wine for the guest next to him, he explained to Bullseye: "It looks like you are new here!"

Bullseye nodded silently.

"There are two types of tickets on the second floor. One is for men, and the other is for women. In fact, it's easy to understand. If you like men, go to the women's area. If you like women, go to the men's area."

"Okay, give me one for men!"

"Sure, a total of three hundred dollars."

Bullseye left the front desk, and there was a Blue fluorescent bracelet on his arm, which was the ticket for the second floor.

Because he had a ticket in his hand, the two security guards guarding the second floor did not stop Bullseye this time.

Bullseye walked up to the second floor.

As soon as he entered, there were two sexy girls at the door, one on the left and the other on the right, holding Bullseye's hand.

Bullseye squinted his eyes and relaxed his vigilance after seeing that the two girls were not dangerous.

With the support of the two girls, Bullseye finally saw the true face of the second floor.

The bar on the second floor is different from the bar on the first floor, where you can only play disco.

Almost all of them were sitting on sofas one by one, as elegant as a gentleman who had just returned from a royal ball. On the stage, a woman was doing the Striptease dance.

Most of those who can go to the second floor are successful people with small assets, and each of them has at least one girl by their side.

And some people have a special wine boy next to them.

The wine boy is of even higher quality.

Bullseye squinted and then asked the two girls beside him, "What's up with those wine boys?"

"Really, isn't it enough to have the two of us with Big Brother?"

One of the women spoke in a coquettish voice.


Bullseye's voice was a little colder.

The woman shivered as if she felt some danger, so she quickly said: "Those standing are the wine boys, but the price of those wine boys is very high. If you want to call the wine boys over, you need some $2,000 worth of wine will do."

"How do I go up to the third floor?"

Bullseye asked again.

"If you want to go to the third floor, there is only one way, buy $3,000 worth of wine from the wine boy, and then you can go to the third floor."

Bullseye nodded, let go of the two girls, and made a beeline for the nearest wine boy, who was pouring a drink.

"Give me a ticket to the third floor."

Before the wine boy opened his mouth to speak, the middle-aged man in a suit sitting next to the wine boy couldn't sit still.

"Hey, brother, I saw this wine boy first. If you want to buy the ticket from a beautiful boy, you don't have to pick my wine boy specifically, do you?"


Bullseye took out 3000 USD and handed it to the wine boy.

The wine boy was about to take it, but the man in a suit grabbed his wrist.

"I said, I've taken a fancy to this boy today."

Bullseye squinted, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The movement here also attracted the attention of the audience, and there were almost no girls dancing around the pole in the stands.

Under the impact of alcohol, everyone in the seat shouted excitedly: "Fight, fight!"

At this moment, surrounded by four bodyguards, a fat man in a tuxedo, holding an umbrella in his hand and walking like a Penguin, came down from upstairs.

It was Penguin who came down from upstairs.

In fact, Penguin had noticed Bullseye the first he came up to the second floor.

After all, most people who come to nightclubs come for fun.

Bullseye wanted to go up to the second floor as soon as he entered the first floor without doing anything and immediately wanted to go to the third floor after reaching the second floor.

Anyone who isn't an idiot can see that there's something wrong with Bullseye.

"Are you the owner of this nightclub?"

Bullseye turned his head to look at Penguin.