
Summertime Loving

The Main Character of The Popular Game Summertime Saga, wakes up after dreaming of the game . Watch as he uses this Information to his advantage.

deadpotential · アニメ·コミックス
66 Chs

Chapter 26/27[ 18+]

[ This is not Ntr I was just warning people because the main character is going to lick some pussy, that's all. The reason is because some dudes don't like sucking or licking their girls pussy and I find it weird. I mean it's a girl so why are they against it. Anyway Author out]

Travis pushed Jenny away from him, got off the bed, and removed his pants. Then, he walked over to the door and locked it. Slowly, he approached her, allowing Jenny to admire his impressive member, which she referred to as his "omega cock."

'How is he so big? It won't fit inside me,' she thought. Travis's cock wasn't just tall and graceful, but it was also thick and intimidating. She stared at him as he confidently made his way towards the bed. He climbed on top of it and crawled towards her. Jenny stood there in shock, unsure of what to do. It was as if Travis had put her into a trance. He moved his hand and placed it on her lap.

A tingling sensation raced through her body, causing her to shiver lightly. Travis sat down on the bed and put both hands on her lap. He started to move them gently, rubbing her thigh. Normally, this wouldn't work on most girls, but Jenny was an exception. In that moment, her whole body felt sensitive and aroused. The only result of Travis's gentle touch was her body heating up even more. Her quivering pussy throbbed slightly at the thought of the sensations she was experiencing. Travis's hands then moved forward, now on her inner thighs, pushing her legs apart.

The feeling of her pussy being spread apart made her moan quietly. The only sound in the room was the sound of their heavy breathing. Travis was trying to control himself, while Jenny was trying to resist the overwhelming sensations she was feeling.

He saw her beautiful pussy and moved forward, wrapping his hand around it and feeling its indescribable heat. He spread her pussy lips apart, and his hand became wet. Travis glanced at Jenny, causing her to blush. She hated to admit it, but Travis was making her feel really good.

'Okay, let's see how this pussy tastes. I'm pretty sure I won't like it, but hey, it is what it is,' he thought.

He leaned down in front of her pussy, sniffing in the wonderful scent. He became even more aroused. He looked up at Jenny, who was staring down at him with a blush on her face. He wondered why she was so shy today.

'Maybe she's developing a new fetish or something,' he thought.

Without further ado, Travis put his mouth on her pussy, and she felt the warmth of his mouth, causing her body to tingle with surprise. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, making contact with her pussy. Contrary to his expectations, it didn't taste bad. Instead, it tasted like regular sweaty flesh with a hint of roughness indicating recent shaving. He slid his tongue into the middle of her pussy.

'Ah, fuck. Why does his tongue feel so good? He hasn't even done anything yet, and I'm already feeling like cumming,' she thought.

Travis explored every part of her pussy with his tongue. Everything tasted as expected. He soon reached her clitoris and sucked on it, making her moan loudly. He flicked it around in his mouth, completely engulfing the whole area. Her vagina became wetter and wetter in response, along with her moans. He then moved lower to her entrance and stared at it intently. His tongue went inside her.

"Ahhn...Mmmm...Don't stop...keep...doing that...Ahhh...OH GOD!"

His tongue went deep inside her, stimulating her G-spot. It didn't go too deep, but deep enough for him to lick her G-spot in a circular motion.

Jenny felt her orgasm building as he continued, but suddenly, he moved his tongue out of her pussy and inserted his finger instead. He went back to stimulating her G-spot while his other hand groped her breasts.

"I'm gonna cum!" she shouted, but as she was about to climax, Travis pulled his hand out and stopped massaging her breasts. This sudden stop cooled down and prevented her impending orgasm. Jenny stared at Travis in shock. Her pussy tingled from the intense arousal.

"Why did you stop?!" she asked.

"Who said I did this to please you, Jenny? I only did it because I wanted to," he said.

Jenny blushed with anger and got on her knees, crawling towards him. "Why, though? What did I ever do to you?" she asked.

