
Stuck In The Dark

"From the start, my life was a dark, black hole but........", he whispered in her ear. "This darkness with you, can sometimes be so steamy with just a good time and most importantly us........ Naked", He continued, which made her mind insane.

loveablefellow_086 · 若者
15 Chs


The young and beautiful girl waiting at the grand hall of Mr. Smith's mansion for his father, elder sister and his pregnant mother carrying her brother. She was in her late teens showing off the early beauty of the maturity. She was wearing a golden gown showing off her curves, it was very long and fit for her that it made it look like she was some kind of princess. But ofcourse she was not less than a princess for everyone present in the hall

She always wondered to go without bodyguards following her because this was all new to her. Everything just changed from the last ten years. She never knew that she was going to live in a life style with full of luxury and love because apart than her childhood best friend and Mrs. Davies of the orphanage she never had experienced what is the feeling of love. But she never was spoiled kid.

She always went to visit her best friend in the orphanage when one day suddenly he disappeared. She searched for Mrs. Davies but no one was there. It looked like an abandoned house. She tried searching for him but couldn't find anything. She only came to know that he got adopted and was very happy for him but she never knew that she will not see him again. It has been four years since she last saw him.

She waited for her family but still they never came. It had been 1 hour since she started waiting for them but they didn't come still. She started to get worried about them so she went out of the mansion to see if they were there.

"Why are they taking so long to come?", she asked herself but the silence didn't help her. She even tried calling them but all she got was a voice telling her to leave a voicemail.

She heard a loud voice coming from the main gates so she went their but found nothing. She felt someone nudging her shoulder from behind, before she could turn around she felt a sharp pain erupting from her brain causing her to place her hand around her head as a reflex. 

Her face was filled with pain but before she could turn around she fainted causing her head to fall down first in the concrete floor. No one knew what was happening outside the house which just showed how they planned everything with a master mind behind them.

A man covered in all black came behind her as they took her in bridal style to the main place. The unknown man placed her on a chair as he tied her up with rough ropes. Then the most famous rival of the Brown's entered the scene. He sat in front of the beautiful girl and poured ice cold water on her to wake her up.

The girl squinted her eyes due to the brightness and the coldness suddenly poured on her. She started breathing deeply because of the sudden gush of cold water on her. She started shivering due to the coldness.

"Look.... who we have here", the man said to her as he laughed in an evil way showing off all his impurities  in his horror voice.

"The beloved daughter of Mr. Brown, Isla Brown but not really because she is just adopted by him", he said as he placed his fingers on her cheeks.

"But guess what? He loves her more than his own daughter who might be dead by now", he continued as he laughed again. This made the girl look at him with horror. Tears started to drop from her eyes when she heard this. Although they are not own sisters but still they have a bounding of ten years.

"No, you didn't", she said with a sob escaping after her words but truth does hurt.

"But I did, truth always hurts sweetie. You can never get what you expect", the man said as he chuckled at her state.

"Even your mom might be dead by now", he said at which the little energy she saved from earlier was also destroyed. She never imagine a day where she will see her family getting far away from her. With this, her emotions weren't in her control.

"For heaven's sake she was pregnant you assholes. At least think about that, she might've been in so much pain because of you", She said to him but all she got for a response was a hard slap.

Her head was turned towards her right side due to the impact.

Mr. Wilson pulled her hair and stretched her head towards the back making her yelp in pain. Her tears were soaked and her eyes were bloodshot but she didn't care. All she cared about was how her family were in pain.

"This is what you get when you curse at me you bitch", he said to her as she cried out but this time her sobs were audible.

The family which was together hours ago was just getting split into parts after few hours. 'Time changes everything' she thought in her head as she started using her self defense techniques which were thought by Mr.Lee when she was twelve.

The men were actually in front of her which made her easy to remove the rope which were tied at her wrists. She tried putting pressure on her right wrist as she pulled the end of the rope from the other hand. 

When she was free with her wrists she started scanning the room to plan a small escape. She might look fragile and weak but she is actually more of  the bossy and badass type. She saw the gun tugged in the pants of one of the man behind Mr.Kim. Thankfully he was just behind the old man.

The men were actually so dumb that they didn't tie up her legs. She kicked Mr.Kim on his knee which made him kneel down in pain. She quickly made her way towards the man behind him and took the gun from his pants.

Everything happened too fast that they didn't had time to think what was happening. They thought she was a girly type so they played safe with her but they never know what was hiding beneath that fragile girl. She placed the gun in Mr. Wilson's neck as she held both his hands from behind.

The dress wasn't helping her much so she placed her heels at the end of the dress and tore it up till her mid thigh, she never thought she might do this one day.

"How can you ruin someone's family in just a short span of time... Huh? We didn't even do something wrong to you guys for doing this to us. I swear on my life I won't let this go easily", She yelled as tears were streaming down her face.

"That will only happen if you remember this Isla Brown ", A voice said from behind as a sudden pain shot in her head. She started seeing items fading in space but still tried to stay conscious. Before she could get ready she felt down with blood flowing from her head.

"Damn you fellows, you can't even think smart than this girl", Mr. Wilson's son said as he placed his bag as he just came from Austria. He went towards his father and hugged him.

"You just killed her, son", The old man said but his son just shook his head.

"I didn't kill her dad, i just made her lose her memory. I hit the part of her brain which holds the memory so she might just be in Coma for few months or maybe years", He said as he smiled at his dad.

"So, i guess sending you to Austria for training finally paid off", Mr. Wilson said to his son giving him a proud smile. 

The both men laughed for a while sharing things which were left off for the past three years. 

"And also send that girl's body to the hospital and tell the doctors there to not let  the case come outside about her", Mr. Wilson said to one of the boys making sure he was clear with them.

"Sure sir", The man said and dragged Isla's body like a piece of garbage which they had to get rid earlier.

They sent her body to the hospital but they didn't know that one of Mr. Brown's men is a doctor their. This is were they all went wrong but Karma is just so fair with everyone.

They placed her body on the stretcher and took her up to the surgery room to see whatsoever wrong.. They called the most famous doctor of that hospital, Dr. Edward.  As soon as he saw her he called Lucas who was incharge to take care of her if anything happened.

Lucas came as soon as he came to the hospital to find out that she was actually between death and the life. He felt that something was wrong but all he got was an indicator which located in Mr. Brown's car and an app indicating where the car was going to.

But all of a sudden, it showed the location of the car in an unknown area for more than an hour so he rushed to that place but all he got was Mr. Brown laying lifelessly on the road so he quickly took him to their mansion and placed him in his private jet and sent him to Tokyo with one of his trusted men beside Lucas . 

SO finally he found Isla and turns out that the surgery was successful so he sighed in relief. But unfortunately she forgot some incidents. 

And this is how Lucas entered her life.