
Suddenly being transferred to another world and having a broken skill

A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past

KLUX · ファンタジー
26 Chs

After six months

in that six months, my dungeon now has 50 floors! consisting of different kinds of monsters and even stronger than the death spider itself! but that isn't a problem because I want to level them up I buy the [ 10x exp points ] which goes to everyone including elves who don't have levels, With that in the past six months the minotaurs evolved, and become Ogres that is bigger about 3 meters and muscled, with that I become level 3 and again strange voice came to my head.

[ You have successfully evolved your followers, Minatours - Ogre elves - high elves you have acquired the title: lord ]

[ You have reached a certain level and become level 3 ]

[ Dungeon Master merging to your title acquired Dungeon Lord ] that's right I've become a Dungeon Lord I don't get the effect but I feel incredibly strong.

"Althea, do you know about high elves?" "Yes, they are our ancestors they are said to have high altitude with magic and have a large mana pool, and being a high elf itself is already outstanding" "Eh? but you all are evolved to high elves though" "Eh?" when they realize this they immediately start bowing to me and saying their gratitude and how thankful they are after that we throw a party for everyone's evolved, Also Ashley become a moon cat she is the first one to evolve and she knew that.

After all that party my points are millions im a millionaire with points, So I buy the "Sage" for my knowledge in my world but before I know it I went blank for 3 days! I suddenly awake and have all the knowledge inside my head, to politics, wars, economy, battle formation bla bla bla I immediately changed many things, Making the base more civilized with advanced technology.

Automatically cleaning bots, from ceiling to floor it becomes white concrete, and the fortress becomes a hard rock like a diamond if I'm correct It's the hardest rock in this world don't know what it's called even the elves and the others don't know about it, then the house that made from soil turn into concrete, making everything more advanced and civilized everything from the cave changed.

The fortress has now automatic machine gun that fire automatically at any enemies and also has CCTV inside as well there is also a library that contains many books from my world many has been introduced even electronic devices from my world think of this as a small prosperous city in the earth.

While I was relaxing in my room Ashley know on my door and said "Master, uncle Rex wants to see you" I meet him waiting inside the meeting hall, "Young master, I'm glad to see you being well" "Oh Rex, I'm also glad that you're healthy" "Well thanks to young master even if I'm not fighting I'm gaining level" "that's good to hear then, So? what do you come here for?" "Young master is really smart, I have come to suggest for us to expand our territory! with our power I believe no... I strongly believe that you can rule this Barbaric lands! so what do you say, young master?"

"I did come here with a mind to rule this land..." no, maybe it's time with the points that we've gathered by grinding for whole 6 months I think we can, "I've decided, I will expand our territory" "I know young master is an ambitious man" He brought a map with many details inside the barbaric lands, "Master here is the map for this land" looking at it it should be as big as the Russia no about 3rd or it? "Were here, from the northwest" "Sheesh so we're basically in the edge? well I don't really care"

"The nearest enemy to us are the hog-Goblins from the north, Kabols from the west, Lamia from the south, and lastly the demon bear from the east" "Were going to attack the Hog-Goblins first since they have been killed by them many times by you guys and so is the elves" "Yes young master" "with that! we're gonna start our war tonight!"