
Succubus's Second Chance

Running out of time, Rylie, one of the last succubus had to watch as her home in the Abyss fell to crumbles, and merely trying to escape as Yeenoghu's followers butchered her people, she hopped into a dimensional rift, into the mortal lands of humans and beasts, but when she got there, to her surprise, she stumbled upon a world that was unkin to her own or the worlds she's read about. The last Generation, with the human, beasts, and elves. But there was a reason why they were given that title. She didn't know why, because all she saw when she got there was a new chance at life, for her, her people, and her unsatisfying lust for the mortal's magical power. But now it's up to her to restore her race. And these mortals are her keys~♡ Although, they're a bit strange? "...Uh? Why does she have-" "A dick?" she didn't get? But, she made do~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I don't own the cover, honestly it was the only one that WebNovel would let me add, but I think it looks nice~ If you own this work, and don't want me to use it, let me know in any way, and I'll change it to something else. Also, welcome to the Futa world, this is gonna be... Nice and smutty~ (^w^)

Monarch6319 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 9: Establishing Dominance

Blinking a few times, my face was buried in a pillow, but then slamming my hands onto what I was on, I shot up, gasping for air as if I had just drowned, and darting my head everywhere, I saw a dark skinned girl next to me, naked and on her side.

And looking over to the other bed, a light skinned girl was laying there asleep, as she had been drooling and uttering "No, stop, don't stop, I'm almost there~" she said joyously.

And looking back to the two of them and then to myself as I was naked and in my succubus form, I sighed, "So it was just a dream..." Looking back to Milly and Sally, I layed back onto the bed, and stretching out a little, I turned into my side and layed there, still bothered by the dream I had earlier, "Who was that? I don't remember seeing him ever?" I sighed.

But shutting my eyes, "He was cute though, I wish I could see him again," shutting my eyes, I went right back to sleep. This time not dreaming like before, instead something relaxing.

. . . . .

Later throughout the day, both Milly and Sally hadn't woken up yet, mainly due to me consistently draining their energy, but not waiting for them to get up either, I left their apartment.

This time, walking around town, and as I did, not bothering to hide my form, when I did, I was greeted with an immense fear from the people, but as I did, I ignored them as they didn't do anything to bother me, they left me alone, but at the same time, I felt like, as their new lord, it was disrespectful.

So going to a few shop vendors, I was greeted the same way with them flinching and staring at me, this time asking me to spare their lives, but laughing the first few times, I just asked them about their products, refusing when they offered them to me, and instead asking how they were doing, kindly.

It was going to take a while to gain over their trust, so I started off slowly, talking to a few vendors when I passed them, if I saw that someone was troubled, asked them how they were and chatted an gave them advice despite them being scared of me, slowly getting around nine to slowly warm up to me.

From what I've found out, there were nearly 4 thousand in this base's population, and after going to their town hall to find out where the head of this base was, I payed them a slight visit.

Walking in there and opening the door to the main office as the guards were too scared to stop me, and seeing a women with long flowing burnet hair, wearing a suit and looking at a bunch of papers that had her distressed, she said, "Who is-"

But glancing up, her green eyes widened as she looked at me, and as the visible fear was written on them, I walked up to her desk and sat on the edge, "Hey there, you look busy"

She was stuck in place and frozen as she couldn't stop scanning me with her eyes, and as she was, I coughed and said, "So you're the chief of this place right? Or you were" I laughed to myself, and glancing down at her papers.

They seemed to be involving me, and I just smiled.

Picking it up, and reading it out loud as it was a report on a demonic being invading and attempting to take over their moon base, "Well... More like I've already taken over~"

Looking back at her, with a positive demonor, "But don't worry, you can keep your job in managing this place, I was never really any good at it, just don't forget who you belong to, alright sweety, after all, I'm your new lord. You got it~"

And turning over, facing her and pushing her papers onto the floor, I scooted over, hanging my legs over the edge, facing her directly as we were inches apart, and she just trembled.

