
Summertime Loving

The Main Character of The Popular Game Summertime Saga, wakes up after dreaming of the game . Watch as he uses this Information to his advantage.

deadpotential · アニメ·コミックス
66 Chs

Chapter 15

After they marked the registrar Ms. Bissette started teaching, they had her period today and she wanted to check their homework. Travis wasn't included since he was new. She then went to the front and began teaching again, he sat back and watched as she moved her hips around while writing on the board.

He then suddenly felt his phone vibrate, he took it out his pocket and saw that he had received a message from Mia. In fact there were 3 other ones from last night.

' damn I was so occupied with my computer that I forgot about her. I should quickly text back before she thinks it ignoring her.' He thought.


Mia: HI Travis it's Mia.

Mia: Have you done the homework?


Mia: Heyyy Travis

Me: Yo what's up?

Seeing the text back Mia smiled, she raised her head and stared at him, seeing as he was concentrating on his phone she assumed he was waiting for reply. Which she would send the next second.

Mia: I'm great. How are you?

Me: Alright, so you up for studying today?

Mia: Yes I'm so exited! By the way I've been thinking about the location, why not just do it in my room?

Me: Let's do that when I achieve sneak 100

Mia: 🤣 is that even possible.

' Wow she understood the joke, then again she did have some freedom before so she might have played games back then' he thought.

Me: Well I don't know. Okay Let's do this, we'll study in the library for this week just so we can get closer to each other, then on the following week I'll try sneaking in your room.

Mia: That's alright, by the way. Are you and Eve friends or something else😏?

' You can't hide behind that emoji ' he thought.

Me: Why? Are you jealous 🤔

Mia: Absolutely not, remember I'm not allowed to date, so even if I did like you I wouldn't be able to be with you.

' Wow'

Mia reread what she had just sent and blushed, she tried to delete the text but when seeing his reply she thought again.

Me: why don't we just do it in secret, I mean who is you mom from stopping our love for each other.

' Wow I'm such a manipulator.'

One of the ways to make a girl obsessed with you is to use the Romeo and Juliete technique, basically one of the reason why these two loved each other is because they were doing something that they weren't supposed to do, love each other. Which is due to the dispute their families have. Now Travis is trying to use this technique to get her into having forbidden love. Since her mom is against her seeing any guy except her father. Watch as this technique turns Mia into a Yandere, who'll do anything to be with him.

' What, he likes me? No he must be joking, right?' She thought in disbelief. Reading the text a again and again, seeing as Travis wasn't deleting it, she assumed that he was actually speaking the truth. Yet still a bit skeptical she decided to ask.

Mia: Are you serious?

Travis smirked when he read this text, he held an urge to laugh like Light right now, He thought of a response then typed it down.

Me: Let's talk later, I have something important to tell you.

And just like that folks Travis had placed himself in her mind, one of the ways to make someone think about you is to leave them enticipated. Humans hate cliff hangers, like when you finish a series and they don't actually end it , they leave you with a scene and proceed to write a bad review, you hate it so much that it sticks in your head even if you don't remember, the thought will stay weight on you subconsciously. Travis left her on a cliff hanger, that she would only get the answer too when they go to the library tonight. Is he smart or what?

[ I wonder why all this knowledge comes to mind when I'm writing a fanfic]

Mia read the text and was instantly put into pause, her mind filled with thoughts of what Travis might want to say to her , she answered some of them but her internal answer didn't satisfy her, she wanted Travis to answer them, but she couldn't do anything but wait.

Travis sat back and stared at sky outside, he felt like he was unstoppable right now, well unless someone puts a gun in his head. He had to think of a way to fix that problem, he needed to come up with something or he would lose his mind.

Suddenly he heard a beep in his head.

[ Yugiro Hanma Template has been inserted into you]

' I was wondering when this was going happen' Travis thought with a smirk.

' Explain how it works'

[ In order to get stronger you need to exercise like there's no tomorrow till you can't even feel your limbs]

' That's pretty easy , so will I get as big as he is?' He asked.

[ You can chose how you want your physique to be.

List of characters.

1 Goku]

' Yep I chose Goku, no one else is better than him anyways. ' he said without any hesitation.

[ Right... well goodbye, you'll have a percent just to make you adapt to the body]

After that Travis fell all of his muscles bulging, he's eyes blurred from the tears which threatened to come down his face, he didn't know what was happening. He had no control over his body, everything had gone haywire, Travis laid his head down on the table. Hiding himself so that no one would see him in tears. A second later all his veins started boiling, Travis wish this would end but he honestly had no other choice. A few minutes later everything calmed down.

' Fuck I almost died' he thought.

The bell rang the next second, he took his bag and got up from his seat, he felt himself being extremely light, as if he could run to the door in a second.

" Travis why are you eyes red. Oh were you sleeping ?" Eve asked as packed her stuff.

" Yeah, I worked out alot yesterday, now my body is having problems, but don't worry I'll be alright " He replied.

She nodded then smiled. Eve was happy since Travis was willing to open up a bit about his life, she then than thought about her life.

' I should tell him more about me as well'

They left the class and went to their next one which was Math. Travis and Eve sat together, but surprisingly Mia sat next to Travis. Since the tables were long they could hold three students. Travis was in the middle of these two beauties, who would pay attention to more. Well neither. I'll tell you why later.