
Just let them be

"Oi! Would you mind giving me a hand?" Ashley said, interrupting Zeolite's thoughts, he then looks in front of him to see her carrying piles of woods on her hands, "Sure." He stand up and grabs half of the woods on her hands, "Thanks!" Ashley grins and put down the woods on her hands as Zeolite does the same. "Ugh! My back!" Ashley groans stretching her back, Zeolite take a glance at her conditions and noticed several wounds.

"What did you do to get those wounds?" He asks, a little concerns about her, "Ah, this. You see, I was fighting with an invisible creature but that was before I hit it! The creature then become visible! And so I beat the sh*t of it, accidentally created an art." She said, getting really proud of herself. "Invisible?" Zeolite asks holding his chin, "Yeah, I was caught by surprises too. Look at this, they frickin' make this big wound." She said, boldly showing him the wound on her waist, "Alright, no need to show me." Zeolite sighs and grabs a card from his pocket, "Stay still." He simply said and crouch down, latching the card on her waist.

"What is that?" She asks and covers her waist back with her clothes, "Medicine." Zeolite replies standing up on both his foot, "Oh." Ashley nods in understanding, "Should we wait for Theresa to light those up?" Zeolite asks pointing to the piles of woods, "Dunno, she's the only one with firepower." Ashley shrugs and went in the plane to call Chiharu, leaving Zeolite outside.

He stares up the dark sky, decorated with millions stars and see a shooting star, 'Heh, this'll be childish but, I wish to stay longer with them, more than anything.' He thoughts making a wish, with his eyes closed and his right hand placed on his chest. And when he was done, he open his eyes and bring his right hand back to his side before turning around, went after Ashley.

"Theresa!! I miss you!" Hector shouted and latched himself on Theresa's back, "Hector! Where was you? I was getting worried!" Theresa said, surprised, but is also glad that he's fine. "I don't know! A mind blowing maze that keeps sending me back to my current positions! It's just frustrating!" Hector cried, protesting about what happened to him before, "At least your okay!" Theresa giggled and ruffled his soft and messy hair. "Arkus is not okay! He's hungry!" Arkus said, commented in 3rd person view, "The heck dude?" Hector asked staring at him weirdly.

Arkus is the kind of person, oh wait, fox that is arrogant, clumsy and hotheaded in everyday activities, but when it comes to Theresa, he will softens his choose of words unlike when talking to Hector, he will always use the rudest words for him. And if he's hungry plus in the view of Theresa, he will talk in 3rd person view, which Hector thoughts cringy, since he was never treated like that by him, not that he's jealous or something.

"Does any of you have lighter or something? We can't just wait around for that fire user." Chiharu said, trying to find another way than waiting for Theresa to get back, "Bruh, why don't you try it yourself?" Ashley said, getting annoyed by her bossy attitudes, "I'm not a fire user, besides, can you light them up? I bet you can't since you're an ice user." Chiharu said in a mocking tone.

Ashley turns at her menacingly, a ticked eyes closed smile plastered on her face, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She asked, grabbing her collars, leaning her face close. "Ugh, do I have to repeat every things I say? And drop me down, also you're too close." Chiharu said, does not give a damn about her. "Grr, stop acting all mighty like that, Useless Big Mouthed Mage!" Ashley yells, coming out with a nickname for her, "Huh?! Useless?! See yourself, Hotheaded Flat Chested!" Chiharu yells back, and makes fun of Ashley's flat chest.

"Now you say it! Useless Big Mouthed Mage!" Ashley yells and went to punch her face, but Chiharu block it with her left hand, "Hah! Aren't that nickname a little bit too long for your little mouth?" Chiharu said, mocking her, "I can make a longer nickname for you!" Ashley said and push her right hand which is inside Chiharu's left hand grips. "Hoho! I'll be honored to receive those nickname! Name it!" Chiharu said, challenging her, "You asks for it, Biggots!" Ashley said, calling her by other nickname stored in her toxic part of her brain.

Meanwhile with Zeolite and Celine, who is staring at their silly fight, Zeolite sighs and massage his forehead, "Here we go again…" Celine laughs nervously, both concerns and worried for them, "Should we stop them?" She ask, looking up at him, "That's too kind of you, but no. et her satisfy her needs. Let's just arrange the bonfire." Zeolite said, telling her better things to do than interrupting the two. "Ah, alright." Celine said and went to follow him, with loud ass chatters on the background.

