
Substitude Bride : Another Wife

Sarah and Ava are sisters. Sarah is excellent in her studies while Ava is an aspiring model. On the day of her final results, Sarah meets with an accident that puts her in a coma. At the same time, Ava grabs a huge project as the leading model that turns out to be the perfect kickstart to her career. Sean Rogers, a leading business tycoon of Orlando, has it all: a flourishing business, good looks, exceptional money, fame, and a loving family. He is the most sought-after bachelor of the city. When Ava meets Sean, who is also her boss, sparks flow. They fall in love with each other and decide to get married. However, on the day of the wedding, Ava runs away, leaving Sean waiting at the altar. The family, to save themselves from humiliation, switches Ava with Sarah, her sister, who is just back from the hospital. What will happen when Sean finds out about the switch? Will he forgive Ava? Or Will he accept Sarah as the Substitute Bride?

SerenixIO · 都市
5 Chs

The Revelation

Sean had declared Sarah as his wife in front of the entire world. Sarah was officially Mrs. Rogers but Sophie's words were running at the back of her mind. During the entire reception, Sean's family were continuously staring at Sarah and as time passed, the guests started leaving, and eventually, the only ones left were Sarah and Sean's family.

As soon as everyone left, Sean turned to Sarah and yelled, "Who the hell are you? Where is Ava? What have you done to her? Have you kidnapped her or something? Speak up!…. Or else…. It won't do you any good"

Sarah's silence just added fuel to Sean's anger, he screamed, "Look, you are really trying my patience now. Answer me …. If not then you won't like what's coming next" Listening to all the commotion, Vincent said, "Sean, call the cops, only then will she open her mouth and tell us where Ava is."

Sarah was terrified after seeing the family's reaction, and she was left with no other choice but to tell them the truth. In response to Sean's innumerable questions, Sarah answered, "Please, everyone, just hear me out. I am Sarah Gray, Ava's elder sister.

Hearing what Sarah had just said, the entire family couldn't believe their ears as they had never seen or met Sarah until this very moment.

Grace looked at Sarah and with a surprised tone in her voice said, "What nonsense! Stop lying! .... You …. Ava's sister …. We haven't heard anything from you …. Neither has your family ever mentioned you. Do you really think we'll believe you?" She turned towards Sean and yelled, "… and you Sean! How can you just announce her as your wife to the entire world? Are you out of your mind?"

Listening to his mom, Sean replied, "Mom, I had no other choice, I cannot see our family's name being dragged through the mud in front of all those people and the media. Just let me find out what has happened to Ava and then I'm gonna make an example out of this woman so that no one, ever messes with our family again."

The Rogers' were busy talking and figuring out everything among themselves and nobody was paying attention to Sarah's words.

Sarah was weeping in a corner when Sean's grandma saw her. She went up to her and said, "Young lady, please tell us where Ava is. If you do, I promise you that we won't hand you over to the cops but if not then I won't be able to stop Sean, you see he loves Ava a lot."

Listening to grandma, Sarah sobbingly, screamed at the top of her voice, "Please, believe me! I have no clue as to where Ava is and if I did, I would have never even in my dreams tried to replace her. I never wanted to get married, it's only because of my family that I had to go through with this crazy idea."

Listening to Sarah, Sean could not hold his anger anymore and dragged her out of his house but Vincent, on the other hand, hearing Sarah's words, dialed Mr. Gray's number and kept it on speaker for everyone to hear the truth.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Sophie was discussing with Nathan that if the Rogers figure out that Ava ran away from the wedding then it won't do any good for them. Listening to Sophie, Nathan expressed, "Do you still only care about Ava and yourself? …. What about Sarah? ….. What if they say or do something to her? That poor girl must be going through hell right now….also she hasn't fully recovered from the accident as well."

Saying this, Nathan dashed to his room in anger when his phone rang. Seeing Vincent's number flash on his phone, Nathan dreadfully answered, "Hello."

Hearing Nathan's terrified voice, Vincent asked sharply, "Are you kidding me, Mr. Gray? Who's this girl and why is she claiming to be Ava's sister? Where's Ava? What's going on, Mr. Gray?"

Nathan answered, "I understand that you all must be very upset but to be honest we too have no idea as to where Ava is right now. When Sophie went up to Ava's room, she had disappeared and at that moment we had no option but to save grace by switching Ava with Sarah."

