
Stuck with u

grenadae · 若者
6 Chs

It's doritos after all

Ariana's pov

"Crystal where the fuck did you keep the doritos we bought earlier? Can't find it in here. ", I yelled rummaging through the huge pile of food and drinks we had bought for the game night we were about to have tonight.

Crystal came in with the doritos in her hands munching on one and licking her fingers in the process.

"You did not!!! ", I screamed as I almost pounced upon her to grab the bag of doritos which was almost over. I had bought it for the night and not for her to eat it whole without sharing.

"Chill there's more. ", she said pushing me away from the bag. While we were fighting for doritos like our lives depended on it the doorbell to my house rang indicating that our friends had arrived.

We both raced downstairs towards the door like kids betting on whoever reached the door first gets the doritos.

Unfortunately Crystal reached first but I grabbed her shirt and pulled her back and dashed to the door , opening it.

" Yayyy I won. Where's the doritos bitch? ", I said not giving a fuck about the guests we had coming in, looking at us, shocked.

"Umm no miss thing, the bet was about who gets to the door first and not who opens it. The doritos mine"

"What? Nooo that's bullshit."

"You cheated!!! "

"I did not"

"Yes you did"

" Asshole"


"Ugly bitch"

"Skinny bitch"

"Will y'all stop", a voice rang from behind us.

"No!", we both snapped at whoever spoke in unison.

It may not seem like a big deal but it is. It's doritos after all.

Sonya , Courtney, Aaron and Doug all gave us hugs and set down whatever they had brought with them to add to our existing pile. Now we were waiting only on two people, Abby and dalton.

I don't think I can face him after what happened last night and also because of the fact that my friends are all here to start the teasing game again. Hopefully they respect my decision to not mingle with any guy right now.

I was wearing a black top with jeans shorts that had little white lace on the edges. I looked cute gotta admit. I also had my hair down today for a change. The sides were pinned behind and a little hair was left out. I don't normally do my hair this way but today I felt like it. Light makeup as well cuz it was just a game night after all.

As we were seated in my couch and exchanging small talk, the doorbell rang once again. Crystal gave me a look which meant we were on again so we both sprang up the couch and ran as fast as we can to the door.I was leading this time and as I looked behind me sticking my tongue out and laughing at her struggling to keep up with my tiny legs that I didn't notice banging into a hard chest. I was still laughing when I turned and looked at the person I had bumped into but the laughter died down as soon as I saw who it was.

"Hey Dalton ", I said shyly breathing heavily from all the running.

"Um hello to you too Ariana. ", Abby said appearing from behind and rolling her eyes to make her presence felt and also to point out that I had only wished Dalton.

I chuckled and said, " Alright drama Queen. Hiiii. "

I kissed her cheek as she wiggled her eyebrows at Dalton and said, " Well at least you ain't getting that lucky boy. "

"Who says he ain't? "

They both looked at me with wide eyes and open mouths as I shook my head at them laughing it off.

" Come in you two. ", I said as they followed.

I noticed Crystal had already left when I saw her sitting in the couch innocently as she whispered something among my friends, looking at me.

They sooo just discussed about me bumping into Dalton.

I just shrugged off the thoughts plopping on the sofa between miley and dalton as that was the only space left.

"Ok so guys this is Dalton Jacobs, my bro for life whom y'all have not met except Ariana. ", Abby stated as Dalton gave everyone a smile and introduced himself once again making the others do the same to him.

After a little chit chat we decided to start our game night.

" Yo Ari let's go get the drinks ready and play shots. That'll be fun. ", Abby said getting up from the couch and pulling me up with her.

"Well damn the night is still young and you already wanna booze?", I said following her towards the kitchen.

We got shot glasses ready for everyone and a bottle of cliquot and entered the room

full of my friends gossiping and laughing loudly.

" Alright alright clear the tables cuz the drinks are here. ", I said making my way to the centre table and placing the tray on top.

Everyone cheered and filled their glasses with champagne.

"Ok so the rules are that if you're the only one who's done or not done something you'll have to do a dare.Agreed? ", Abby said already taking sips from her glass.

This girl I tell you!

We agreed and started playing the game clockwise.

It was Doug's turn first.

"Never have I ever forgotten to brush my teeth in the morning. "

All the boys in the room emptied their shots making us girls throw up.

"Eww you boys are gross. ", I said laughing at their stupidity.

