

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · 都市
40 Chs

Special massage

Almira, who was annoyed with Daffa because she had been tired all day serving the man's strange desires, seemed to start carrying out her actions.

Almira accidentally wears lingerie and lies face down on Daffa's bed. Not to forget, she also wrapped herself in the man's blanket, so Daffa wouldn't see what she was wearing.

Incidentally, at this time the husband was in the bathroom playing with water. It made Almira free to do whatever she wanted to support her plan.

We will see! If Daffa had been working on him all day earlier, this time it was Almira who would act. Anyway, now Daffa had to be willing to pay for everything she did at the office. Almira would make sure it was really done by Daffa.

Ceklek ….

The sound of the door opening made Almira cheer up because it was time to take action to prank her husband.

"Why are you lying on my bed like that?" Daffa asked in a voice that clearly didn't like it.

"I'm tired, Daff. You made me a robot all day. I just want to be massaged for a while. My body really hurts all over," complained Almira in a voice that sounded like someone was really in torment.

"Don't be silly, Almira! It's just that, why are you complaining so much. Do you think I will believe what you say? No, Al! I'm going out tonight anyway. If you really want a massage, I can call a massage therapist for you," Daffa said nonchalantly and chose to preen in front of the mirror.

"Oh my gosh Daffa! So you prefer your wife to be massaged by someone else? Besides, before I asked you for help, I had already asked one of the maids to contact the masseuse here. But they said that the masseuse was a man so I refused. What about you saying that because you want to sell your wife's body to be held by other men?" Almira fiercely still did not change her sleeping position at this time.

Daffa who heard Almira's words, reflexively turned around. When it comes to sharing the beauty of Almira's body, of course she will not be willing to at any time.

"Isn't there a female masseuse? Or can't you just ask the maid to massage you?" Daffa asked starting to soften.

"Nothing, Daff. Earlier I also asked them to massage me. But they refused because they are not experts and are afraid to hurt me. That's why I ask for your help. Besides, I'm sore because of you too, really!" Almira grumbled with a far-fetched excuse because she didn't do what she said at all.

Daffa lazily approached Almira. The man immediately took the massage oil on the nightstand which Almira had already kept there.

After getting it, Daffa immediately sat next to his wife and immediately removed the blanket that had been covering his wife's beautiful body.

Glek ….

Daffa immediately swallowed her saliva roughly when she saw the beautiful sight in front of her.

"Daffa, hurry up!" asked Almira with a small smirk on her lips.

Revenge on Daffa is yes only this way. Torturing a man's desire, which is so easy to jump to the top.

"Y-yes, I'll do it," Daffa stammered.

With trembling hands, Daffa spilled the massage oil on her hands. Truly the scene in front of him is second to none.

"Are you having trouble, Daffa? Do I need to take off my nightgown?" asked Almira who sat directly opposite Daffa.

Again, Daffa was made to glare many times over when she saw that the lingerie didn't cover anything behind it. If only Almira didn't use a bra and panties, surely all the beauty there would be seen. However, that defiant sight had to be blocked by the damn cover that Daffa really wanted to get rid of.

Seeing Daffa who didn't blink at all, Almira immediately cheered in her heart. Quickly the woman took off the clothes that were actually useless and went back to sleep in a prone position.

"Come on, start massaging me, Daff! I can't take it anymore!" Almira asked to wake up Daffa's daydream.

"Y-yes, Al."

Daffa began to do her job, gently massaging his wife's smooth back without the slightest flaw. If only he didn't remember what he said at the start of their marriage otherwise he would be tempted by Almira. It was certain that this time Daffa would devour the fresh fish in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Daf. I have to ask for your help. I don't like being touched by random strangers. But because you are my husband, so I can only allow you to touch me," said Almira pretending that she was forced to work on her husband like this.

"Yes, Al, it's okay. Besides, I wouldn't be happy if you were touched by another man. Let this massage massage matter be my business," said Daffa seriously.

Even though Daffa is a player, but if his wife is touched by another man, of course Daffa will not be willing. He prefers to do everything himself even though unfortunately does not get the wages he deserves.

"I didn't expect your massage to be this good, Daf. Are you a former masseuse?" asked Almira praising Daffa's shrewdness who was really good at making her body comfortable.

"It's delicious! I've never massaged anyone! You're the first person to get this precious service of mine. Besides, I don't like being ordered around by other people because I'm the one who should be ordering them," Daffa said in a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

"Really? Wow, I'm so lucky. At least, I still get what you did the first time. Even though it's just a massage," said Almira there was satire in it.

"Come on, Almira, don't talk about the first and not the first thing I did to you. The important thing is that you will be the last woman who will accompany me," Daffa said without realizing what was happening.

Almira was stunned to hear her husband's words. However, again ego beat Almira. Daffa must have said something like this just to seduce him. Make him lulled and then submit to the man. Not! Almira doesn't want to be like that. Even though Daffa is her husband, their story will end in one year. Almira doesn't want to be too involved with what Daffa has to offer because in the end she will be the one in trouble.

"Hish! I don't want leftovers! I'm sure later I'll only get the disease because you've been dyed too much," said Alesha, shuddering.

"That's fine!" Daffa annoyed pouting.

Hearing Daffa's annoyance, Almira just chuckled. It made Daffa even more annoyed because she felt that she was always the subject of Almira's jokes.

"Are you feeling better? I have to go out soon. My friends must have been waiting for this moment," Daffa said when she realized that it was getting late.

"Come on Daffa, it's only been five minutes. You just want to stop. I'm still sore!" Almira whined because she wanted to make Daffa tired just like that guy did to her.

"Five minutes what? It's been thirty minutes, Almira! I'm already sore!" Daffa complained annoyed.

"Time? Okay! Just five more minutes, okay!" Almira coaxed, making Daffa couldn't help but agree.

However, the five minutes that Almira had said continued to add up to well over an hour. Daffa really cramped from pampering his wife's smooth back for too long.

In addition to hand cramps, brain cramps too of course. How can a Casanova be served fresh fish that can only be seen but not torn to pieces.

Gentle snoring from his wife, made Daffa immediately examine the woman. Turns out, Almira had fallen asleep to dreamland maybe because it was too comfortable to get a special massage from her husband.

Daphne just smiled faintly, shaking her head. For some reason Almira always found a way to keep her from having fun outside.

"I don't know what our future will be like, Almira. But, what we've been through this one week. Makes my heart really comfortable with you. Could I really fall in love again? And that's you? To my untouchable wife!" Daffa mumbled by giving a small kiss on his wife's smooth cheek.

If only Almira realized that Daffa did that, surely Almira would be furious as usual. But because the woman was asleep, Daffa was safe from her tantrums.

Because he was tired and time didn't allow him to go out again, Daffa chose to climb into the blanket with his wife. He stared at the longing woman who was fast asleep, but he couldn't just finish his desires just like that.

"Go to sleep, tomorrow there will be a fifth world war in this room. I just want to enjoy a peaceful night while hugging my wife," Daffa muttered with a chuckle.