
Intertwined (4)

I watched Janet walk toward the bar and she leaned against the counter. I looked at Janet and smiled at her. Royal crossed her arms and watched us.

"I need you back at the University by 3 PM. You've got some shit to finish up correct?" Janet asked.

I smiled at Janet and caressed her cheek then held her chin. "He's finally going to talk?~"

Janet nodded and looked into my eyes. "Yeah..~ He is..~"

Royal cleared her throat. "You were just basically fucking me ten minutes ago, now you're all up on this woman?"

I chuckled and walked back from the counter. "Janet, meet Royal. She's one of my childhood friends. Royal meet my English Professor, Janet."

"Mmm~ Sounds like you and her do it regularly~" Janet teased.

"No. We only do it when I feel like it." Royal said and crossed her arms.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "So Ryan's ready to make up. I'll be there after this shift is over."

"Yeah or after you get done fucking her~ See ya~" Janet giggled and waved as she walked off.

"FUCK!" Rhea blurted out.

Royal and I looked at Rhea.

"She's so fucking hot. I need to see her naked!" Rhea yelled.

"Yo pipe down! I'm tryna watch the fights!" A woman groaned.

I chuckled and shook my head. Royal smiled and heard her bell ring and walked off to make another drink.

{Time: 2:30 PM}

{Location: University Sports Area}

I walked into the gym and noticed Kofi, Adam, and Elizabeth talking with Ryan, Tyler, and Joshua. I walked over to them and Elizabeth heard me then hurried over to me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the group.

"He's here!" Elizabeth said excitedly.

Ryan looked at me and crossed his arms. He stood up and walked over to me. "About time you got here."

"I'm ready to get this game of basketball out of the way since you're finally ready to talk." I said.

"Nah, that's not what we're doing. My little brother is caught up in the Crimson Crows gang Kofi told me about, trying to protect his friend. We're about to go help him." Ryan said.

"If I do this, you'll help me right?" I asked.

"Yeah, once we go save my little brother from Ruby City, I'll help you with your shit." Ryan said.

I looked at Kofi and the others. "Do we have a plan?"

"Not yet, they don't seem to be doing anything to him yet because he called me. I know we just need a plan quickly." Ryan said.

I took out my phone and tried to call Lexi. She wasn't answering her phone and I grew a bit worried. Elizabeth also tried to call her and got no answer.

"Jacob.." Elizabeth and I said at the same time.

"Jacob? That lame ass fool from the park?" Joshua asked.

"Jacob is a part of the gang that captured Ryan's brother. He has the brother and our friend kidnapped. We gotta get there quick. I know where he is." Elizabeth said.

"Lead the way then." Ryan said.

{Time: 3:25 PM}

{Location: Unknown}

Lexi grunted as she tried to free herself from the ropes. The guy next to her grunted as well. He wanted to escape as well.

"You're not gonna escape." The woman keeping watch over them said.

The woman had a slender build with rather large breasts. She had white and black hair with a number of earrings on both ears. She wore a white tank top with gray sweatpants and wore a haori jacket. Her eyes were a pale purple color.

"Let us go right now, Kasumi! You don't understand the damage you'll cause by trying to kill someone of the Wright Bloodline!" Lexi grunted as she tried to break out of her entrapment.

"Who is this woman?" The male asked.

"She's...Kasumi Amaterasu. She's a traitor..! Just like Annette!" Lexi said.

Kasumi chuckled and uncrossed her arms then walked over to Lexi. "I am not a traitor. I only did what I believed was right for me. Those scrolls holds more power than that old man understands. I couldn't care less about the car company money everyone wants Kaden for. I just want to become stronger."

"Your lust for power is what got you kicked out! You attacked our dojo! You dare call yourself a friend to us? To Kaden?!" Lexi yelled.

Kasumi crossed her arms then smirked. "It doesn't matter anymore. Now start talking or else we will kill both of you. Where is it hidden?"

"You're gonna kill me anyway so I'm not—"

"You better start fucking yapping because I'm not gonna die for some bitch I barely even know!" The man yelled.

"Why do you all even have him kidnapped?" Lexi asked.

Kasumi gestured for her allies to let the man go. They set Ryan's brother free and he ran out of the building, yelling for help.

"Anyway, I'm not telling you shit. Those codes are gonna stay safe in my memory. His business affects my business as well." Lexi said.

"So you would rather die than to just give up twelve fucking numbers? What's more important your life or some digits?" Kasumi said.

"Kaden is more important to me than anything. You don't know the bond we share. I will die for him." Lexi said.

Kasumi sighed and got into the Exalos Stance, one of the stances Papa Gregory taught her. Her veins slightly shined and wind energy surrounded her fist. "If you're not gonna tell me, I'll just break it out of you."

