
Chapter 246- Exchange

"I still can't believe it…" hearing Ben's words, Carl didn't need to ask what he was talking about.

With a soft smile on his face, the shaved-headed man added, "Me too….I never believed we could rescue Rena while still being alive."

It was a dream, his only life ambition, to bring her back. And for that, Carl and Ben were prepared to sacrifice themselves. However, not only was Rena back with them, slowly recovering, but they all were alive and in one piece.

"It wouldn't have been possible without Richard." Ben slowly muttered, as he rested the face mask on the table and leaned back in his seat.

Carl nodded, "Indeed…without him, we could have never dreamt of going against Crimson Claw with the pitiful amount of forces we had."

There was a brief pause between them. The only audible sound was the light snoring coming from Laila's throat.

Ben turned his gaze towards his best friend, before asking, "Now what, Carl? What are we going to do?"