" Deal with it. ", Aaron winked.

" Alright my turn. Never have I ever found a teacher hot. ", Crystal said.

This time all the girls drank off their cups making us all chuckle.

" Eww you girls are gross. ", Doug said mocking my words.

" Deal with it. ", we said in unison causing us to laugh some more.

" Ok my turn. Never have I ever hated

an Ariana Benson song. ", courtney said being the only one who sipped on their drink.

"Aww come on! Y'all gotta hate at least Crazy love.And Ari I thought you hated Don't look back and Call girl. ", she added feeling defeated.

Those were one of the first songs I had made and I still cringe thinking about Crazy love till date. That song literally makes me wanna hang myself.

"I said they're boring not absolute

trash. "

"Ok now dare for courtney. Kiss

Ariana. ", Aaron said as I shook my head.

"Nothing I haven't done before." courtney shrugged as she pecked my lips.

No Courtney and I weren't lesbians but we just kissed each other sometimes for fun. Just a best friend thing.

I could see dalton get a little uncomfortable there. Oops.

"Umm dalton it's your turn. ", I waved my hands in front of him as I could see he had dazed out completely.

He shook out of his trance and nodded.

"Yeah right. Um never have I ever stolen toiletries from a hotel."

When he saw he was the only one who sipped on his drink he sighed.

"Man I can't be the only one."

"Alright Jacobs you'll have to do a dare then. ", Abby said smirking at him.

He laughed nervously as he waited for

what's to come.

"Ok open any piece of clothing off Ariana with your teeth. "

Wait what? She so fucking did not!!!

I looked down at myself and saw what I was wearing. If he were to open either my top or shorts I'd be almost exposed.

Dalton looked nervously at me. What the hell am I supposed to do now.

"Guys that's a little too much don't y'all think? ", I asked hoping they'd agree and let it go.

" Nope y'all know the rules. Do it!! " They all cheered while dalton and I looked at each other awkwardly.

I swear I'm gonna murder Abby after this. How the fuck does she even get such weird ideas from?

"Umm Ari is it ok if I.. Um", he spoke nervously as I nodded not knowing anything else that could be done to get us out of this.

We moved to the small couch around the corner which was empty as we shared a few eye contacts here and there trying desperately not to make any more but failing.

" Lay down. ", he whispered as I obeyed.

"You don't have a bra on so I'm gonna

take off your shorts is that alright?"

Wait how does he know I wasn't wearing a bra? Was he looking? Oh my god.

Nonetheless I nodded waiting for him to make a move with hitched breath. I could feel eyes burning on us but tried to ignore


He slowly lowered his face down to my shorts button as my whole body felt tingly feeling his breath hit my skin when he lifted my top a little to expose my lower stomach. As he was about to do it a thunder interrupted us.

I shot up in the couch pushing his chest lightly for him to get off me. We exchanged an eye contact as I felt my cheeks turn red from the embarrassment and the few inches between us.

" Shit man. The climax was just about to happen. ", courtney said making us chuckle.

"Guys I don't think the weather is in a good state today. Guess it's about to to rain. ", Doug said looking out the window.

"Yeah we should probably head home. ", Crystal said getting up while the others nodded.

"It was so much fun though tonight. Hadn't had a night like this for a while. ", Abby said getting up and stretching herself.

"Yeah true. But Crystal ate up all the doritos again. ", I said narrowing my eyes at her as she returned the gesture.

"Y'all are not gonna start again. " Abby warned and we laughed.

"Off coarse not. ", we said together but gave each other death glares at the same time.

As everyone was heading out Abby stopped.

" Hey dalton I forgot to tell you but you have to stay at Ari's house tonight. Sorry."

Um what?

He looked as confused as me.

"But why? ", he asked finally.

"Oh it's just umm.. Well uhhh oh ya um I'm bringing a guy home tonight to fuck so yeahh...that's why. And I don't want you hear me scream and blow off the entire roof all night so yeah... ", she said playing with her hair.

That was a huge ass lie. She was trying to get us alone. This bitch ain't slick.

"Umm ok I guess. ", he said not buying what she just said.

"I hope you don't mind me staying though Ari. I mean I can always go back to my house.. but it's thundering and my house ain't near", he added.

"Oh no it's fine. Totally fine. You can stay. ", I nodded reassuringly.

I pulled Abby aside by her arm and spoke.

