
Structurized dungeon extermination 101

Seraph appeared in a weird city that seemed familiar, then he realized he was in a place with gods among men. It was that multi-media anime thing he did for his brother like a month ago! He set on a journey with his system that kept telling him to rest, on a quest to exterminate the dungeon, wasting as little time as possible. -There's no upload scedule, they'll just come out whenever I get a new chapter ready.

Mauritany_DL · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Grading 101.

Seraph sat in the dungeon, using an artifact which looked like a pen. It was fueled by magic stones, and was used as a drill of sorts to make indents in metal for the creation of 'Circuts', the things that actually used the magic power.

Seraph sighed slightly while doing his work, not impeding the speed of his hands in the slightest. It was such a shame he had yet to become proficient enough to do this while running, like most things.

Like; Scheming, calculating, eating, partially-sleeping, leather-working, fixing clothes, knitting, dancing, talking, scouring the web, and slaughtering piglets.

Though that's not all, those are suitable examples for now.

His lacking proficiency wasn't that big a problem, he could fix that in a week or two, the problem were the tools used. More specifically, the fact that they were either heavy and large, or dangerous if not properly used.

His squishy mortal body could not endure high temperatures or resist the cutting force of the artificy pen (Officially known as an 'applied cutter').

So his first goal were to create an artifact or item that could protect him, and then his efficiency would rise by many orders!

But there was a big problem, Seraph sighed exessively at the thought, he couldn't more an artifice of any cloth-like material, even leather didn't work.

But he had seen, in an applied magic shop, a glove said to have become an artifact. Seraph saw the circuts created atop it's leather exterior, he really wanted to copy it and make a circut for protection.

But sadly, he did not have the ability to do that.

But he would find out how!

By the way, during this period of artificy, the loli had stolen like a few thousand valis, less than the salary he was going to pay her.

As you can tell, she was just a fool, and one that betrayed Seraph. So he cleaned up his mind of glove artifacts and stowed all his artificy tools, and ran after the loli while killing all the monsters in his way with a single crescent slash.

I quickly catched up to her, seeing her pant as she ran upwards, doing her best to avoid monsters. She wasn't as proficient as she was with the simp, her evil 'Adventurer-steal art' had only been cultivated for a year or two.

Seraph chuckled slightly as he arrived right behind her with his far higher agility and dexterity stat, as her god had not updated her falna for far too long "For ambition and courage, I give thee; A 'E+'! Be thankful!"

Then he karate-kicked her in the back of the head... Lightly.

It did cause slight bleeding and probably a severe concussion, but Seraph was sure she'd be fine. Not that it really mattered.

He quickly pocketed all the magic stones on her body, which were originally his, and left without a (Major) care in the world.

Seraph decided not the go out and get another supporter, he only picked up the loli for the quest. Who was 100% fine, and would definently survive.

He wasn't going to bother with social interactions, the amount of time he would need to bother with a supporter that didn't want to betray him and steal all of his money, and then get about two days of support after which they quit due to overwork, that wasn't a worthwhile trade.

The extra money every time he entered the guild building was nice, but money was just a means to get better weapons and materials for his artificy. He currently had enough money, if he really wanted to go all in on money, he would return every few hours and get about 73k a day.

The biggest limiter of his money making was always the size of his pockets, and he wasn't going to wear a big bag for more space.

Such things wouldn't increase the rate at which he gains exp, speaking of that;


Name; Seraph.

Strength; D-562. Endurance; E-489. Dexterity; D-532. Agility; D-567. Magic; D-502.

Skill(s); <Amborate > (Germination 2%). <Orileas > (Germination 16%)

Magic; [Rift strike]


This 'Orileas' is going nicely, he may even get a proper skill in a few months!

The stats were close to D-rank in everything, the only one not yet D-rank being 'Endurance', the only stat that Seraph disliked grinding, and is only getting up to higher levels due to pushing his body beyond what is healthy.

To train/grind endurance, you need to have some kind of harm befall you, that can be exhaustion or a bullet in the eye, both bring exp to endurance.

Now; Will you be efficiently training agility if you've lost a leg?

I rest my case.

Of course, endurance will also become a 'S-999' stat. It'll be really annoying to keep on saying 'S-999', so let's call it... the 'Coil level' (Because limit level is a bit cringe), the level that is imposed by the mortal coil.

Anyways, endurance will reach the Coil, obviously, but it will probably be the last to do so.

But time was still in flow, and while we were talking Seraph had reached the 7th floor.

And he had encountered a kobold pair, having a honnymoon or something "To break space time, [Rift strike]." He poked his finger forwards with all his might and the adequately far-off kobold lost it's eye.

Then once again he punched "To break space time, [Rift strike]!" Suddenly the bloody eye-socket of the kobold become even more disgusting, while it looked like something had punched into it.

