
Stuck In The Dark

"From the start, my life was a dark, black hole but........", he whispered in her ear. "This darkness with you, can sometimes be so steamy with just a good time and most importantly us........ Naked", He continued, which made her mind insane.

loveablefellow_086 · 若者
15 Chs


~Flashback to 12 years ago~

Author's pov:

Happiness can be found in many things, maybe for some people it may lie in their jobs, for others in their family and for some in their closest friends, and David was one among them. He believed no one except the fragile and ravishing girl,. He didn't find solace in anyone except this lovely living being who decided to support in all his ups and downs, even when they were just 9 years old. Their relationship was so much enthusiastic that made the parents of their classmates to mistake them as lovers. The painful truth is that they are both orphans and are each others everything when it comes to anything to hurt them. But as all know that destiny is really something which cannot be tested by anyone and cannot be rectified or ignored. Just when they were happy destiny decided to play with them.

"Shug", the cute and childish voice of nine year old boy made the girl to stop blowing bubbles into the thin air and turned to look at the boy. "Shug, there is someone who wants to meet you", the boy continues and the girl nodded and went with the boy to the place where the visiters came to meet her.

"May i come in?", although the girl seems childish, her manners were upto the mark which makes the two visiters watch her with awe. When the care-giver, Mrs. Davies nodded, the girl made her way towards her and bowed at the couple. Even the boy who bought the girl their did the same.

"My girl, These two people standing infront of you wants to take you home with them. They are both good and kind people who will always make you happy", Mrs. Davies, the girl's favourite care-giver said to the girl as she leaned towards her and caressed her face to soothe her. 

On hearing this the girl blinked twice not getting the information in her head and finally when she captured it, the beautiful brown eyes of hers started to fill with tears making them glistening. She ran outside the room and sat outside in the bench which happened to be in the garden of the Orphanage. 

"Its okay Mrs. Davies.... I'll take care of her just give me some time and I will return with her agreeing to this", the small but smart boy said to the care-giver and smiled at her when she agreed to this.

He ran outside the room and started searching for her when he saw him in the bench of the garden. Her red skirt which was till her knees and her white full sleeve t-shirt tugged inside the red skirt of hers, her shoulder length brown hair with a small hairband making her forehead visible by supporting her bangs made her look cute and beautiful in his eyes.  

She covered her face with her small little hands and started sobbing in them without a break. She never expected that maybe someday she has to leave the orphanage, her favourite care-giver and most importantly her 'Peter'.

She jumped a little when she felt the hands on her shoulder, she turned back when she looked at her Peter standing behind her which made her to cry again, the boy made his seat beside her and gave her a comforting hug, which made the girl rest her head on his chest.

"Shug, look at me", the boy said to the girl while rubbing her head before giving her a rift to lift her head up as it hung low. "Shug ,I've got something for you and if you won't look up I won't give it to you", the boy tried another attempt to make the girl look at her but this attempt also failed. He didn't had any other option but to lift her chin up and make her see him.  

Her cheeks,nose and eyes were red because of the crying making her lips to match them. She was looking so sad which even made the little boy who cared about her a lot to shed some tears too.

"Peter, please don't cry", the girl said to the boy as she swabbed the tears from the cheek of the boy making it dry again. "I won't be able to go if i see you like this", the little girl continued and the boy chuckled at her. He sniffed and gave her a small smile making

"You should also stop crying if not i won't give you your little surprise", the boy said to the girl as he took a small box from his jeans pocket.

For some it may look like a proposal and childish but only these two angels knew what it was actually to leave someone who you trust and love a lot, it was like seperating the moon from the sky and leaving the sky to be dark and lonely by itself. They never knew that maybe someday they will get seperated but they surely believe in God and the destiny he had made for them.

"Wow! this box looks so cute and tiny", the excited girl said which made the older to smile at her cuteness. This is something which he'll be missing when she leaves. the boy opened the box taking out the two chains containing a heart shaped locket in both of them. One was in red and the other was in Blue. It was made in such a kind that may look as a pendant from outside but it can also be opened. He gave the Blue one to the girl and kept the red one to himself.

"Open it, Shug", the boy said as he gave the blue locket to the girl. The girl took it carefully, afraid that might break it. She opened the locket and saw her and the boy's Picture stuck into it in such a way that it cannot be removed easily. By only taking that locket she started crying which made the boy to hug her into his arms and cry himself.

"I don't want to leave you, orphanage and Mrs. Davies here", the girl sobbed which made the boy to cry harder. The beautiful yet sad moment was something they didn't know they will come through  it.

"Listen, Shug..... ", the boy said taking the girl's cheek in  his palm, "I know... that those two couples are good and they seems happy too..... if you go there then you may be happy and also will enjoy a lot, maybe someday someone will also adopt me and i am sure they will be good, just go with them and trust me that nothing will be wrong", the boy soothed the girl with his mature and smart thinking which made the girl nod her head.

"If you say so, then i will go with them", the girl said as she gave him a sweet smile. But they both know that the smile is a fake one and will soon be converted into streams.

"And also.... Wear this chain and if you ever miss me look at the picture of us inside it and just pray to god that we will meet in future, never remove it , I repeat never remove it and I will do the same with mine", the boy said and gave her a smile. 

"I promise that I will never remove this chain, Peter", the girl said and wiped her own eyes after wiping the boy's. "lets go they maybe waiting for us", she said.

"Sure", the boy replies and takes her hand into his and they walk towards the room. They see that the couple have been sitting in the sofa their and stood up when they both came. Even Mrs. Davies was also there. She came towards the girl and gave her a quick hug before pecking her forehead.

"I will agree to go Mrs. Davies", The small  girl said, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Lets sign those paper and then you are ready to go", Mrs. Davies says to the couple and gesture them towards the reception table. After few minutes of signing and talking they both left bidding farewell to the nine year old boy and the care-giver making them to look at her for the last time.