
Suicide Mouse

Based on My vampire system The main character as experienced life in all it's evilness, but a chance revealed itself, maybe he can make everyone SMILE Each chapter has a rating of the main character's emotion Unhappy: feeling anything else apart from happiness, not that dangerous Happy: self explanatory. can be surprisingly playful but when provoked will become Really Happy: Will show teeth when in this stage, Will stop at nothing to make target suffer SMILE: Known for it's signature really wide smile, once targeted, a whole world of suffering falls on you Deathly Happy: In this stage, he smiles like in Really Happy, but his teeth are bloody and is ready to kill Trigger mode: Only happens when he snaps Trigger Happy: He looks like he's forcing a smile and his hands will always have three syringes in them, giving the look of him having claws, even if he throws the syringes, there'll still be three in his hand Really Trigger Happy:His forced smile gets wider and he gets slightly taller Deathly Trigger Happy: In this stage, blood ooze out from his eyes, and he forces a smile that shows bloodied teeth, in this form, you might as well ask God for forgiveness of sins These only refers to when the MC is Gray scale, or Photo negative or other abomination apart from Mr. Smiles and Hourglass. Trigger mode only happens to Gray scale Will he complete military camp, by making everyone HAPPY, or leave them alone Stalk this story to find out

KobbyTheunknown · SF
22 Chs

Chaoter:20: Truth or dare: Unhappy, Truth or Dare, Smile

"Just take off the mask" the new second year master, Jimmy, commanded as he tried pulling my mask off my face, "No, Idiot number two" I mocked as I broke free from the grasp of his goons then hit his chin with my knee. "They will be consequences for disobedience" Jimmy spluttered out, holding his chin. Both his goons shot metal at me but I dashed aside avoiding getting hit.

"Come on don't you read books, the one who is your nightmare, always hides his face" I laughed, my laughter was cut short when I noticed Issac charging at me, holy spear in hand. "Hold on wait here" I commanded the Jimmy and his goons as dark hands grew out the wall and grabbed them, restraining them, "You and I think the same, but hope for different outcomes" Lucifer chuckled as I dashed towards Issac.

Issac thrusted his spear forward, he smiled thinking he's finally gotten a second point to Lucifer and Michael's score board, but the smile dissappear when he realizes I was just breathing heavily. "The heart is in the chest not the armpit" I mocked as I kicked Issac back forcing the spear out my shoulder, "I almost forgot mortal pain" I laughed then suddenly grabbed Issac. I reached into his mind and pulled his subconsciousness into a pocket dimension similar to the school. "Truth or Dare" I asked, "I don't play childish games" Issac growled "I said Truth or DARE" I scream finally reviewing myself. I had taken the form of a black goo which unstable faded in and out. "Answer the question" I commanded "..Truth" Issac whispered. "What do we have in common in terms of fear?" I ask "Death" Issac responded. "LIAR" I screeched as I turned into a giant spider then dashed at Issac. He got so scared the pocket dimension shattered and we were back in the real world but Issac was dead due to the fact his heart ripped apart. "Will wait for you in the next six hours, now back to where we left off" I Smiled widely as I approached Jimmy and his goons