
Return To Brynhildr Academy

“Take care, and always eat your meals on time.” Agnes hugged her grandson tightly. “Also, be nice to all of your lovers. You still haven’t brought Lily here yet, so make sure to bring her next time.”

“Understood, Grandma,” Ethan replied. “I’ll bring her here next time.”

“Good.” Agnes nodded before shifting her attention to Emma and Lilith. “I know that both of you will do your best to protect my grandson, but make sure to protect yourselves as well. He may not look like it, but he treasures those close to him very much. He will be sad if anything happens to the two of you.”

Emma smiled before nodding her head. “Understood, Grandma. I’ll protect myself well for Ethan’s sake.”

“Mmm, I’ll do my best as well,” Lilith replied.

After saying their goodbyes, the three of them climbed into the carriage that was being coached by his Grandfather, Benjamin, who would be driving them to the Train Station.