
Battle of Beetham Tower (5)

"Wen Wen, Wen Wen. Ughhh...who gives a dumb nickname like that?" Leo kept muttering this name while fighting the zombies and when he pictures Alex serious face giving that nickname to that little kid almost made him burst out laughing that it almost got himself killed when a Hunter managed to sneak his way beside him and swipe his claws towards his head but the good things was, Leo managed to dodge it in the nick of time and counter attack with a kick when he blackflipped to dodge the attack.

"That stupid Alex, that almost killed me" Leo landed on the floor and wiped off the non-existing sweat on his forehead and said with a laugh but with a resentful voice.

Leo then jumped backwards and surprisingly he actually allowed himself to be sandwich between the walls behind him and the multiple zombies in front of him.