

“Stuck!” unfolds in a dystopian future where war, global warming, pollution, and destruction have ravaged humanity, leaving Earth a scorched wasteland. In a desperate bid for survival, nations unite to send all children to space under professional care, forsaking most parents to their fate on the dying planet. However, a scientific mishap leads to the creation of a deadly monster that decimates the adult crew, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Amidst chaos, the cleverest child takes control, steering the spaceship to an emergency landing on an alien world. As they explore this new planet, they encounter other survivors from their ship. Faced with the ruins of their past and the uncertainty of their future, the children stand at a crossroads: return to the remnants of Earth or forge a new existence on this enigmatic planet. “Stuck!” is a tale of resilience, leadership, and the indomitable spirit of youth facing the unknown. Welcome to: "Stuck!" MK_The_Writer's most popular story!

MK_The_Writer · ファンタジー
19 Chs

I hate my life.

 (This Chapter will be told in Doe's POV)

For the first time it was turning night on this mysterious planet.

"We need shelter for the night." Said Reine.

"I know" I replied.

It was getting hard to think.

I don't even know if this planet's air is toxic or not.

But none of those worrying thoughts can enter my head right now.

I should be thinking about my friends!

My awesome friends are probably waiting for me.

<Thought Bubble>

*All of them laying around in beach chairs drinking sodas and eating borgors*

<Thought Bubble Close>

Ya, I don't think they are.

So I got to chopping

It was a hard process but I was able to make some kind of ugly shack thing.

"It works.. I guess" Reine said looking at it in disgust.

I wish I had a broke-a-cola or maybe some orange phantom, or some brite.

Or Layz chips.

Oh well, I guess it's time to sleep.

I said before dozing off.

And then after what felt like five seconds woke up to the screech of one of those monsters.

And the scream of Reine.

This just sucks. I hate my life. 

From now on stuck updates on fridays again! Make sure to gift, vote, comment, and share.

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