"How did you—" Lexi started then grunted as a burst of wind blew straight by her.

"I'm asking the questions now. Tell me what is the passcode to West Equinox?" Kasumi asked. She heard commotion outside and looked back.

I kicked the door open and looked inside the building then noticed Kasumi. Kasumi looked back at me then smirked. Lexi watched and gulped.

"It's been a while, Kaden." Kasumi said and watched me walk inside.

"Kasumi...." I said as I walked toward her.

I had a flashback to when Kasumi and I were training together with my grandfather. I stared at Kasumi then ran toward her. Kasumi blocked my superman punch then directed me around her. She propelled herself toward me and struck me with a strong turning kick. She followed it with an uppercut then palmed my stomach. She used her Bio-Wind ability to blow me away.

I groaned as I crashed into steel shelves and rolled onto the floor. I grunted softly as I tried to stand up. Rhea looked at me and her eyes began to shine.

"Now...tell me the codes, Kaden." Kasumi said as she walked toward me.

Rhea looked at Kasumi and her Succubus Marking began to shine. Rhea began to form black mist around the room.

Kasumi stopped walking and noticed the lights flickering. She grunted as the lights exploded then noticed a bright pink and green aura appearing next to me. She noticed Rhea forming next to me then her eyes widened.

Lexi looked at Rhea and her very presence sent chills down her spine. She felt the air growing cold.

"My darling...Free Lexi and escape while I deal with the Bio-Wind User." Rhea said.

Kasumi looked at Rhea and noticed me hurrying toward Lexi. "Stop him!"

The men rushed toward me and groaned as a wave of black mist pushed them away. I freed Lexi and helped her escape the building.

"Lexi!" Elizabeth said and hurried over to Lexi.

Lexi hugged Elizabeth and panted. "Liz.."

Kofi looked inside the building and noticed Kasumi and a shadowy woman. "Who the he—"

An explosion happened and Kasumi groaned as she was blown away. Rhea flew after Kasumi and used her black mist to blast Kasumi to the ground. Rhea landed behind Kasumi and her black wings disappeared.

"Whoa, what the hell?!" Kofi said in complete awe. He looked back at us then at Rhea. "Who the fuck is that?!"

"Damn." Joshua said as he looked at Rhea.

"Alright bro, who the fuck are your opps? It's like I'm watching a live action anime." Adam said and looked at me.

"I promise you these were normal people in the past." I said.

Kasumi slowly got up and surrounded her fists with wind energy.

"Ahh hell nah! An Airbender?!" Kofi said. He sprinted off. "Yeah I'm got something for this.."

"Fuck..." Lexi said.

"Uhm...I got what I wanted. See ya!" Ryan said and ran off with his brother.

"Yeah, imma just.." Joshua said and pointed backwards then left.

Tyler shrugged and walked off as well.

Kofi came back and noticed everyone but Adam had left. He tossed Adam a gun. "The hell? Those pussies left? Imma stand ten does down for my boy Kaden!"

"For sure! They acting like Summer City High didn't have freaks either!" Adam said.

Kasumi looked back and noticed Kofi and Adam. She looked back at Rhea then propelled herself to the sky with her wind energy.

"Without the technique...you're a normal human." Rhea said and spread her wings then flew after Kasumi.

"Let's go!" Kofi said.

"Hold on!" I called out. "Don't shoot the demon! That's Rhea, an ally!"

"What? You have a demon with you? Man I know this plotline. Death Note?" Adam said.

"Ni—what?" Kofi asked and looked at Adam.

"Can we focus on the fight?" I asked and sighed. I placed my hands on their shoulders. "Aim for the wind girl. Shoot her legs and arms, I know you two can do it."

{Silver Tongue activated. Kofi and Adam now has...Enhanced Accuracy? How?}

"Psychology. Words have power. Also Vocifery was in the Psychology Pack." I said. "Elizabeth! Lexi! Let's go!"

Elizabeth and Lexi followed me. I stopped at my car. They looked at me and noticed my serious gaze.

"I'm gonna stay with Kofi and Adam. You two escape back to Summer City. Meet me at my apartment." I said.

Lexi took my keys then held my cheek and kissed my lips. I was a bit surprised then kissed back. She pulled away and walked to my car.

"Be safe." Lexi said.

Elizabeth put her favorite Hello Kitty pin in my hair then kissed my cheek. "You better come back alive.."

I smiled at Elizabeth and caressed her cheek. "I will..."

Elizabeth smiled and hurried to Lexi.

I hurried back over to Kofi and Adam. I spotted a group of gangsters coming out of the shadows with their guns drawn.

'I need to protect Kofi and Adam as well...' I thought to myself.

