
Studying with my bad boy crush

Y/N is assigned to do an assignment with her highschool crush Min Yoongi. What happens we she leaves her diary at his house? (picture edited but not owned by me)

Savvylovesbangtan · セレブリティ
26 Chs

Chapter 3

Next day

I avoided him all day yesterday and decided to take a leave. How in the hell am I going to face him? he already tortures me enough! Now I have to spend a week with him in France since we leave today. ughh why is my life so unfair! I packed my bags last night now I'm going to take a shower and get dressed. Maybe if I act like I don't know what he was talking about and tell him I wasn't at school yesterday I can convince him I don't like him and I never left my diary at his house. Nope dumb idea. ughh I might as well get this over with.

------------------------- At school -------------------------

I walk to the gym as instructed by the teachers. I see Lisa and sit next to her on one of the bleachers.

Lisa: Hey Y/N !

Y/n: Good morning *yawns* I'll never understand how your always so lively in the morning.

Lisa: *giggles*

principle: Okay everyone I need your attention! Today you will be leaving for France ...

Students: *Cheer*

principle: Okay settle down, settle down. Don't forget why you are there! you are there to research, but of course don't forget to have fun! I want you all to be on your best behavior and represent our school with pride! okay now you all have a slip with a number on it. The number on the slip is your bus number. You may now open the paper and for a line going out of the gym to get to your bus.

Y/n: What bus are you on?

Lisa: 2601

Y/n: Awww I got 2871

We part ways and walk to our busses. I get onto the bus and start yo walk to the back when I'm suddenly pulled and I land in a seat.

Y/n: Hey! What was that for?!

I turn and see.... Yoongi?

Yoongi: This bus is mainly filled with girls that like me. I don't want to be bothered.

Y/n: What makes you think I won't bother you?

Yoongi: You're annoying but not that annoying. You know your place unlike most girls.

He put in his ear buds and started listening to music. The drive to the airport is 2 hours away so I decide to take a nap untill then.

----------------------- Time skip ----------------------

I feel somone tapping my shoulder and look up to see I'm the only one on the bus.

Mrs.Kim: Y/n sweetie wake up we'reat the airport.

Really! He seriously just left me. Oh well what was I expecting he's Min Yoongi the biggest asshole in the school.

Y/n: Sorry, thank you for waking my up Mrs.Kim

Mrs.Kim: No problem, let's go now the others are waiting outside the bus.

We walk out side and I walk into the line I'm directed to and shoot Yoongi a glare on the way there.

Mr.Park: Okay everyone we're going to go into the airport now! Follow your teacher and listen to all directions carefully! Okay now my class come with me!

We start walking into the airport and makeour way to security. We're checked and so are our bags and then we head to the gate of our flight.

Pa System: Flight 2908 from Seoul South Korea to Dijon France is boarding now I repeat Flight 2908 from Seoul South Korea to Dijon France is boarding now

Mr.Park: Okay class this is it! remember stay safe and have fun!

We board the plane and I look at my ticket to see which seat I have. 23B... I walk to the seat and sit down when someone sits next to me...

Its Lisa!

Lisa: Cool it looks like we're sitting together!

Y/n: *smiles* I guess so! How was the ride to the airport?

Lisa: Good I listened to music the whole time! I'm guessing you were sleeping?

Y/n: Yep

We both laugh and talk for a while. Since the flight is 12 hours we decide to watch a movie on my phone and then go to sleep.

A/n: I REALLY felt like updating so here's a little treat. I'll still probably update on saturday tho. It's Christmas eve in my country tomorow so merry christmas if you celebrate and happy holidays if you celebrate something else! <3 <3