

"You slut! You keep your mouth shut!" Sandy yells at her as I just stand there, completely numb. "You know what, maybe I am a slut. But at least I'm not like you, Arielle Young," she hisses at me, "I don't play with anyone's feelings. But you, you toy with them! You don't fucking deserve them! You're destroying them both!" She yells furiously. And that was the sharp dose of reality I needed. She is right. I am playing with their emotions. But I just can't bare to lose one if I choose the other... Have you ever been torn between two choices? I know I've been, more than once. I'm sure everyone has experienced this feeling of 'stuck in between' so this is totally of your type. So let's join the journey of Arielle Young!! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°′°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° *original work* *updates will be once a week*

Day_Dreamer_4548 · 現実
8 Chs

Chapter Seven: "Live a Little Bunny!"

Life without your loved ones is like sky without sun and moon. An empty hole that cannot be filled. A void felling that rots you inside every day. I do not know how I will be able to live if I do not have those people in my life. I will probably become mute, a loner, and a depressed person. I know we fight with them. Even sometimes, we wish to live our life without them.

James was always there for me even in his bad time he never gave up on his life, his family and his dream. I never saw him cry, he is one of those people who gives you positive vibes and helps you overcome all your fears. I love him so much I cannot imagine anyone hurting him, forget about someone killing him. I don't know what I'm feeling right now because my mind is blank. And I am assuming James is saying something and is waving his hand in front of my face. However, my mind is like paralyzed; and do not want to respond to anything. The only reaction my face was showing is this damn tears, which are surely going to betray me any moment.

My poor cousin! He must be so stressed and scared by this situation.

"Omg! Your face" folding his hand on his stomach he suddenly started laughing like maniac "I can't-"

What is happening here? Confused and scared for his well-being I stare at him and a teardrop escapes from my eyes. "This isn't funny! Don't you get it James? I am scared for you! You are taking this thing so simply for GODS sake, someone is trying to murder you and you are here seating like there is nothing wrong. And I am very much sure you haven't told this to anyone! And--" I can't take it anymore I have to say all of these to this nutcase boy.

"I'm so sorry Arielle but please don't cry! You know I can't see you like this," he says worriedly. Uh is he face shifter or what? "I was just kidding my little mermaid; I didn't know you will take it so serious. I'm sorry. Please don't cry"

I swear I'm going to kill him. I'm sorry GOD but I don't care now. I am going to attempt this sin, i stopped crying. "Thank god you stopped" I wipe my face furiously "but why are you looking at me like an angry wolf?"He gulps and back downs a little bit.

"Because you JAMES ANTHONY YOUNG are going to die by my bare hands! You fucking piece of shit!" growling like a wolf I grab his collar and slapped him hard on the face.

"You did not just slap me?" he asks somewhat amused and shock racking through his face.

"Oh I did and I'm going to do lot better than that" before I can do anything he releases my hold on him and ran out of the car. "James stop you can't hide from me" I say while getting out off car.

"But I can" he runs toward the exit gate of the school. I try to catch up with him but as you can see, I'm not good at physical activities. In addition, James workout's every day. Therefore, I stopped chasing him. "You know what james, go run away. I don't care! But you better keep in mind that from now on I'm never going to speak with you."I scream at him and without waiting for any response, I started to walk toward library. I don't care if anyone heard me or this is going to be the hot topic of the week. Because I'm angry, frustrated by that idiotic, stupid and selfish brother of mine. Soon I heard running footsteps. And do you want to know who that will be?

"Look Arielle you can't say like that. I was just joking around with you and I was annoyed too by your questions!" I don't respond and kept my poker face. "C'mon Arielle you to know that I hate it when you try to become like mom." He huffs.

"Yes but that doesn't give you any right to give me a mini heart attack asshole"I grit.

"Arielle just listen to me-" I zoned out his remaining sentence when I saw sandy running into washroom.

"Save it "and I ran after sandy.

When I opened the door of washroom, the phase I saw sandy in made me feel more terrible. Standing in front of mirror staring at herself, she looks broken. Hearing the noise of me closing the door, she snaps her head toward me. Her tearful eyes were staring at me with shock. "i.i-I" she try to form some words of explanation.

"Shh. You don't have to talk right now."I just hugged her and let her cry. I patted her back reassuring that everything going to be fine even though I don't know the root of the problem .But I need to be strong for her.

After some time I felt her sniffing and she stopped her crying. I heard her saying a small thank you. "So you want to talk about it," I ask when she fixed herself a little bit to look decent. "Maybe later". I just nod my head and walked outside. "So now are we going to class or should we ditch?"I ask because I am not in any mood to learn something right now.

"Why?" she asks. "I'm totally fine bunny. We don't need to ditch any class on first week!"She says trying to be in her normal cherry self.

"It just not about you, I'm not in good mood as well. So I thought maybe we can distract our mind from the current situation." And before she can ask what happened to my mood I further explain what happened earlier with James. And I can sense her mood changing from sad to furious one.

"I can't believe that he did that to you. What kind of cousin he is. Jerk" she says angrily. "You know what we should do something to teach him a lesson" I like the way her eyes are sparkling with mischief. James going to wish he never pulled that prank on me.

