
Does He Think We’re Out To Have A Picnic Or Something?

A week had passed since the Fomorians had risen to the surface and started their march North towards Midgard.

King Arawn didn’t wish to see any bloodshed before the Fomorian Army stepped into the Shire Continent, so he made sure to steer them away from the major cities of the various kingdoms.

Unfortunately, even with his goodwill, things didn’t go according to plan.

It had been decades since he had wandered the world. Since then, the humans had expanded their territories, building villages and towns in places that used to be open land.

As such, despite his efforts, it was inevitable to have human casualties along the way.

The Fomorian was a race that didn’t shy away from killing and eating humans. In fact, they enjoyed the slaughter of the innocent, who just happened to block their path towards their destination.

As such, King Arawn asked his Hounds of Annwn to scout ahead to prevent further unnecessary deaths.