"But despite me being a demon, I'm not here to kill or enslave anyone," I told her. Hearing me as if it was a relief, she said back, "Then what is it you want," she asked, so i just lied.. .

And becoming serious, "There's a war coming, and I'm here to help, because there's this beast who's keen on wiping you out, so, since I enjoy y'all to a degree, I wanna see you live," I said, and hearing this had her jolt in an over extreme manner.

Opening her mouth to comment, "But!" and before she dug too deep into this lie, "There's nothing you can do, y'all had provoked this beast in this past, so you only have yourself to blame! Luckily, there's still some time until it awakens, so if you want to survive, then I suggest you listen to me from now on. Oh and, I suggest you fill me in on what happened to the rest of your kind, where the hell is the rest of humanity" I told her, and just like Milly and Sally told me, it was all the same.

The only difference was because of this curse, or mutation in them, the new generation left their planet called Green Star. I don't know why it's not called earth, but they were probably just looking at their odd sun and named the planet that.

Either way it's not important.

Continuing our talk after some time, I had to provide them with something to not cause a rebellion, or at least have the people live in fear of me, so I said, "I want y'all to create an academy for me, I'll personally teach and write down a few manuals of demonic arts and arcanes arts to prepare you"

Rubbing my chin and thinking, "Although they might not be demons, and can't access it all, if I experiment for a little bit, I'm wondering if I'll be able to condition some to these arts"

But thinking a little more, "I wonder if they'll except being seen as monsters though, usually those who follow our arts are considered witches or heretics, hey, are you willing to be like them?" I asked, and looking at me rationally and calmly unlike before we started talking, "I'll have to discuss it with the base's council" she said, and sighing, "Get back to me when you've come to a dissison, I'll also think of some alternatives, I'm just hoping that we can pull this off in time without it just being me to have to fight for the lot of y'all?" I blantely lied.

My real objective is to obtain strong individuals to become stronger, way faster than I originally could to get my revenge.

But why am I doing this? I don't know, I lost hope after the week of the Human's repercussion, but after last night when I was in that dream, it's like the boy in my dream lit my spark.

"Thank you," the Human's leader said, bowing her head.

And as I was going to just leave, I turned back around as I forgot about the essentials, but before I could speak to her.

She said, "Actually, you haven't been here long, do you have a ID-Watch," and as she looked down to my hand, I shook my head, "I'll have one perpared for you, you won't be able to do anything without it, so I'll get back to you whenever I'm not so busy with my life," she said, but there was many things that she didn't consider, like if I was gonna be tyrant, how if I'm the lord I can take anything I want, and most importantly, that she doesn't actually see me as her lord, and like I didn't just take over them, instesd, just some radiacal folklore heroin here.

So walking back over to her, on a serious tone, I said, "From now on I'm your master, understood, that also means that my priorities come first, nothing grand will be done without my permission. And if your wondering why I'm doing this, then you can think back to your additude, the secret intention I'm seeing in your eyes, and the history of you humans and my kind, like how you banished us from the original earth. Now, that's all I have to say," I said with a higher demeanor, and using compulsion to keep this in her head, I watched as her eyes flashed pink to see it worked. Now the leaders mine.

After finishing up here, I then said, "I'll come back in a week for the watch, until then, prepare a home for me live in, and prepare a meeting with the base's council for me to speak to"

Leaving after giving her commands, I went back to the town.

. . . . .

Over the next month, I dominated the council, instructing them to who was in charge, and after doing that, worked on plans to win over the people while working with the base.

Everything seemed to pass by quickly, and before I knew it, it's been a full month since I've been here, and during this time, I've only ever been with the human's chief an council, also the local brothel to feast every other day when hungry.

But during all of this, nothing much has changed.

I don't know what to do, I've taken them over, but I know that they're truly not loyal and that the people are still afraid, but are trying to live their normal lives while also gossiping daily.

I need help.

Maybe I should stop by Milly and Sally's tomorrow.

They might have some advice I can use to help me.

Another long chapter, still, thanks to everyone for supporting me so far!

Monarch6319creators' thoughts