

“Stuck!” unfolds in a dystopian future where war, global warming, pollution, and destruction have ravaged humanity, leaving Earth a scorched wasteland. In a desperate bid for survival, nations unite to send all children to space under professional care, forsaking most parents to their fate on the dying planet. However, a scientific mishap leads to the creation of a deadly monster that decimates the adult crew, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Amidst chaos, the cleverest child takes control, steering the spaceship to an emergency landing on an alien world. As they explore this new planet, they encounter other survivors from their ship. Faced with the ruins of their past and the uncertainty of their future, the children stand at a crossroads: return to the remnants of Earth or forge a new existence on this enigmatic planet. “Stuck!” is a tale of resilience, leadership, and the indomitable spirit of youth facing the unknown. Welcome to: "Stuck!" MK_The_Writer's most popular story!

MK_The_Writer · ファンタジー
19 Chs


I jumped up from bed, racing to get Reine before the monster could get to her.

But it seems like she got to the monster first, because she punched it in the face with extraordinary force.

What I saw Reine do to that monster next would give a person nightmares for years.

She was able to hit faster then I could think and repeat at the same speed.

How was this possible?! Reine isn't this strong.

She then looked back at me, and came running at me.

"Wait Reine St-" I started.


I ended up in a white void, with a screen of what I last saw before I entered it.

I decided I would use this as a chance to calculate what Reine would do next.

And the moment I finished I zapped into reality, and took Reines arm to judo throw her to the ground.

She fell with a thud, and that must've zapped her soul out of her body.

Because she coughed and stood up.

"WHAT THE BUTT DOE?!" She Screamed.


"Whatever" She said as she stood up. "We've wasted to much time, lets pick up our feet and carry them all the way to our friends. SO PICK UP YOUR FEET AND GET TO WALKING YOU DINGO!!"

I was surprised, Reine really was a new person, and it made me happy she decided to improve on herself. 

I smiled. For the first time on this planet. I smiled.