"Nothing, really. You could say I felt like it," he replied blankly.

"Okay, then. Get that feeling back and make me cum," she said.

"Huh, last I checked, when you want something, you have to ask nicely. But that won't convince me. So why don't you beg me?" he asked with a smirk.

Jenny was infuriated. She couldn't believe that Travis was acting like such a scumbag. Her cute little brother had turned into a manipulator, but she couldn't complain because she oddly liked this side of him. Her mind was in turmoil, not knowing what to do. On one hand, she wanted to be satisfied, but on the other hand, she didn't want to give in to him like a submissive.

"Arghhh, what do I do?" she thought repeatedly.

"Well, if you can't decide, then I guess I should leave," he said. Jenny watched as he got off the bed and put his pants back on. "NO! Okay, I'll beg you, Travis. Just make me cum, please. I'll do whatever," she pleaded in her most desperate voice, which made him smirk. He walked toward her and pushed her down onto the bed. Travis moved his fingers down her body until he reached her wet entrance. He slowly inserted two fingers and started moving them back and forth, increasing his pace. She moaned loudly in response to the reappearance of pleasure in her body.

Travis's fingers moved faster and faster with each passing second. Her moans grew louder and louder, and before she knew it, her orgasm was building again, this time feeling even better than before. Her whole body twitched as she reached the peak, and her juices soaked Travis's fingers. Suddenly, he pinched her G-spot.

"AahhhhH!!!" Jenny moaned loudly. He withdrew his fingers and observed as her juices gushed out like water. They wetted his arm, which he didn't mind. Travis looked back at Jenny, who was twitching uncontrollably with more juices still flowing. He smiled at the erotic sight of her face filled with pleasure. Travis took a picture and got off the bed. He unlocked the door and walked out, leaving Jenny lying on the bed fully exposed.

'Damn, I never thought I'd enjoy eating pussy. Well, time for a good workout,' he thought.

Travis stripped off all his clothes and began exercising. He planned to work out until he passed out, and that's exactly what he intended to do. After four hours of nonstop exercise, he collapsed, but his body continued to work out for an additional hour before it too gave in. This indicated that his mind was weak but his body was strong. He needed to fix that, pronto.


When Travis woke up, he found himself lying flat on the ground. He stared at the ceiling for a brief moment, contemplating his life. Then, he got up and stretched his limbs. Travis went to his computer to check if anything had happened in the stock market recently. He saw something that made him smile brightly.

"Saga Financial is selling 3% of their shares," he exclaimed in his head.

He was elated to see this because now he could start his attack on the city. He believed that eventually, he would be able to take over the whole place. Without hesitation, Travis purchased the shares, even though it cost him $10,000. He didn't care because he planned to trade and make the money back. After calculating the patterns and seeing a potential profit, Travis traded and got up from his seat.

"I need a bath," he thought.

As he walked out of his room, he noticed Jenny walking out of the bathroom. She stared at him and blushed. Travis walked past Jenny and entered the bathroom.

"Is he going to act like nothing happened yesterday?" she thought. Jenny blushed even harder when she thought about what happened the day before. She ran into her room and locked the door.

"I should also try to forget about everything," she thought. However, she would later realize that this goal was impossible. Meanwhile, Travis bathed thoroughly, but as he did so, Yumi walked up the stairs, still half-asleep. The couch wasn't the most comfortable place for her to sleep, but she had no other choice. Yumi opened the bathroom door and walked in, sitting on the toilet seat to relieve herself. Upon seeing the yellow color of her urine, she promised herself that she would drink a lot of water that day.

Her mind opened to her surroundings, and at that moment, Travis walked out of the shower, standing right in front of Yumi with his "cock" exposed. Yumi stared at it and blushed, and Travis finally noticed her as the steam cleared.

"Yumi, sup," he said as he wiped his body dry. Yumi couldn't move, her eyes glued to his exposed body.

"Well, hope you have a great day," he said before walking out of the bathroom, leaving Yumi stunned and still processing what she had just seen.

