
Suddenly being transferred to another world and having a broken skill

A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past

KLUX · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Minotaur tribe new leader

"With that being said, I thought for sure that it's easy to survive this Barbaric it's been three days and we don't even know where we are, Are we lost!?" "Master, calm down I'm sure that there are still tribes we can see that you can rule" sighed, Ashley is nice she even tries to comfort me, I'm really stupid, aren't I? even though Ashley warned me about how dangerous this place is yet I still go I even got our self into a war between tribe

but still, What's with that war? betray? and why are so many races fighting for just the minitour tribe? something is fishy here, "Master look! A tree!" "where!?" I look at it but it was just a single tree, and here I thought were inside a jungle sighed... "Let's go there and take a rest, I'm tired of just sitting here all day" We stopped by into that single tree in the middle of this endless road

"Let's eat? I'm starving" "Yes, master" I bought ourselves a easy open canned food to eat, But still my points are only 10,000 because of that rifle, it's not like I can complain about it. Should I also buy ourselves a protective gear now? standing here in a open place like this is dangerous we don't know what's lurking around.

Ashley's ears move "Master" "I know" Enemy, What do they need? did they spot the car? It doesn't matter, Ashley and I hold our rifle. By the way I told Ashley almost everything I know like how to drive and how to shoot a gun properly while were in the jetplane.

Pretending to eat and waiting for the prey to come, They should be hiding to the large stone there about 10 meters away, Are they fast? Ashley is also fast, but I should still be careful, Ashley's ears again moved, "Master now!" We both aim our rifle to the rocks, then the prey turn out to be."You guys!" The survivors of Minatour tribe

"Wait, what happened? why are you small in? if I remember correctly, there are a lot of you who get away. " The girl that took us the other day walk in, "They... betrayed us and joined the other tribe for protection, but it should be given since a tribe without a proper status is this whole lands prey. "That's harsh." Their number is something i can count with my finger.

"Did you try to kill us?" The old chief came."This is the role of this land. The weak will be eaten by the strong." "Is that so? I don't really care. Hey, do you want me to lead this tribe?" "I'm sorry, but if you are indeed strong but that doesn't matter now, we can't eat or have a place to sleep, I'm thinking that my tribe should just surrender to one of my close tribe and have good terms with"

"Hmmm... I see. You just want food, water, shelter, and someone that is strong to lead you?"That's correct, and I believe you don't have the capability to provide that to us," gatcha said. "If I have the capability, would you follow me?" "Of course, " buying something in front of him and exposing my trump card is bad, I should pretend that I'm a great mage! I pointed my hands to the sky "Look and feel my greatness!" [Shop] [search: Rain] cost 1000 points [Do you wish to buy rain?] yes

The clouds gathered, turned into purple, and started raining. I smiled while I looked at them, who is happily celebrating the rain I bought. "It's... raining" "rain" "It's rain!" they all bowed to me as if I'm a god. "Young man, you deserve to lead this tribe no this whole universe!" woah, I'm not that great to rule the universe, Ashley came to me and whispered, "Master, A person who summoned a rain is never heard for only the gods can do it in the myth but master did it with one finger I think master has the right to rule this world"

"Oh? so no one ever summoned a rain before? I see. " Maybe I should scare them a little, [Do you wish to buy thunder?] Yes, cost 500 points I swing my finger and in a blink of an eye a thunder strikes the rocke they are hiding earlier "See that rock? if anyone who will try to betray me will become like that, do something funny and I would not let you off easily. " As I glared to them to terrify them, "Yes! young master, we the minatour tribe will serve young master from our body and soul! as such betraying you is a sin that deserves death!"

Young master huh, well whatever "Good! Now, let's rule this land!" "OOOoooo!! and that is the legendary meeting that starts the change of the whole world no the whole universe