
Summer City Harem

A young college student has just registered in this new university named Summer City University and his companion, a Succubus, by the name of Rhea tries to help her companion find love and start his own harem. The young man goes about his days and tries to create his dream harem along with Rhea. His main goal is to make women fall in love with him to start his harem. How will this student get his harem? How will Rhea help her human start his harem? Find out in Summer City Harem!

AncientShadow · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Team Spirit

{Time: 3:00 PM}

{Location: West Equinox: Dawn Peak}

The wind blew as we stood at the peak of a mountain in a large circular battle arena. The friend that was called was someone they saw as an older sister, Nova. Dante and Ricky stood strong as they were accompanied by Nova.

Nova adjusted her hat and looked at me. The wind caused her jacket to flow with the current. "Are you ready for Round 2?"

I chuckled and crossed my arms. "Yeah, I'm ready to get this over with."

Nova laughed and got into her fighting stance. She added a little rhythmic bounce to her stance. "Things aren't going to end the same like last time.."

I looked at Royal then at Kasumi. We all nodded at each other then got into our fighting stances. Royal took on the Azure Stance and Kasumi took on her variation of the Exalos Stance.

"Let's...get started.." I said.

Rhea sensed a new figure in the distance and looked back. She noticed a figure in a white cloak in the distance with angel wings. She turned her focus back on the battle.

Nova hopped up and down then smirked and dashed toward me. She flipped on one hand then began to do multiple NY Flares, trying to hit me with a kick. I blocked her Flares and grabbed her leg then spun her around then threw her. Nova grunted as she rolled on the ground. She got up and smirked, still having a bounce to her stance.

"I got this!" Dante said and dashed toward me.

"Not quite! Your opponent is me!" Kasumi said and propelled herself toward Dante using her Bio-Wind then kicked Dante back.

Dante groaned and skidded backwards then looked at Kasumi. He growled and dashed toward her. "Get out of my way!"

Kasumi shuffled her feet and dodged Dante's attack then hit him with a back wrist strike then evaded another attack and countered with a back heel kick. She followed it with another high kick with the same leg then a back hook kick, wrapping her leg around Dante's neck.

Kasumi jumped up and twirled around Dante then got him on the ground in a submission hold. Dante groaned as Kasumi's legs were wrapped around his neck. Dante grunted and burned Kasumi's leg with his Bio-Fire. Kasumi groaned and quickly released him.

Dante stood up and grunted. "Hmph...you thought you had me defeated off that?!"

Kasumi stood up and got back into her stance. "That was only a taste of what I can do now.."

"Then show me more.." Dante said and dashed toward Kasumi.

Ricky kicked a ball of shadow energy at Royal, but Royal dodged it and appeared in front of Ricky at lightning speeds then twirled around, feinting a high kick. She hopped onto the other leg then struck him with a roundhouse kick. Ricky groaned and stumbled then blocked her next strike and used his shadow to trap Royal.

Ricky made a Dark Energy Clone of himself and the clone went to strike Royal, but as the clone struck Royal her body turned into electricity and discharged a blast of electricity. The clone was hit then disappeared and Ricky was able to barely dodge the blast radius. He walked backwards and got into his stance as he looked around for Royal.

Nova looked at Dante and Ricky. "Alright, we have to focus on Kaden first because he's the real threat here. If we let him reach his full potential, we have no shot at winning.."

Dante looked at me and his eyes shined. He smirked and cracked his knuckles. "So we jump him? I'm down for that.."

Ricky moved his hair from his eyes and smiled. "It would make our task much easier."

"Follow my lead." Nova said and began doing the Ginga Step.

She dashed toward me and began to Shoulder Spin toward me, forming a twister around herself. I watched her and noticed Kasumi rushing toward Nova. She spun counterclockwise, creating a counterclockwise twister around herself and collided with Nova. The two twisters clashed and dispersed, causing a burst of wind to blow around.

I looked back and noticed Dante jumping out of a shadow puddle. He went for multiple tornado kicks with fire trailing behind each kick. I dodged each kick and grabbed his jacket then pulled him toward me. I struck him with a staggering blow then Royal knocked him away with a lightning superkick.

I chuckled and stroked Royal's chin then blocked an attack from Ricky's clone. I looked back and noticed the clone turning back into a shadow. "I haven't even gotten serious yet...but that's only because I was watching each of you fight. I just want to say, there's no chance of you all winning anymore."

Nova watched me and noticed purple mist appearing around the battlefield. "Dante, Ricky watch out! He's tapping into his Sin Drive!"

