
Substitude Bride : Another Wife

Sarah and Ava are sisters. Sarah is excellent in her studies while Ava is an aspiring model. On the day of her final results, Sarah meets with an accident that puts her in a coma. At the same time, Ava grabs a huge project as the leading model that turns out to be the perfect kickstart to her career. Sean Rogers, a leading business tycoon of Orlando, has it all: a flourishing business, good looks, exceptional money, fame, and a loving family. He is the most sought-after bachelor of the city. When Ava meets Sean, who is also her boss, sparks flow. They fall in love with each other and decide to get married. However, on the day of the wedding, Ava runs away, leaving Sean waiting at the altar. The family, to save themselves from humiliation, switches Ava with Sarah, her sister, who is just back from the hospital. What will happen when Sean finds out about the switch? Will he forgive Ava? Or Will he accept Sarah as the Substitute Bride?

SerenixIO · 都市
5 Chs

Wedding Bells

In a few days, the preparations for the wedding were in full swing however Ava did not look happy about it.

Sophie did not notice this. She and Nathan were busy with the arrangements for the wedding. As instructed by Sophie, Sarah did not leave her room even for a bit and did not participate in the preparations.

On the day of the rehearsal dinner, Sophie asked Ava, "Go and get ready, the dinner is in a short while, the guests will be coming over soon. Wear that green dress, you look amazing in that and you do remember right, a lot of elites are gonna be attending today dinner, so you have to give off the best impression. All this is for you. Look your best.

Listening to Sophie Ava silently nodded and then went off to get changed. After getting dressed, Ava went downstairs to meet everyone. Everyone was mesmerized by her beauty and compliments poured in. On the other side, Sarah was peeking through her room, watching everything, and was happy and sad at the same time as she could not participate in her sister's rehearsal dinner. Just then Sophie caught Sarah peeking and angrily said, "Sarah, did I not make myself clear about you not taking part in this wedding, then how can you still try to peep through your room!" Sarah, scared of her mother's anger, apologized to her and shut the door. Meanwhile, Ava was looking for her mother when she saw Sophie walking towards her and said, "Mom where were you? The dinner has already started and everyone is looking for you." The dinner was quite fancy and a lot of people were present for the same. The night was filled with the chitter-chatter of the guests, however, Ava did not seem happy. Something was going on at the back of her mind. Sean was the perfect guy but She was worried about her career.

As the wedding was on the next day, everyone went to bed early but Ava couldn't sleep at all. All this was making no sense to her and she really felt confused and annoyed at the same time. The next day, Sophie came into the room and woke Ava up, "Ava, get up…. It's 9 already …. It's your wedding day, don't you know how special this day is for you and here you are still sleeping …. C'mon get up."

At the mention of her wedding, Ava leaped and sat on her bed and thought to herself, "My career has just started and I am getting married already"

This question was eating her up which is why she asked Sophie, "Mom, do I have to get married so soon …. I mean I have just stepped into the modeling industry." Before she could continue, Sophie interrupted, "Do you even realize what you're saying, you are going to be a part of the Rogers family, do you even realize that …. just imagine how your life is gonna change, you are going to be Rogers' daughter in law, if they want they can get their son married to any girl with same wealth and status as that of them, but they chose you, just think of how lucky you are …. Don't fret much and go and get changed, we can't be late. Everyone will be waiting. You are the bride. I don't know what all you keep thinking."

When on one side, Sophie was trying to knock some sense into Ava, on the other, the excitement for the wedding in the Rogers family was quite evident. Especially with Sean, he was busy imagining about him and Ava as he looked at his reflection in the mirror and said, "Finally it's my wedding day and that too with the girl I am in love with. Ava, thank you for saying yes, you have made me the happiest man alive. I am counting seconds until you become a part of my life, I am so happy that I cannot put it in words, I can't wait anymore."

Standing outside his door was Grace who was looking at her son's antics, when she entered the room with Sean's younger sister Ivy, and teased him using Ava's name, "Ooooh… So desperate …. Have some patience, my son"

"Mom! No eavesdropping!", shouted Sean embarrassingly and started getting ready. A short while later, Sean's friend Victor came up to him. Looking at Sean's delightful expression, he said, "Hey bro, it's finally your wedding day. Today, the entire city of Orlando is eagerly waiting to witness an extravagant wedding …. You know right!! a lot of important personalities are going to be present today. The news about your wedding has spread like wildfire among everyone including the media, many businessmen, and celebrities, in fact, the entire Orlando.

Listening to Victor, Sean responded that the reason behind all this extravaganza was that his dad wanted his son to have a grand wedding.

After a while, the Rogers family left for the church. It seemed like the entire city had joined and followed them to the venue. The atmosphere did not look any less than a royal wedding. They reached the church, where they were greeted with a warm welcome.

Sophie asked Ava to get ready for the wedding. Nathan enquired from Sophie about both the daughters, to which she lied, "Ava is getting ready, and … and … I have asked Sarah to get dressed, she might be on her way."

Sophie mumbled to herself, "Thank god I told Nathan that Sarah is getting dressed, or else he would have unnecessarily got angry."

After a short while, everyone reached and settled down in the church, and the priest who was officiating the ceremony entered the room. Next, the groom entered through the side door and stood at the altar, after which were the groomsmen and bridesmaids who walked down the aisle in pairs and respectively took their positions, followed by the ring bearer and the flower girl.