The other kobold looked at her (?) boyfriend on the floor, and quickly made the -999 IQ play of attacking Seraph. He unsheated his sword while passing by, killing a 7th floor kobold wasn't really difficult anymore. I think their stats are somewhere in the low F-ranks if you compare with the falna's stats.

Seraph didn't even consider this enough to count as a 'Battle', so he didn't take his 10 seconds of rest and kept running, as he had never stopped doing so.

He stopped at the 8th floor, prepared a place for sleep, and slept. Enjoying a nice dream about how he was being perfectly efficient without any time waste at any moment, being the god of efficiency, while having both eyes rapidly moving about without his eye-lids being closed.

While he was 'Sleeping', a woman and a man entered his little section of cave. The two stopped for a moment, looking eachother in the eye, and then man walked up normally. While his foot steps did not resound, he took out his short sword.

"Nighty-night~" The man said, in a cringe-worthy tone, slicing downwards.

But he was stopped quickly by a longsword, which pushed against his swing, allowing the wielder, Seraph, to roll out of the way.

He quickly got to his feet and sheathed his long sword, then got his two hands to his ninjato in a snap-like movement "I give you an E for effort." He said while quickly releasing a crescent.

Unlike all the others who had been defeated in a single slash to the neck, this particular person was surprisingly fast, and actually took a step back while in shock that his easy target had actually survived.

But one to not let up, Seraph quickly put his other hand on the grip, and made a distorted cresent, as he brought his sword's handle to the right side of his face.

Instead of a crescent, like he had done o' so often, he stabbed right at the opponents throat with a stab.

By a woman defended the man with her twin daggers "F for friendship, E for effort. Total grade: 'F+'." Seraph said randomly, he had already set in the grading system, best to use it for a bit of mind-games.

Even he, the cold, efficiency slave, Seraph, needed entertainment. And the inefficiency of talking slightly was well worth it to keep his sanity, so it wasn't actually inefficient in his books.

He was sadly, still human, needing something to keep his sanity. And he personally considered drugs inefficient for that purpose, a bit of random banter could do the trick just fine, why ruin his body?

Seraphs hand quickly snapped to his dagger, and unsheathed it with a reverse grip while stepping closer, and causing a crescent to travel towards the woman's throat "To bad that's a failing grade."

Seraph snapped his sword back into it's sheath while doing this. Multi-tasking, the most essential skill of combat!

Because he expected to get a green-hat placed apon him (One for exp gain), the moment he was blocked by the man, he had already taken out an 'Empyrean spark', his modified lighter.

It's two parts clashed with the speed and power of a D-rank all-rounder, mysteriously causing a gigantic spark in a cone-like form "Trying to change your grade, 'FFF'. Standing for 'Fated failure future'."

The man pushed to woman out of the way, getting out of the way too, still, his arm stayed in the radius of the Empyrean spark, and was quickly gaining 2nd degree burns.

And 3rd degree if the fire wasn't put out quickly, though; Sadly for Seraph, the man just waved his arm as hard as possible, while in a panic, and the flames went out.

Seraph's face turned extremely sour, the Empyrean spark was still just a lighter, that created flames that could easily be put out with the high stats of adventurers. It was only really deadly if the entire body was caught up in the blast radius, though he didn't show it "How lovely, putting you... Girlfriend(?)'s life infront of your own! I give you the supreme 'F of doom'."

Seraph made a sniffling sound with his agreious face "I'm so proud as your teacher, I'm sure you'll do well as a public servant, you might even be able to get promoted from 'Apprentice garbage-picker' to 'Novice garbage-picker'!" While he was doing that, he was putting in three cut-magic stones into the Empyrean spark under his cloak.

While he was doing is usual battle banter, he thought to himself that he needed to increase the radius and speed of his creation, while stowing said creation with it's two cousins.

This was a bit more worrying than normal, usually when something like this happened, a single strike would be enough. Maybe more if there were multiple exp sacks.

But two walking exp delivery drones could actually match up to him, even those bags with D-rank in something died without to much effort!

These two even had some chemistry, like romantic stuff, unlike the people he could put into disarray with only a single exchange, they wouldn't break into two rando's with a few kicks.

His mind was going a mile a minute "Sadly, that's still a failing grade though, try a bit more and maybe you get an 'E-'!" 'Seperate them, that's needed, then kill... The male, he's the bigger threat. Divide and conquer!'

The problem was; How will he do this? He's never had to do such difficult problem solving since he came to this world, bringing efficiency is just a way of life so things pertaining to that is considered easy due to how often he does it.

He had; Three Empyrean sparks, a ninjato, a long sword, a dagger, and [Rift strike].

"Don't worry, this poor, less than minimum wage, kinder garte- I mean colle- I mean middle school teacher, I'm not woke enough for either of those posistions, I will be teaching you 'Getting beaten up 101'."

I'm not really sure what to name this chapter.

Mauritany_DLcreators' thoughts