
Struggle of survival

Eric_Moyer · アクション
2 Chs

a new friend?

The man looked down at cauis and said, "My name is Atlas and who are you may I ask?" while reaching his hand to help cauis get up. Hesitantly, cauis took his hand and said "I'm Cauis I moved here about two weeks ago" Atlas then said, "liking our little town yet?" he chuckled. Cauis laughed nervously Atlas then said "yeah that's not a funny joke sorry" "do you know what's happening out there you seem really calm for everything that's happened so far" cauis said looking down at his leg. "Well, it's no good to panic in things like this" Atlas stated and cauis thought to himself and necessary he wasn't wrong but still he seemed a little too calm but still he still saved me, so he wasn't goanna ask to many questions. Cauis asked "how long have I been out" Atlas said "two days but I fixed you up so you should be fine but you lost a lot of blood so your gonna be a little weak so take it slow" started to walk down the stairs of the attic Caius was unsure if he should follow but then Atlas yelled up "are you coming or do you want to sleep there some more" Cauis said "no no I'm coming!" Cauis climbed down the stairs towards the main floor of the house when he was down, he was in a hallway when he looked straight of him there was a kitchen, and the other way was a living room and two doors on the left and right of the hallway but same with the attic the place seemed to be lit up with candles. "Atlas where are you?" cauis said Atlas replied, "I'm in the kitchen just go sit down in the living room" he started to walk towards the living room and was looking for a place to sit he saw two couches one closest to the front door and one by a fireplace and a desk with a chair with a black bag on it. Cauis walked over to the couch nearest the front door and waited, he looked over at the black bag on the tiny desk and wondered what was inside it he thought about going through the black bag but reframed from doing it. He looked over at the windows but sadly there was not much to see because it was boarded up with wooden planks. After a couple of minutes Atlas came though the hallway with a tray with food on it along with a cup of something and then said, "you hungry?" With a smile he then said, "I made you some soup along with a cup of tea that's if you would like it" Cauis said "Yes please I'm starving" Atlas handed the tray of food to Cauis along with the tea. Cauis sat down on the couch and started to eat the soup and drink the tea and to his surprise it was actually really good. Cauis looked up at Atlas and said "thank you very much" Atlas smiled "it's okay no need to thank me" after Cauis was finished he gave Atlas the tray of now just a empty cup of tea along with the empty bowl, Atlas took the tray and went into the kitchen. Cauis got up from the couch waiting for Atlas to return from the kitchen and as he did Atlas said "well I think we should get some shut eye, well you anyways I'm gonna stay up on night watch in the attic you can have the bedroom in the hallway on the left it's been unused for a while been a long time since I had company sorry" Cauis then said "oh no it's fine thank you". Cauis made his way to the bedroom as he entered the room it was pretty basic room a bed in the middle of the room along with two night stands on each side with lamps on both night stands and a flat screen tv on the wall. Cauis looked behind him at the door he came through and looked at the lock he turned it so it would be locked he didn't want to take any chances. Cauis then walked over to one of the lamps and tried to turn it on but no luck Cauis thought to himself power must have been cut makes more sense why candle are everywhere around the house that were lit up. Cauis then got into the bed and threw the covers over himself and tried to fall asleep