"What is these two shouting about?" Hector asked, squinting his eyes, trying to find out what Ashley and Chiharu's are doing, "Probably fighting over small thing." Theresa shrugged and walk past him, "Yeah, the odds in there is quite high." Hector said agreeing with her and follows behind her.

"Zeolite!" Theresa called, gaining the attentions of the emotionless boy. "Oh, Theresa, Hector. You've arrive, can you please light this up?" He said and step to the side, letting her to see the base of the bonfire he arranges with Celine, "Sure! Leave it to me!" Theresa smiles and snaps her fingers as the bonfire immediately lights up. "Thanks. This is better than those two pointless fight." Zeolite said, roasting them lightly.

"Oh, talking about them. What are they fighting about?" Theresa asks, wanting to know the base of the fight. "Ashley calls her with bad nicknames and so, the fight begin, both side trying to find the most insulting nickname." Zeolite said with pure uninterest. "I see. I didn't thought Miss Chiharu will pay much attentions to Ashley's mouths." Theresa said, face palming. "I think this is what they said about, Tsundere." Zeolite said, taking the word he hears among teenagers in Kenryoku.

"What should we do now?" Hector asks, both of his arms behind his head, "Well, take some rest I suggest. We won't see much in the night due to our limited vision, so might as well use the night to sleep and continue our journey tomorrow morning." Zeolite said, telling them his thoughts. "I think so too. I've use way too much Mana when fighting an invisible guy I met before." Theresa said, wanting to get some rest soon. "Invisible guy? I think I heard Ashley talking about some invisible guy too. Are you two are close by any chance?" Zeolite asks.

"No, I'm alone, and she's probably alone too. Is she meet the same enemy as me? Wow, what a coincidences." Theresa said, a little surprised. "Coincidences? I think not. I mean, there must be someone behind it, right? Since there are no creatures around like that." Zeolite said, getting into thinking mode. "And they were pretty strong for an ordinary creature…" Theresa said, trying to think as well.

"Dang, does it looks like the thing we fight in the plane before?" Hector asks, joining the topics, "I'm not sure. I didn't quite see their face despite the fact I set the area in fire." Theresa shrugs. "Alright. Let's end it now, we won't find much just by thinking without enough evidences." Zeolite said, stopping the topic they're on.

"Uhm…Guys…Sorry to cut the chat but, these guys are coming this way!" Celine yells, gaining the attentions of the whole team, including the girls that was having a fight, as she points to bunch of werewolf rushing straight to their positions.

"Alright, get your weapons ready!" Hector said, excited to see some opponents for his swords dig in and pulls both of his swords, gripping tightly on it. "You're cured?!" Theresa yells in surprises at the background, surprised by Celine's sudden conditions. "Let's talk about that later! We got things to do!" Celine replies at Theresa's comment and grab her dagger that tied on her right hip.

"We'll continue our fights later, Big Mouthed Lousy Girl!" Ashley said to Chiharu and activates her ice magic. "Hmph. I don't want to waste my precious time fighting with lowly class like you." Chiharu said, getting into her mighty attitudes. " Pfft, if you won't do these bickering with me, you'll never join it at the first place!" Ashley said before rushing to the werewolf packs in front of her.

"Oi! Don't kill all of them by yourself! Spare me half!" Hector shouts and went after Ashley. "How much?" Theresa asks, releasing the arrow on her flaming bow, "Around 35 werewolf." Zeolite said while adjusting his gloves, "You don't join them?" Theresa asks while pulling the imaginary string, Zeolite glances at her and looks at the four who is at close-ranged combat with the werewolf. "Should I?" He asks for her opinions, "Up to you!" Theresa giggles and releases the string, as the arrow pierces the werewolf head, dead in an instance.

Zeolite glance at her for the last time, and smiles. "Then, take care." He said before rushing at the werewolf packs, slamming his big sword down, creating a massive craters, and sends the werewolfs away. "Hah! I thought you wouldn't join us!" Ashley said and punch the werewolf who is trying to stab her back, "Hmph. I wouldn't want to miss a fun."
