
Struggle of survival

Eric_Moyer · アクション
2 Chs

Struggle of survival

Chapter 1 "A ordinary day"


It was an ordinary day like any other kids were playing in the sun except one person Caius that was always sleeping in. *BEEP* *BEEP* then all sudden the sound of groaning emerged from the cover along with a hand smacking his alarm clock on to the carpet floor and slowly opening his eyes and struggling to get up but eventually sits up right then looks around adjusting to his surroundings. Caius plopped back into his bed debating if he should even get up while making a lot of good reasons to stay in bed but after debating, he finally got up and turned on the light. Opening the door in a quiet manner even though he lived alone he tirelessly walked down the stairs, almost tumbling down but catching himself. Stepping on the last wooden slab his phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. Caius reached into his pocket, took his phone out and checked who was calling him. To his surprise it turned out to be his friend lance but without a second glaze he put his phone back not thinking anything of it. He walked over to his kitchen and stepped onto the freezing white and black tiles but didn't seem to mind. He looked over to one of the brown cabinets and lazily walked over to it and with a long stretch of his arm he opened the cabinet door and grabbed a plain white mug and carefully placed it down onto the coffee brewing machine and pressed the blue glowing button to start it. He stood near the machine rubbing his eyes as he waited for his coffee to brew. All sudden his phone vibrated in his pocket again, he sighed and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and saw it was his friend again calling him. Caius placed his phone down on the counter and ignored the call again, but he wondered why his friend would be calling him at 9 in the morning but whatever it would just have to wait. Looking up from his phone noticing his coffee was done, he carefully grabbed the mug and kept repeating in his head "please don't spill" as he carried it towards the other side of the counter where the creamer and sugar was. He placed the white mug on the counter, grabbed the creamer, poured some in, and it turned a nice tan-like color, then reached for the sugar, added 5 teaspoons inside his coffee and began to carefully stir it. After he was done, he grabbed his coffee, his phone, and carefully walked over to his circular table in his living room and sat down. Fixing to take a sip of his coffee he got interrupted by his phone ringing again. At this point cauis was annoyed he grabbed his phone and answered and said "bro what! I haven't even had a sip of my morning coffee yet someone better have died" a long silence before the trembling voice of his friend lance said "br- bro... turn on your tv and turn the channel to nine". "But that's the news channel wh-" getting cut off by the sound of begging from lance trembling voice "BRO just listen to me for once!" Caius rolled his eyes and snatched the tv

remote then pointed the remote towards the black flat screen tv and turned it on as soon the tv was turned on an amber alert showed up on the tv along with this horrible screeching sound. Caius turned down the volume immediately because how loud the noise was and reddish words appeared coming from the left of the screen reading "ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS STAY AWAY FROM ALL WINDOWS, DOORS, MASSIVE FAILURES HAVE HAPPENED " Caius getting cut off reading the words on the screen by sound a loud bang outside of his house along with the lights cutting off. He looked around in the darkness but all cauis could see was the light of his phone, he grabbed it to check if his friend was on the line, but the call seemed to have ended by itself and turned on his flashlight on it. A big ray of light shot from the front of the phone shining into the darkness but not far enough to see in front of him as he carefully walked through the darkness into his hallway next to the kitchen and tried to get to his front door window. Once to the window he pulled the curtains to the side and the sunlight filled the hallway. Looking outside the window observing his front yard and the street trying to find an explanation for the power outage while looking he spotted a power pole laying in the street, but it looked like the wind, or something knocked it down it looked like something big ran into it and tore it down. As Caius was walking away from the window to call the city to report the power pole a rock flew through his window and broke it into pieces. Caius turned around quickly and looked towards the brick now on his hard wood floor now mad and confused he walked over towards the window avoiding the glass on the floor as he looked out his window again not seeing anything again besides the pole still on the ground. Cauis slowly turned around and started to speed walk away but all sudden his foot got snatched from under him and fell, he caught himself with his hands but ended up getting a big sharp piece of glass though his hand. Screaming in pain he looked behind him and saw what grabbed him. It was a long tentacle and had tiny spikes on it, it was slowly wrapping around his leg tightening every movement and cutting deeper and deeper to make things worse he noticed it was dragging him towards the window. Panicking he grabbed the piece of glass out of his and started to slash at it, and it released Caius leg and dragged across the floor back out the window. He got up quickly and ran to his back door as fast as he could and opened it. Once out of his house, he jumped the fence surrounding his backyard into the street. He looked around while running he saw cars crashed into poles or into other cars along with families and people running down the street, he started to feel nauseous and dizzy. He looked down at his leg and saw lots of blood running down his leg where the tentacle once wrapped around his leg, and it didn't help that his hand was also bleeding badly Trying to ignore it and running more Caius vision was getting blurry and felt like he couldn't go any longer. He looked around once more then into the sky he thought to himself "this is where it ends isn't it" looking forward once more and he sees a silhouette of a person and then he collapsed onto the street floor while reaching his hand out and then his vision fading to black. Caius slowly opening his eyes and looking around it seemed he was in a attic with lots of

boxes and other useless things which was being lit up by 2 or 3 candles but not too far away he spotted the attic door only a few feet away from him so he tried to get up but soon realized his arms were tied to the wooden pole that was behind him but although he did notice that his leg was wrapped in a bandage including his hand so whoever did this saved his life. He thought to himself "maybe it was that person I saw before I blacked out?" but he didn't care, just happy he was alive although one way or the other he had to get untied somehow. While trying to get out of the restraints, but sadly no luck he looked around some more seeing a window across the room, but it was boarded up. all sudden he heard the attic door beginning to open Cauis quickly closed his eyes and acted asleep he heard the was fully open at this point but still Cauis had his eyes shut tightly and then he felt his restraints all sudden fall off but still had his eyes shut and then lastly he heard a male voice say "I know you're awake you have your eyes shut to tightly so you can stop pretending now" Cauis slowly opened his eyes back up when he looked up he saw the same person he saw before he fainted. Cauis asked who are you?

Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliff hanger i hope everyone liked it try and not to expect a update every day i have school n such

Eric_Moyercreators' thoughts