"That was the lamest excuse ever. "

"But at least that lame excuse did the work. ", she said as if stating the obvious.

"You know how you're ass is gonna look after I beat the fuck out of it right?"

"Yup.. Sexy as ever. ", she winked and closed the door to my house with a loud bang.

I let out a sigh and turned towards dalton who was looking at me with a smile.

"What was that about?"

" Nothing important. Just Abby being

Abby. ", I shook my head as we both laughed.

"I noticed you were really shy and quite tonight. ", I said as we made our way upstairs to my room to watch a movie like last time.

"Well yeah I get kinda nervous around people. "

"You never get nervous with me. Don't I make you nervous? ", I asked playfully.

" Not in that way but no. I'm more comfortable with you. "

"What do you mean by not in that way?", I raised an eye brow.

" I don't get nervous around you for the same reason I get nervous around other people. Did that make sense?" he asked.

"Actually yeah "

"For instance that dare made me hella nervous. ", he said chucking making me blush both because his laugh was so cute and being reminded of that embarrassing dare.

" Haha yeah that was intimidating. All hail to that thunder though. ", I said trying to sound less embarrassed than I was feeling.

But truly. That thunder was jesus in disguise I swear.

"By the way I wanted to ask. Which is your favourite tattoo you've got so far?", he said changing the topic to my relief.

He was just as embarrassed as I was.

"Umm I don't know. There's a lot but I think I would say the bellisima tattoo I have in my side rib cage. That has to be one of my faves cuz my grandpa used to call me that. ", I said feeling myself tearing up a little.

"That's sweet. What does it mean? ", he asked interested in the conversation.

"It means beautiful in Italian."

"Well then that's a perfect name for you cuz your truly beautiful inside out. ", he said smiling making me smile as well.

" That's nice of you to say dalton. Thank you. ", I told him as I looked down at my hands feeling my cheeks burn again.

"No problem. But hey let's go grab the left over doritos ok. Then we can talk more and watch another movie maybe. ", he said as I nodded.

We headed downstairs to grab the left over doritos finding out there was only one left.


"Well if you think I'm gonna share then you're wrong. ", I said jokingly grabbing the bag of doritos from the table.

"Oh I don't think so Benson. ", he said as he pounced for the doritos in my hand but failed miserably as I moved away from his reach before time.

"Ok so it's gonna be that way I see. ", he fake glared at me while attempting to snatch the crisps away from me making me laugh hard at his failure and frustration.

"Well look who's winning Jacobs. It's

this cute little bitch right here. ", I said as I made a run for my dear life when I saw him run after me.

He was faster and taller than me so to much of my disappointment, grabbed the bag from my hand and cheered in victory.

As he was busy doing all the John Cena moves I sneaked from behind, snatched the bag and made a run towards my room.

"Whoever gets to the room first wins. ", I say looking behind me trying to run as fast as I can, laughing candidly at our childishness.

He laughed as well running behind me.

As soon as I opened the door to my room and was about to claim my prize, a hand caught my arm from behind pushing my body onto the wall with my wrists pinned above my head.

Both our laughter died down slowly as we looked at each other in the eye breathing heavily after running that much.

His eyes turned dark as his gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips making me gulp hard. I bit my bottom lip as I felt him leaning a little closer making our foreheads touch. Our chests were heaving up and down when I felt the doritos slip from

my hands and land on the floor rather silently as the sounds of our quickened heartbeats overstepped the others.

"Um.. we should go watch the movie. ", I whispered as his head tilted a little towards the crook of my neck making me close my eyes feeling to tip of his nose lightly brush my skin.

He inhaled my perfume as he hummed. I thanked God repeatedly that moment that I had sprayed some.

"You're right. ", he whispered being just a few inches away from my lips.

He let go of my wrists as my hands travelled down his chest pushing him slightly off me.

What were we even about to do?

I shook my head slightly as it was the third time we've had this kind of sexual tension between us. It's not going smooth so far.

I picked up the bag of doritos as if nothing had happened and went and sat on the bed going through movies we could binge watch.

Dalton looked a little out of place for a while but soon joined me to begin our movie marathon.

And thankfully I didn't have to fall into another awkward situation with him as we watched movies, commenting sometimes on the scenes or characters, sharing the doritos surprisingly and going to sleep in separate bedrooms to end this adventurous night.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

Let me know what y'all think by commenting.

grenadaecreators' thoughts