{Sync with Rhea!}

'Sync with me, Darling!~' Rhea said to me telepathically.

I grunted and closed my eyes. I had no other choice.

Kofi noticed the gangsters. "Shit! Find cover bro!"

Adam and Kofi ran off to take cover. They noticed me still in the mix and watched as dark red and pink aura surrounded my body.

"What the fuck? My guy is a Dragon Ball character?!" Kofi asked in shock. "This man think he Akuma?!"

"Who the hell is this guy?" One of the gangsters asked.

{Intelligence. Not emotion. Remember that. This is only your second time using this.}

I exhaled and smirked as I looked at the gangsters. I dashed toward them and they immediately began to fire bullets at me. I dodged each bullet then grappled onto the first gangster. I threw him against a building and dodged the next attack.

The second gangster went for the punch, but I dodged it and elbowed the person. I formed a ball of black mist in my hand then slammed it against the gangster, blowing him away.

I sensed an attack from behind and tanked it. I looked back and my pale golden eyes shined. "Weak."

I kicked the woman away then manipulated the black mist and used it to fling the woman back over to me. I caught her and kissed her lips. The woman's skin became pale and she fell limp.

{Kiss of Death. A Lust Ability, wonder where you learned that.}

I dropped the woman's body then released a wave of pheromones from my body and the other gangster moaned. She covered her mouth as she began to have an orgasm. She fell to her knees and cried as she couldn't stop having an orgasm.

Kofi and Adam watched me deal with the gang by myself and noticed my aura disappear. They came out of their hiding spots. The looked at the orgasming woman.

"This is kinda sad...Weirdly hot, but sad." Adam said.

I looked at the woman and lifted her of my Sex Magic. I looked at Kofi and Adam. "After my car crash...I was supposed to die. I was slashed by a large shard of the windshield when I flew out of my car after the crash. Georgia was there trying to find help but soon left me. That's when Rhea showed up and healed me. I am her actual boyfriend."

I looked at them and we all smirked.

"Highschool DxD...Yeeaaahhh!" The three of us said and Kofi laughed.

"Alright but seriously, we gotta help Rhea. Let me just.." I said then began to scan around for Rhea then noticed a green highlight and a red highlight in the sky. "Okay..."

{Bro they are too high up. We just gotta wait.}

"How long are you gonna keep running?!" Rhea asked and chased after Kasumi.

"Until you get tired, bitch!" Kasumi said.

Rhea smirked and laughed. "Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with you..."

Rhea copied Kasumi's Bio-Wind ability. Kasumi looked surprised then groaned as she was blasted to the ground with wind energy. Rhea began to surf on the wind currents and propelled herself toward Kasumi. Kasumi got up and groaned as she was hit with Rhea's wind kick. A force of wind blew after the kick and pushed cars and blew trees off the ground.

Kasumi groaned as she slammed into a car and coughed. She fell to the ground and slowly got up. "She copied...my ability..?"

"Let's get some introductions going~ My name is Rhea~ I am known as the Sinful Imitator~ I can mimic any human, any voice, any sound...I can imitate anything or shall I say Replicate any power." Rhea smirked.

Kasumi slowly got up and coughed. "You're a demon and with Kaden..? Is he—"

"He's still a human...who can use my power~ I'm all he really needs~" Rhea said and held her hand out. "I can see you a potential member..~"

Kasumi looked at Rhea then groaned as Rhea began to manipulate her soul. Kasumi's eyes shined and she passed out on the ground. Rhea whispered into Kasumi's ear then disappeared.

"Damn where did she go? Yooo! She beat her up and left her? That's disrespectful!" Kofi said and shook his head.

"I'm crying." Adam said and took a picture.

{New Choices Available!}

[Help Her (Heroism Increase)]

[Leave Her (Vigilantism Increase)]

I stared at Kasumi and had multiple flashbacks of her when we were younger. I remember she did betray the dojo, but it was only to grow stronger. I crouched down and helped her up.

"You're gonna help her?" Kofi asked.

{Are you sure?}

[This is what I want.]

[Leave Her.]

I put her on my back. "Her heart is in the wrong place. She needs a second chance."

{Heroism Increase.}

Kofi watched me and smirked. "Ahh this dude talking like he a hero and shit."

"That's what I'm saying bro! Bro swears he's gonna be the next Iron Man or something." Adam chuckled and followed me.

Kofi chuckled and followed. "Let's stop because we both know he can beat our asses."

I chuckled softly and sighed. "So we're gonna be walking for a while."

"Why?" Kofi asked.

"I kinda gave the girls my keys so they could escape." I said.

Adam's jaw dropped. "You ba—"

{Notice: Season 1 Midway Point End}