

Because of the embarrassing behavior of her sister who ran away right on her wedding day, Daffa Eldaz was forced to take her sister's place in order to save the good name of the Eldaz family. At first Almira refused because apart from she only loved Rian Eldaz, she also knew very, very well how Daffa's temperament was a true Casanova. Especially the second personality who are both stubborn seem to be very difficult to put together. But because of the pressure of the whole family, they were forced to agree to this marriage. "Listen, Almira! I married you only because I wanted to save my family's good name. I can't possibly be attracted to a woman whose body is as flat as a wall like you!" Daffa squeaked with a condescending gaze on Almira. "Hey, good sir Daffa Eldaz! You think I want to touch you, don't you? Don't be too confident! I'm not used to using other people's stuff! It's possible, later my body will itch all over," replied Almira no less fiercely. Will one day be able to get along so that they can live in the household like other normal couples?   Or will they choose to give up because the two are both tough and can't be reconciled?

Azka_Shakila_0714 · 都市
40 Chs

Death Seduction

After taking a week off from work, Almira, who intended to return to work at her company, was annoyed.

How come? Daffa asked her to be a secretary in the man's office and unfortunately Daffa's wish was approved by her father, Mr. Chandra.

Since leaving the house, Almira has kept her lips pursed. He turned his gaze to the outside window because he was lazy to meet his husband.

"Are you angry with your husband, Almira?" Daffa asked breaking the silence in the car.

Hearing Daffa's silly question, Almira immediately glared at her in annoyance.

"Should I laugh happily when I find out I was fired from my own office and now abdicated to become Cassanova's secretary like you? What is, instead of going to work but you will continue to be busy with the crotch! How can I work with someone like that?" said Almira as usual, always able to provoke Daffa's anger to explode.

"Hey, Almira! You should be happy because your husband chose to fire the old secretary and replace him with you! Even if we fight in the office, it won't be a problem because you already have a halal certificate on behalf of Daffa Eldaz!" Daffa said with a triumphant grin.

"Heh, good Mr Daffa Eldaz! What do you think I'm willing to accompany you to make out, huh? It's better if you pin your naughty weapon with the door so you don't freak out and enter the cage carelessly!" Almira was annoyed, staring intently at her husband.

"Do you have the heart to want to make this exclusive weapon of mine a door hanger? Your mouth is so delicious when you talk spicy, Almira! You should be happy, ready whenever your husband asks to be served. It's not that he just touched his lips, he's already crying," Daffa grumbled who was always annoyed remembering the incident a few days ago when Almira cried just because she attacked her lips.

"Heh, that's because you took other people's property carelessly! Even without permission or just small talk!" said Almira no less annoyed than her husband.

"Oh, so if I ask permission, you will give it willingly?" Daffa asked while raising and lowering her eyebrows teasing her wife.

"That's not what I meant. I mean...." Almira immediately hit herself on the head so that she could immediately get an answer to Daffa's question. Can win a lot if Almira doesn't get the right words to argue.

Cittt ….

The sound of the brakes that Daffa stepped on made Almira's attention, who was busy thinking, distracted. The woman immediately turned to her husband who was smiling so sinisterly.

"W-why did you stop the car, Daffa?" asked Almira stuttering.

"It's because I want to eat you, Almira," Daffa replied with a hideous grin on her lips.

The man immediately embraced lamira's body, exhaling his warm breath on the woman's face.

"Daffa..." Almira's voice was more like a sigh.

"Yes, honey. Do you want me to do it now, Hem?" Daffa asked excitedly.

The man was about to bury his face in his wife's white neck. However, before his face touched that seductive area, Almira had already held it back.

"Why, honey? Are you really that impatient and want me to get straight to the heart of the game?" Daffa asked again to seduce Almira with the warm breath that the man gave on his wife's face.

"Daffa, please..."

"Yes, Honey, why?" Daffa asked getting impatient.

"Your breath stinks," said Almira, immediately pushing the husband's body away from his body.

The woman immediately got out leaving Daffa who was still dumbfounded in the car.

The man shook his head, then tried to smell his own breath.

"My breath still smells good, why did Almira say that it smells bad? Is there a problem with that woman's nose?" Daffa mumbled confused.

But soon, the man immediately patted his forehead. Looks like Daffa just realized something.

"Good grief! It seems that Almira is again playing a prank on me!" annoyed Daffa when she realized that she was the victim of her wife's pranks again.

The man lowered his head, then firmly shone his heirloom that had stood upright like an electric pole.

"Apparently, it's not time for you to break the fast Tong. Be patient, yes, let's conquer the venomous cave first so we can explore together later," Daffa muttered, looking at Otong pityingly.

With annoyance mixed with weakness, Daffa got out of the car. I don't know how many times this has been Almira making her have to hold back her desire. That woman could really make Daffa die young because of her ignorant behavior.

When she entered the office, Daffa was immediately greeted warmly by all employees. However, the strange thing is that there is not a single female employee.

"Where are the women?" Daffa asked one of her employees.

"Miss Almira is grooming them all, sir," replied Hans—the assistant—from behind her.

Daffa suddenly turned around with a questioning look.

"Tidy? You mean tidy up how? Do they look disheveled?" Daffa asked confused.

"No, sir. It's just that Miss Almira doesn't like it when the employees here sell KFD menus," Hans replied with a laugh.

"What do you mean by KFD menu? Isn't it that they only work for me and don't take side jobs there?" Daffa asked increasingly not understanding the meaning of her assistant's words.

"It …. Anu, sir. I mean, the KFD menu shows their thighs and chest, sir," Hans replied, scratching his head.

Hearing the assistant's answer, Daffa rolled her eyes again in disbelief. Will Almira immediately pretend to be the boss even on the first day of work?

"Where are they?" Daffa asked holding back her wife's annoyance. It's good that Almira will destroy her meal to wash her eyes in this office.

"Come on, sir," said Hans, walking towards the place where Almira was checking all the female employees who were wearing clothes that were lacking in materials.

As it turned out, the woman gathered all the female employees in a meeting place that was indeed quite large in size to accommodate female employees.

"Ra, what are you doing?" Daffa asked, successfully distracting Almira who was busy commenting on the way the women were dressed.

"Ah, honey. Finally you came too," said Almira immediately clinging to Daffa's body.

"W-what are you doing?" Daffa asked stuttering because they were too close. In fact, Daffa could feel the softness of something hitting her chest.

"I'm tidying your employees' clothes here. I don't like them selling KFD menus in front of my husband. What is there, you'll be tempted by them again," replied Almira in a voice that was made as spoiled as possible. Don't forget, that woman's hand has been exploring mischievously on Daffa's chest.

"That's impossible, Ra. I'm only your husband. There's no way I'm interested in another woman's body," denied Daffa who was getting nervous because of Almira's behavior.

"No! I don't trust them. So let me sort this out. I'll give you something special in return, Hem?" persuaded Almira with such a seductive facial expression.

"W-okay, do what you want. I'm waiting for you in my room," replied Daffa yielding to his wife's charm.

"Thank you my dear husband."


After giving Daffa a kiss on the cheek, Almira again put on a fierce face in front of the employees who wore toddler clothes.

Meanwhile, Daffa is still frozen with her hand that keeps holding Almira's kiss. It was as if the man had just had a windfall.

"Sir, let's go to your room," said Hans and only Daffa nodded her head.

The man really looked like a dazed person. In fact, all he got was a kiss from Almira, how about the others.

Ah, just imagining it, already made the Otong struggle even more. Can't wait for Almira to give that special gift, soon.