
Summon The Devil

It's a fantasy novel about a sorcerer who teams up with a devil to retrieve a lost soul. The story follows his journey filled with risks and challenges to reach his goal, but he pays a high price for his partnership with the devil.

Lord_b · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 5: The Sacrifice

The wizard walked along a narrow path in a deep valley. He proceeded cautiously, carrying with him a set of magical tools that would aid him in his mission. He had been walking for hours, and had encountered several dangerous situations, but he was determined to press on.

As he walked, he thought about the sacrifices he had made in order to get this far. He had left behind his comfortable life in the city, and had ventured into the wilderness alone. He had given up everything he had ever known in pursuit of a higher purpose. And now, he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

He reached a clearing at the end of the path, where a large stone altar stood. He placed his tools on the ground, and began to chant an incantation. The air grew thick with magic, and a dark energy began to swirl around him.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him. It was the demon he had made a deal with, and it looked more fearsome than ever before. The wizard knew that he had to act quickly, or risk losing everything he had worked for.

Without hesitation, he reached into his bag and pulled out a small vial. He uncorked it and poured its contents onto the altar. A bright light emanated from the liquid, and the demon recoiled in fear.

The wizard seized the opportunity and continued his incantation. He poured all of his energy into the spell, and the air crackled with magic. Finally, with a burst of light, the ritual was complete.

The demon was banished back to the underworld, and the wizard collapsed onto the ground, exhausted but triumphant. He had achieved his goal, but at what cost? He knew that the sacrifices he had made would haunt him forever, but he also knew that he had done what was necessary to achieve his mission.