
Subatomic Evolution

with an abusive stepfather in the house and bullies at school, Alex is your normal, every day depressed kid who doesn’t know what to do with his life. That is until his mother gives him a ring from his deceased father and he discovers a whole new world filled with adventure.

rr5282 · ファンタジー
20 Chs


It took more than a simple explanation to convince Malia and Nill that the Lucile I knew was the same legendary master Lucile they knew.

By the end of my explanation, they knew almost everything about me and my background, except for some things like family matters and the fact that I had absorbed a mythic beast core.

"so you still don't know much about the subatomic world?" Malia summarized.

"Not much," I confirmed.

"Then I will help you with a few things. First, let's talk about your education…"

"My education?" I asked, not quite following where he was going with this.

"Yes, as soon as you start your journey as an unranked fighter, you will be committed to a mandatory training program, where you can find out about your skills and other stuff.

The alternative is for someone to sponsor you or give you private lessons, simply become your teacher.

Nill and I both are under the private tutelage of two skilled level fighters in our field of study which is alchemy for me and forging for Nill.

With your relationships, I don't think it would be difficult for you to find a master or even a grandmaster to become your teacher."

"What field do you think is most suitable for me?" I asked.

"There are different options based on a few factors such as innate talent, foundation elements, funds, and . . .

I think it's most appropriate if you ask Master Lucile about it. He will be the most qualified person to guide you in this regard."

"Well... I don't want to see him yet, but I think I know of someone who can help me with that.

Regarding funds though, do you know any fast ways to earn a few extra MPs?"

"There are a few ways, such as taking on missions, going on independent adventures, selling material, and ….

At this moment, I think the fastest way for you to earn some MPs is to sell some of the labs and equipment that you know you won't use.

So first you have to know what profession you want to pursue.

Then you can decide what to sell and what to keep."

"How much do you think I can get if I sell the extra labs?" I asked, intrigued by the idea of earning easy money.

"I'm not sure. We have to first assess your labs and equipment," Malia answered.

"Can we do it now?" I asked, "Would you help me with it?"

"Sure, but Alex, are you sure you want us to have access to such private information?"

I thought for a bit before deciding that I could trust Malia and Nill to some extent.

It wasn't all logical, actually most of my reason for trusting them was based on my gut feeling.

One thing I noticed after coming to this world was that my confidence had risen and I could trust my instincts more.

"I'm sure, don't worry about it." I said and started walking toward the door, "The maintenance should be over by now, why don't you come now?"

Malia looked at me with pity in her eyes. She said, "Poor guy, you are too trusting for your own good, but don't worry I will teach you how to be ruthless." She muttered before saying, "Let me get a few things and we can leave."

Ten minutes later, we were standing in my room which had been thoroughly cleaned, looking like no one had ever set foot in it.

Malia looked around excitedly while caressing the side of the labeling gun in her hand like it was her baby.

"What's the matter with her?" I asked Nill in a hushed voice.

"She is an organizing freak," Nill answered, explaining everything in a few simple words.

As I was about to ask again how the two of them were together, Malia started talking, "ok, I think we should leave the greenhouse and the cave alone since they can be used to grow material and will be an excellent way to invest your money.

So, I will start with the smithy and finish with the alchemy lab. After all, the best things come last."

I didn't miss the change from "we" to "I" in her sentence, thinking, 'She really enjoys this kind of thing.'

Malia dashed toward the smithy and started labeling every small thing in it and at the same time writing a few things on a piece of paper.

"is there anything we can do to help?" I asked Nill who walked to the sofa and just sat there.

"Just leave her be. You just gave her the perfect gift. Don't ruin it."

In response, I just shrugged and sat in front of him, and we started talking.

Nill explained a few things regarding the subatomic world and the main jobs, helping me narrow down my options.

Three hours later, Malia came to us with a strange smile on her face, like she was just coming back to work from a long vacation.

"Soo??" Nill and I asked at the same time.

"Well, I took the liberty to categorize the equipment based on ranks, job classification, and price. Which one do you want to hear?"

I turned to look at Nill who was smiling helplessly finally understanding that Malia was really enjoying this.

"Let's proceed with price categorization," I said.

"OK, the most expensive piece of equipment in your room right now is related to forgery which is a rank 4 anvil…"

"What?" Nill jumped up and shouted, "How can he get a rank 4 anvil in his starting pack? Even my master can hardly afford that."

"Quiet, I'm not done yet," Malia reprimanded, clearly not liking the interruption, "the estimated price for the anvil is between 19 to 25 thousand MPs."

Our jaws almost hit the ground.

Malia smiled, satisfied with the reaction she was getting, and continued, "Next, was a rank 4 alchemical equipment called Mortar and Pestle Set that can be priced from 16 to 18.5 thousand." Not waiting for our reaction this time, Malia continued, "Next, a rank 4 water generator that quite strangely was in your kitchen since it can mainly be considered a piece of alchemy equipment too. It can be priced somewhere between 18 and 20 thousand.

Besides these, you had six rank 3 pieces of equipment and twelve rank 2 ones plus 183 rank 1.

In total, you can get a total of 139,750 MPs by selling them all."

At that moment, my excitement hit the roof. I jumped up without thinking, teleporting to a different place in the room, making Malia and Nill almost pass out from the surprise.

"What was that?" both shouted at the same time.

I walked back toward them with a guilty smile on my face, "That was my newly acquired skill. I just absorbed my first beast core."

"but…. But …. But that was teleportation… what core did you absorb?" Nill asked and this time, Malia didn't seem to intend on reprimanding him for asking a personal question.

"It was a space element…" I explained.

"But where did you get a space element core?" this time it was Malia who asked.

"It was a gift from my father..."

"Didn't you tell us that your father was dead?" Nill asked.

"Yes, he hunted the monster when I was unborn," I explained.

"Just how powerful was your father?"

Feeling like the questions were never-ending, I decided to explain everything from the beginning again, this time in its entirety.

Surprisingly though, the fact that surprised them the most wasn't that I had absorbed a level 2 mythic core, but who my father was, "Your father was David Adams? The Ares?" Malia shouted.

"You know him?" I asked, happy to learn more about my father.

"Everyone knows him." Nill exclaimed, "he almost became the human king. No wonder you have such potential. Your father was Ares."

"Can you tell me a bit about him? Nobody seems to want to talk about him to me." I asked them with a pleading look, fearing that they might stop too.

"We weren't born at the time, so we just know what others know Alex. But your father… is said to be the strongest human in history just below the primordial kings." Malia exclaimed.

"Who are those?"

"Primordial kings refer to the first kings of the races. When the beings of the order first came to be, they were known as the primordial race, and their kings were called primordial kings.

All races are the result of primordial races that have developed independently over time. After that, the primordial race seemed to vanish and some even believe that they are extinct." Nill explained this time.

"You mean my father was that powerful?" I asked, not believing my ears.

"You don't understand. He was just a step away from defeating all the twelve knights of the Round Table and becoming the king.

It might not seem like a big deal, but throughout human history, only six people have ever been able to achieve that. And the current Knight Order is considered the most powerful.

Your father was a legend."