Vincent then asked, "What about this girl who's claiming to be Ava's big sister? Is that true? You never told us about having another daughter, where was she all this time?"

Listening to Vincent, Nathan realized that the mood in the Rogers mansion was quite tense. He assured, "Yes, it's true that Sarah is Ava's sister. When the marriage was finalized, Sarah was just back home from the hospital after 2 months of her being in a coma as she had met with an accident and because everything happened so fast, we could not tell you about it.

Because the phone was on speaker, Sean was startled to hear about the accident and he immediately looked at Victor. Victor signaled him saying that Sarah was the same girl he had crashed into.

Nevertheless, everyone realized that Ava had run away from the wedding. Listening to Nathan, Vincent told Grace, "I don't know how to make sense of this situation. This means that whatever that girl was saying was the truth and just as Mr. Gray mentioned, we didn't know about her because of her accident."

Grace was infuriated with the Gray family when something suddenly struck her. She ran out of the house, looking everywhere for Sarah but could not find her. She assumed that Sarah must have left and turned to return inside when she found her lying on the ground.

Seeing Sarah passed out, Grace cried out for everyone's help and screamed, "Everyone! Come out! Sarah is unconscious. Somebody call the doctor."

Hearing Grace's voice everyone worriedly came out of the house. Grace then pointed in Sarah's direction and Vincent looking at Sarah shrieked, "Oh god, this girl has fainted. We have to take her to the hospital. Nathan just told us that she was in a coma for 2 months. We can't let anything happen to her. Sean take her to the hospital right now!"

Sean bluntly refused, "No way dad! …. I don't want to do anything with this woman … I need to see Ava …. Moreover, she's just knocked out …. It's not as if she's dead." Listening to Sean, Vincent growled, "Are you nuts! …. What are you saying? ….. Don't forget that she is your wife and now you have to take responsibility for her."

Sean did not consider Sarah his wife even for a fleeting second but it suddenly struck him that it was because of him that Sarah had got into an accident which is why he carried her to the hospital with Victor on his tail. On reaching the hospital, Dr. Barnes after examining Sarah came out of the room and informed, "Mr. Rogers, Sarah is not doing well. I had already instructed Mr. Gray to make sure that she does not undergo any stress which can cause harm to her health."

Sean replied, "Why are you telling me all this? …. I just brought her to the hospital cause it seemed like she was dying …. She has nothing to do with me." With this, Sean left.

After some time, Sarah regained her senses and seeing herself in the hospital, mumbled, "What am I doing here? How did I reach here and who brought me? Well, everybody hates me in the Rogers mansion and they don't even wanna see me. I can't go to the mansion or my house. What am I supposed to do now?"

Just then, the door opened and someone entered the room and said, "Who said you can't go to our house?" Hearing the voice, Sarah turned to see who it was and was surprised to see Vincent standing at the door.

Vincent walked up to Sarah and looked at her, "See, I don't know how this marriage happened but all I know is that you are not the one to be blamed for it. Mr. Gray told us that you were in an accident which is why we couldn't meet". ….. He sighed and continued, "Let bygones be bygones cause no matter what anyone says our family is tremendously hurt over today's events. That is why, I alone am saying this to you, 'Welcome to our family, Sarah', It won't be easy for everyone to accept you, especially Sean as he really loved Ava a lot. However, now you are a part of our family and now it's up to you as to how you will take care of your new family."

Hearing Vincent's encouraging words, Sarah looked at him with hope in her eyes. Vincent's words provided Sarah courage to face the reality and helped her to decide to treat the Rogers as her own family. After few days Sarah returned to the mansion along with Mr. Rogers and Victor. Everyone was upset and unacceptable with Sarah staying at their house, especially Sean, however they unwillingly agreed giving heed to Vincent's words. Sarah knew that it was not going to be easy for her, but she did not want to give up and was determined to win everyone's hearts.

Just like that two weeks went by and besides Vincent and grandma, all other members of the family ignored and disregarded Sarah but that did not discourage her from considering everyone her own. Sean was upset with her to such an extent that he did not even acknowledge her existence in the house. Day by day it was becoming difficult for him to see Sarah instead of Ava.

How will things turn out to be for Sarah and Sean? Will love find its way?

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