Just then, the music hit, indicating the bride's entrance. Sean was excitingly waiting to see his bride, Ava walk through the door.

Meanwhile, Sophie stood outside Ava's dressing room as she knocked on her door and shouted, "Open the door honey, are you ready? Everyone's waiting …. Hurry up, Ava … Ava … why aren't you saying anything? Honey opens up, stop messing around Ava, c'mon open the door, we are already late, all are waiting for you, open the door!"

After a lot of waiting, the bride finally entered with Nathan holding his daughter's hand, as they both walked down the aisle. All eyes were locked on the bride, which is when everyone noticed that she was donning a very long blusher veil, which had completely covered her face. Seeing her attire the guests were amused and they started mumbling among themselves. Sean was a little surprised too. Grace, looking at the peculiar fashion choice, questioned, "Sophie, why is Ava wearing such a long veil? In this day and age, no one does this anymore, then why is Ava?"

Sophie interrupted Grace and said, "Actually, this is a tradition which our family has been following for generations, which is why we have to go along with it." Nathan too concurred with Sophie as he took his seat.

Sean extended his hand towards the bride and walked up to the altar together.

The wedding commenced, and during the entire ceremony, Sophie was watching the bride and the Rogers' family quite carefully. However, looking at the happy expression on Sean's face she could not bring herself to say anything. Finally, the wedding came to an end when the officiant declared, "I hereby pronounce you husband and wife"

While hugging her daughter, Sophie whispered something into her ears. Grace too hugged both of them and asked Sophie, "Can I now see how pretty my daughter-in-law looks?"

Sophie however immediately refused and said that they could see her during the reception. Grace then called for her daughter Ivy to get moving.

After a drive, they reached the Rogers mansion for the reception. Everyone present at the venue was very keen to see the bride's face. After reaching the hall, Grace couldn't control her excitement anymore and excitedly said, "Even I want to see her face now, Sean, help her take off the veil."

The moment the veil was taken off, on one side, all the guests were busy singing the praises of the bride while on the other side, the entire Rogers family was in complete shock after seeing the bride's face. The paparazzi were also present at the venue and they were quite enthusiastic to click the newlywed couple's pictures.

But what was even more surprising was that Sean with a smile faced the cameras and announced, "Let me formally introduce …. Everyone! Please meet my wife, this is ….. Mrs. Rogers" Out of everyone present, Victor was the most taken aback because the bride was none other than Sarah.

Sarah was the same girl who had met with an accident caused by Sean's car and Victor was trying to cover it up for him. However, seeing Sean smile in front of all the cameras, Victor was utterly baffled.

Looking at the sight of the dazzling and elegant Rogers mansion, Sarah was reminded of everything that Sophie had told her.

Sophie was banging on Ava's door asking her to come out of the room, the door opened easily as it wasn't locked. Sophie as soon as she saw the room empty worriedly ran to check whether Ava was in the restroom. However she couldn't find her anywhere and with tears in her eyes, she wandered all across the halls of the building screaming Ava's name until her throat went dry. Sophie with fidgeting hands dialed up Nathan, "Hello Nathan! Ava is missing! You need to come over to her room right now!" Nathan with a pit in his stomach dashed to Ava's room and asked Sophie about what in the world was going on. Before Sophie could utter a word, her phone buzzed. It was a message from Ava which read, "Mom, I'm sorry but I can't do this. I cannot get married."As she read the text, Sophie started getting lightheaded and dizzy. Nathan snatched the phone away from her and read what was written on it. He griped, "How can she do this to us?"

Now it had become a matter of maintaining the 'Gray' family's image and reputation due to which Nathan made a call and asked the person to come over to Ava's room immediately. After a few minutes, Sarah knocked and entered the room. As soon as Sophie saw Sarah, she barked, "What are you doing here? I asked you to stay away from this wedding, didn't I?"

That's when Nathan intervened, "I asked her to come here, Sophie."

Hearing this Sophie asked Nathan why he invited her but he completely ignored her and rushed to hold Sarah's hands and requested, "Darling, Ava has disappeared from here. Can you take her place and get married instead?"

Listening to her father's request, Sarah was dumbfounded and she instantly refused. Likewise, after listening to Nathan, Sophie was fuming with anger and seconded Sarah by shunning the idea entirely. However, Nathan persisted, "Sarah, this is a question of our dignity and honor. Just think about our family and say yes. You are our last ray of hope, help us out darling."

Hearing her father, Sarah replied, "But dad …. How can I? I mean, their family will never accept someone like me."

Just as she heard this, Sophie interjected, "No …. No one can replace my daughter and especially not someone worthless like her! Nathan, I won't let her take Ava's place at any cost." Listening to Sophie shout, Nathan asked her to calm down and said, "Do we have any other choice? Just help her get ready, we are already running late." Sophie reluctantly agreed, however, she looked at Sarah and stated, "Right now, this is our only way out, and which is why we are doing this but remember, you are just 'a Substitute Bride'. Always bear in mind this tag that I have given you. You will always be my daughter's substitute and nothing more. You will live her life only for a while and once she returns, everything will go back to its rightful place and you will have to cut all ties with the Rogers'. As a matter of fact, you will be ousted by them as they already accept and love Ava.

Where is Ava? What will the Roger’s do after learning about the switch? Will this switch lead to a new beginning? To know that, Stay tune and Upvote this series.

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