Later we decided that we should not bunk the class so half heartedly we completed our remaining classes. And when the last bell rang, signalling the school was over I hurriedly packed my bag. I went to my locker, tossed some books in it, and locked it. Sandy was waiting for me nearby her car. In addition, James was there with Carter but he was looking at sandy with expression I cannot pinpoint, maybe sadness no it looks more like guilt. Something definitely happened between them when I was with James that made not only her to break down but affected him too. I walk towards them not wanting to create any scene and opened the door of driver's side. "Arielle can we talk "it wasn't a question more like a statement that yes we are going to talk but I don't feel I've any energy left in me for more drama. "Not now james." And hopped in. soon Sandy too took her seat beside me and we were off to road.

The entire journey no one spoke anything but I knew there are so many questions and emotions hidden in this silence. Believe me I want to break the silence and ask her what is she hiding, but I know there are some things, which needs time. Therefore, I am going to wait, until she is ready. Today we are going to Sandy's house; I already informed my parents that I am not coming home today. When we reached her home, I park the car in their garage and we both walk outside. I still feel awestruck by all of these cars.

"Here take my bag ill bring some snacks for us" Sandy says when we entered and carelessly throws her bag pack in search of some snacks. I find my way towards her bedroom in eerie silence slinging both of our bag packs over my shoulder.

"Mom and dad have some business to attend so they'll be late. Later on we can order some take out or can go out." Dashing into her room sandy sets two bowls filled with chips and nachos on the table.

Humming in the response, I grab the bowl filled with chips. Nachos aren't of my taste. "So...?"I ask getting impatient.

"So what?" confused she mumbles.

"Are you going to spill out what's going on with you and Carter?" rolling my eyes, I munch on my snacks.

Choking on her snack, she looks at me with shocked expression "how did you?"

'Well I'm very good at reading people. You can say my observation skills are very high!" with some sarcasm I try to tease her, because even an idiot will understand just by looking at them that something fishy is going on between them.


Smacking her head and I scoff at her lack of response. "What oh? I need answers Sandy"

She sighs "do you remember I told you about my first real relationship with this mystery guy?" she asks in a barely audible voice.

"Yeah of course. Your first real boyfriend and you literally planned your full fucking marriage life with him. So I never understood your reasons of breaking up with him." I state remembering the time when my ears used to get hurt by hearing her imaginary plans.

"Hang on-"putting the bowl at side I ask her eagerly when I put two and two together. "That guy is Cater?"I ask already guessing the answer.

Nodding her head, she lay down on bed, burring her head in the pillow. Who would have thought that carter is the person. Hmm, interesting!

"Everything was going on fine until the day I found out that he is in gang and he is not just bad boy but much more. I was scared. I loved him and maybe I still do but I' can't be with him. He is too dangerous, I don't even know if he ever kills--'she stutters blinking her tear back.

"Sh sh no one's blaming you Sandy" I say trying to calm her. "You are crybaby over that guy" I chuckle.

"Cant help it." She smiles that didn't reach her eyes.

"You know what, what we need right now is lots of food and Netflix."I say getting up from seat to hunt down our sources of relief.

"Aren't you going to ask me more or scold for being coward?"

Seriously, I'm trying to distract her and she is still hung up on that topic. "Sandy you already made the decision there is no point even if I want to say anything. My opinion does not matter here. Because even if I have know about you guys I don't know what you guys are going through. I don't know that person, what are his feelings? So I will be just wasting your time by giving a wrong advice about the matter I don't have any experience about."

"You are right. Thank y-"

"Whoa whoa! Now you are using such formalities between us?"Shaking my head dramatically, I wiped my Imaginary tears.

"Drama queen" hitting me on my shoulder she laughs a little. "Go bring some ice cream for us from the kitchen."

"Slave at your service madam" I fake salute her and ran downstairs.

Conflicting for some time I chose a box of chocolate flavoured ice cream, picking up two bowls and spoon I dashed toward sandy's room.

"Oh you're here" Sandy states getting the things from my hands. "Go freshen up I kept new set of pajama in the bathroom for your use."

Smiling at her, I rushed into bathroom and changed.

"So what do you want to watch?"I ask getting out from the bathroom. I settle myself on the bed a laptop between both of us with bowls of snacks and ice cream. This is life!

"Lets watch 2gether; it's a BL Thai drama. Carol told me it's one hell of show." She grins excitedly typing away on the search box of YouTube.

"Okay then" I reply excited. Yes, we are fan girls!



And just like that how our night was spend. Forgetting all the chaos from todays, we lay down in the comfort of blankets. Night sky and the silence surrounding us as our companion we were just enjoying the beauty of moonlight. Suddenly I felt the person beside me moving hurriedly and getting started to search for something through her makeup drawers.

"What are you looking for?"I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Tell me what colour James hates the most?"Without stooping her movements, she asks.

"Pink. Why?"I ask moving towards her when she stopped her actions. Looking at the things in her hand, I was confused.

"Lets go to your house we are taking our revenge." She smirks mischievously.

I gulp. "In the middle of night?" I ask unsure.