"Sin Drive? What's that?" Ricky asked.

I smirked and electricity crackled around my body. "You don't know what Sin Drives are? Well allow me to show you what these techniques are..."

Ricky grunted as he noticed me appear in front of him at lightning speeds. I began to rapidly strike his pressure points then kicked him away. I dashed after him at lightning speeds and jumped up then hit him with a 540 Kick then followed it with a NY Flare, knocking him upwards. I landed on my feet then dodged a bolt of lightning from Nova.

"He's awakened now...We need to find a way to beat this technique.." Nova said to herself and noticed Ricky land on his feet. "Ricky! You alright?"

Ricky held his arm and his legs wobbled. "I'm standing, but I feel weakened...he hit every pressure point in my body. I can't even use my Bio-Darkness Technique.."

'He negated his power..! We potentially lost a teammate..' Nova thought to herself.

"Don't target Ricky until he's recovered. Power Negation wears off in five minutes." I said. I reverted back to normal and looked at Nova and Dante.

"Wait...Those are Forbidden Techniques aren't they? That means Kaden bonded with a demon?!" Dante asked in shock.

Rhea giggled softly and licked her lips as she watched from the air. "You're finally figuring that out?"

Dante and Ricky looked at Rhea and their eyes widened. They stared at Rhea and her beauty. Rhea smiled and crossed her arms.

"You can look, but don't stare~ Only Kaden can stare at me for as long as he wants~" Rhea said and chuckled.

Dante grunted and looked at me. "So this is what you do outside the city? You bond with demons and learn Forbidden Techniques?!"

"I had no other choice. This is what fate has decided for me. I am using this power to bring justice back to Summer City and the rest of West Arkington. My mom told me it isn't the Forbidden Technique that makes people evil...It is the people who wrongfully use the Forbidden Technique." I said.

"Yeah, you think Master Mitsuki doesn't know a few Forbidden Techniques of her own?" Royal said.

"My Mom knows every Forbidden Technique of her time. The only ones she doesn't know of are the Sin Drives. Look at her, an amazing leader and an even greater mother and wife. If she can do it, I can too." I said and smacked my fist against my palm.

Kasumi nodded and fixed her haori jacket. "Forbidden Techniques are not forbidden because they are evil, they are forbidden because they hold too much power that threatens the user more than the target if not mastered."

Dante scoffed and got into his fighting stance. "Forbidden Techniques are for cheap weaklings in my eyes. Miss Mitsuki isn't included, but you Kaden...are weak in my eyes."

I chuckled and lowered my head. I looked up and my hair covered my right eye. My left eye shined pale gold then dark blue and black aura surrounded my body. "I'm weak huh...Well let me prove you wrong."

Ricky got his powers back and generated shadow energy around his body. "What is he doing now..?"

Dark blue mist appeared the battlefield and everyone looked at the mist. Nova held her head and fell onto one knee. Dante looked surprised then began to fall into the same spell. Ricky cloaked himself in Shadow Energy, blocking the mist.

"What did you do to them?!" Ricky asked.

I yawned and lowered my head. The Sloth Symbol shined on my back and I had fallen asleep. Royal and Kasumi looked at me and wondered what my plan was. Royal noticed the dark blue mist entering Nova's and Dante's bodies.

Ricky grunted and dashed toward me. He went for a punch and noticed I dodged it. He was surprised. He went for multiple attacks and noticed I was evading all of his attacks while asleep. He yelled and went for a direct punch, but I dodged it and double palmed his stomach.

Ricky stumbled backwards and fell on one knee. 'How did he...do that..?'

"What is he doing..?" Royal asked.

"I don't know.." Kasumi said.

They noticed the mist turn light blue and all of the mist entered my body and I woke up. Nova groaned softly and fell to the ground. Dante fell on his side. Ricky looked at them and looked at me then noticed electricity crackling around my body.

Nova struggled to get up. "He...induced a nightmare on us then drained our energy..."

Dante tried to stand up and generate fire, but only generated sparks. He failed to get up and fell to the ground. "Damn it all..."

Ricky stood up and looked at me. "Cheap...There's literally no counter to your Forbidden Technique! It's all cheap!"

"That's how I felt when you all kept using your Bio-Energy Techniques against me when I couldn't even use one. Besides this is a part of my bag so if you don't like it, you can always forfeit." I smirked.

Ricky glared at me and smirked. He chuckled and shook his head. "Right...good thing I have one last trick up my sleeve.."

Ricky clapped his hands together and expanded his shadow and shadowy mist formed around Nova and Dante. Royal, Kasumi, and I watched this process and I was genuinely impressed. He began to heal Nova and Dante with his darkness.