When Travis returned to his room, he noticed that he had gained more money. It was safe to say that he would never have a problem with money. He quickly got dressed and went to Jenny's room. She opened the door and let him inside.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Um, you said you'd fix my hair, so how about you do that?" he said.

"Oh, that. Well, I need Jane to help me with that, so let's do it after you come back from school. Oh, and by the way, you still need to pay me," she replied.

"I'll do that after the job is done. See ya, Jenny," he said. Before he walked out, she grabbed his arm.

"Don't think that just because we did that yesterday I'm your hoe or anything, okay."

"Sure, Jenny. Now let me leave before I'm late for school," he said as he freed himself from her grip. Travis went downstairs to the kitchen, where he had some cereal before kissing Debbie goodbye and leaving for school.

On his way out, Travis received a message from his template, Yugiro Hanma.

"Yugiro Hanma Template: 5%," he read. "No wonder I feel so energized. I thought it was just because I had a good night's rest."

He then noticed his friend Erik walking out of the house, followed by his stepmother Tammy, who handed him his school bag. Travis jogged towards them, excited to finally meet the gorgeous Tammy.

"Oh, look at that, Travis is here," she said sweetly.

"Mrs. Johnson, what's up?" he greeted her.

"Oh, nothing much. How have you been, Travis?" she asked.

"I've been alright. Yo, Erik," he said, acknowledging his friend who seemed preoccupied with his thoughts about an upcoming tournament he would be playing in that weekend.

"Travis, sorry. I was just thinking about something. Alright, bye, Tammy," Erik waved as he started walking away.

"What's up with him?" Travis asked Tammy.

"He has a tournament this weekend, and he lost one of his cards, so he's very stressed. By the way, how's Debbie?" she inquired.

"She's good, actually. In fact, she's better than she was a week ago. We spent a lot of time together as a family last week," he replied.

"That's good to hear. Well, Travis, you better get going, or you'll be late," Tammy said.

Travis nodded and started running towards Erik. "He's so fit. I wonder why I never noticed before," she thought to herself.

"Hey, Erik, I heard you're in a tournament," Travis said as they walked together.

"Yeah, it's a big deal for me since I've been trying to enter for years now. But this year, I can finally show everyone what I'm made of. I'll kill them all with my card and make them bow down to my orc cock. HAHA," Erik said confidently.

"Damn, that's crazy. Well, if you're so good, why are you stressed?" Travis asked.

"I lost one of my cards. I could buy a new one, but I don't have any money. I wasted it all on a new game that turned out to be trash, and I couldn't return it because the store has a no refunds policy. Now there's a new game called World of Orcette, and I'm desperate to have it," Erik explained sadly.

"I've been there. Which card do you want? I might buy it for you if I get some cash," Travis offered.

Erik's grim look brightened up immediately. "What? For real? If you do, bro, I'll be forever indebted to you. The card's name is the Cock Crown Of Thorns."

"Weird name, no cap, but I'll try to get it for you. Oh, we're already at school, and it looks like we're pretty early," Travis stated.

Travis suddenly felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and saw that Eve was calling him. He answered the call.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Travis, um, could you come here right now? I need something from you," Eve said.

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute."

"Thanks, you're the best."

He ended the call and noticed a message icon on his notification pad. It was a text from an unknown person, but the message revealed it was Liu

"Hey, it's Liu. Sorry for not texting you; I was busy at home. Could we meet up on the weekend? I'll send you the location."

"Oh, I sort of forgot about Liu. Well, I guess I'll be meeting her soon enough," Travis thought.

"Yo, Erik, I can't enter. Eve asked if I could come to her place. Catch you later," he informed Erik as he sprinted towards Eve's place.

"Damn, Travis is already close to the emo girl. I hope she doesn't break his heart because that heart break is going to be stuck with him forever '

You can call Erik the friend that has peak relationship advice even though he doesn't pull. He is truly legendary companion we all need to have once in our lives.