"What the fuck..?" Royal asked in awe.

"He just healed them with his Bio-Darkness Technique...how the hell did he manage that?" Kasumi asked.

[Shadow Healing: The combination of Healing Technique and Shadow Generation. The user of this technique can heal themselves and others using shadows or darkness.]

"Shadow Healing huh..? I'm impressed, but I'm afraid that this battle is already over, my friend. Like I said, there's no chance of you winning." I said.

"That's what you think.." Dante said as he stood up.

"Heh, with the three of us together...there's one Team Synergy Move you have yet to see from us. We trained for years to perfect this." Nova said as she stood up.

Ricky smirked his eyes shined. "Let's show them."

Nova began to perform multiple flares and summoned a tornado around herself. Dante took a deep breath then began to blow fire at the tornado, creating a firestorm. Nova began to spin on her hand, shooting the blazing tornado at the sky. Ricky began to surround the fire pillar with his darkness, creating a dark inferno pillar.

Rhea watched and crossed her arms. She looked up and noticed a thundercloud forming. "What are they doing..?"

"They are preparing to us a Mitsuki Technique." The cloaked figure said as they flew forward to watch the battle as well.

"What..? Mitsuki Arts?" Rhea asked and looked at the figure.

Nova landed on her feet and surrounded her hand in electricity. She raised her hand to the sky and her eyes shined. Thunder boomed and lightning began to crackle in the sky. Lightning began to crackle wildly.

"Mitsuki Arts..." Nova said and smirked. "Although I am not a direct member of your bloodline, I too can pull off Mitsuki Arts as well. My set up might be longer than others, but here it is!"

"No way she's using it..." Royal said.

I smirked even more and my eyes shine. I synced with Rhea and my aura surrounded my body and grew stronger. "Let's see it, Nova..!"

"Mitsuki Arts: Heavenly Bolt Burst." Nova said and swiped her hand down.

"Get out of the way!" Royal yelled and ran away from the radius.

Kasumi ran as well and dove out the way as the bolt crashed down then caused a massive discharge of electricity around the area. Kasumi looked back and her eyes widened. "Kaden!!"

"Kaden!" Royal yelled.

Nova watched the smoke clear and noticed dark orange mist forming. Her eyes widened and she watched the smoke clear. She noticed me still standing and little damages done to me.

"He absorbed it..?!" Nova asked in shock.

"Royal! Kasumi! Let's end this...with our own Mitsuki Arts." I said and chuckled.

Royal looked at me and smiled. "Right!"

"Let's do this!" Kasumi said.

Royal fired a powerful bolt of lightning at the sky and began to form rainclouds. It began to rain and Kasumi used her Bio-Wind to generate winds powerful enough to start a hurricane.

"Mitsuki Arts..." I said and held my hand to the sky. I used my Bio-Water ability to form a large orb of water in the sky.

Nova wanted to counter, but she was too tired to use any of her techniques. Dante and Ricky were also tired and could barely generate any energy.

"Hurricane Bomb." I said and sent the orb of water crashing down at them.

The orb of water crashed down and caused a powerful water explosion. Black mist protected Nova, Dante, and Ricky from flying off the peak.

Kasumi and Royal panted and fell to their knees. I reverted back to my normal self and fell to my knees. We all panted and laid on the ground.

Rhea smiled and crossed her arms. "What a battle...That was pretty fun to watch not gonna lie."

"It was..~ I'm glad a little birdie told me where to go~" The person giggled.

"Wait, I know that giggle anywhere!" Rhea said and grabbed the person's cloak then ripped it off. Her eyes widened as she recognized who the person was. "Mila?!"

Mila giggled and smiled at Rhea. "Surprise~"

Mila is buxom and sports a very curvaceous hourglass figure, with large breasts and wide hips. Her hair was light blonde and fell down to her thoughts, and her eyes were a mint green color. She wore a sheer nylon bodysuit with white and gold bra, sheer white harem pants and golden bracelets around her wrist. She also wore elbow length fingerless gloves on both arms.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Rhea asked.

"Why else?~ To finally meet Kaden, the human you've been hiding from me! You know it's rude to not share with me!" Mila said.

"Oh hell no! I'm not letting you ruin this for me. Kaden is MY human!" Rhea said and shoved Mila away then flew down to me.

"No fair! I travelled light-years to get here! I'm not getting left again!" Mila whined and flew after Rhea.

{Kasumi and Royal are closer...}

{Kasumi x Royal: 75% Intertwined}