
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · ファンタジー
93 Chs

Chapter 44

Knock knock

The Emperor heard someone knocking on his office and he coldly said "enter"

A man holding a red book entered the room and respectfully bowed towards the Emperor

"Your Majesty, here is our report"

The Mystic handed a few paper towards the Emperor

Looking at the information on the paper the Emperor felt delighted

"Are all these already verified?" He ask and the Mystic answered in affirmation

"Good! I want to have all the items on that shop" the Mystic bowed again

"Certainly, Your Majesty" he said before exiting the room

The information on the papers were about the pillars of light all around the world

As the Emperor was having a good time on his life he doesn't want to risk himself to investigate it but instead ordered his subordinates to do the task

Apparently, on those pillar of lights a shop owned by mysterious beautiful women appeared

The shop is called 'Angel's Shop' which the shopkeeper stated that they sell all sorts of items that will be helpful for Supernaturals

Some even bought the items to verify it, when they verified that the items are really helpful they decided to threaten the woman and steal all of the thing she sell. While there are those who went crazy because of the shopkeeper's beauty was too out of this world

Unfortunately, no one know the depth of the shopkeeper's power and when the Supernaturals tried stealing or forcing themselves on the girl they all met a bad end

The beautiful woman didn't kill them but with just a snap of her finger even a Knight Rank Supernatural found themselves to be floating on the air before being toss out of the shop while all the energy inside their body vanished without them knowing the reason

Although the beautiful woman didn't make them a cripple as their energy can still be recovered naturally or by absorbing energies from the surrounding or consuming a Blood Bean

However, imagine someone just snap their fingers and you were already toss out from the shop while all your energy vanished that was too dreadful!!

Thankfully, there aren't any fallens a kilometer around the mysterious shop if not then their lives would be in danger without any energy!

The good thing is that the mysterious woman doesn't seem hostile and if you talk to her she was very polite

Unless you provoke her she won't attack you, even if she did attack you you won't receive much of a harm

"Hmm could it be the shopkeeper was in the third rank?" The Emperor asked himself before shooking his head

"No, mayber her level is even higher than that. How can a woman that powerful and mysterious came from earth?"

He came into conclusion that the shopkeeper might be stronger than even a Rank 3 Supernatural and that she came from another world

A world that was a lot stronger and advance than earth

He was only half-right though, the shopkeeper was in the 4th Rank but she was 'born' on earth


Kence ignored the state of the normal people in the city. Even if he feel pity for them what can he do?

Even he himself was not sure that he can always have a good living condition in this world so how can he worry about other people?

Kence walk into an alley until he stop into a dead end, devoid with any people

"Come out" Kence turn around with a cold look on his face

A few moments pass and nothing happened and it was like Kence just made a joke on himself

On between Kence's fingers a single leaf glowing with green light appeared, he waved his hand and it flew towards the wall on the alley

Before it landed on the wall something moved out from it and the leaf landed on the wall which it easily pierced

A human figure appeared from the wall and was panting heavily. The man can feel how his heart violently throb because of the fear, if he didn't move then that leaf would surely pierce accurately on his heart

This man's face has a variety of color as if someone painted on it and made him look like a walking painting

"You must be a Mystic with some sort of Chameleon Bloodline right?" Kence asked as if he was sure of what he said

This caught the man offguard and can only stare at Kence dumbly

Without a sound on Kence's foot a wooden armor appeared. A gust of wind blew and the next thing the man knew is that Kence was already behind him while a knife shape root was threatening to slice his throat

With Kence's energy mastery now he can sense people who don't restrain their aura. The Mystic might be someone that he can't see with the naked eyes but the man's energy was like torch in the middle of the knight

Add to the fact that the Mystic was in the Knight Rank, where not many people are his presence just became too obvious for Kence

Still, Kence should thank the angel, if she didn't sold the Mind Crystal to him he wouldn't be like this now

"D-don't kill me please" the Mystic begged for mercy while his body was slowly trembling

"Speak, who are you and why are you following me?" The man fell silent and was unsure if he should say something

Seeing this, Kence pointed his knife shape root hand to the man's throat closer

Sensing that his life is in danger the fear that the man felt intensified

"I-I'Il speak!"

Kence let the man spilled the beans. He learned that this man was a 'Royal Scout' serving the 'Emperor' of this city

He and his other teammate that has the ability to scan and gauge one's strength was responsible for recruiting powerful Supernaturals specially Mystics

His teammate scanned Kence and said that he was on the peak of Knight Rank that is why with using his Chameleon Bloodline that can make him camouflage he started sneakily following him

"An Emperor eh? What an ambitious person" Kence thought on his mind and realized that this city's power structure might be evem more complicated than he thought

To proclaim one as an Emperor of this place then won't other powerful groups be dissatisfied with that? There's only one way to become an Emperor of the city and that is by becoming the leader of the whole city

Not just one of the powerful leaders just like how in the previous city the three heads are just Generals without anyone having a title higher than that

"P-please follow me to the Emperor. He won't allow you to remain in the 'Empire' if you don't meet him" the man plead as Kence was still pointing the knife on his throat

Kence started thinking, although he can just leave this city but he was interested on the things he can gain from it

And if he really leave then King and the others can't enter this city as they would just be discovered like him even if they disguise theirselves

They took a lot of effort to reach this city, how can he just leave like that?

However, if he had a disagreement with the so called Emperor of this city then they might attack him

Kence released the Mystic but it still didn't dare to move, he was afraid that Kence will attack him if he do something

"All right, lead the way"

Since he can't waste the trip he would like to try meeting the Emperor. Even if they do attack him, who knows if he was more powerful than the Emperor?

And even if the Emperor is really stronger than him he can just flee. He still has a trump card that he can use to leave if something unexpected happened

The man was shock at how easily Kence agreed "o-okay"

The man act meekly but inside him he was sneering at Kence's foolishness. He was also a victim of the Emperor's poison, he knows what will happen to Kence

Even if he refuse to eat the poisoned food the Mystics and other Supernaturals are enough to kill him

If he don't want to die he can only surrender and let the Emperor poison him, in that case the two of them will have the same misfortune which he can already be considered as revenge to Kence's attitude towards him. He was the one who let him meet the Emperor and be poisoned or die

Humans are really wicked, if they fall into the abyss they would want other the fall in that same abyss too or even to something that is worst than theirs

The two walk for quite some time and their destination is the Royal Palace in the middle of the city

Kence saw with his own eyes the disparity of living conditions of the people in this city. The outer most area only has tents and was too dirty than even the squatters area of the old era

There are those who have a better life to live in small houses and the others will feel envy to those who have their own mansion and guards

However, the most envying one was the so called Emperor, he was living in a medieval type palace. Decorated with all sorts of expensive materials from the previous era

They stopped in front of the Palace's gate. The Mystic took out a badge from his pocket, Kence saw that it was a different badge than the ones given by the city guards

The Mystic's badge has purple serpent wrapped around a castle while the one Kence got from the guard only has a purple serpent on it

This made Kence to feel confuse and think of what the purple serpent's connection to the Emperor

When the palace guards saw the badge they opened the gates and let them enter. Kence saw that those guards were looking at him with pity although they tried to hide it

Kence started holding his guard because of the guard's attitude. It looks like he won't have a pleasant experience here in this palace

Well, after all considering that the leader of this city was too ambitious to call himself an Emperor and even build his own Royal Palace Kence can already feel how prideful the man is


At the time when the Mystic was still just sneakily chasing Kence a Supernatural started running towards the Royal Palace

The Supernatural showed the guards his badge with a castle wrapped with purple serpent before they let him enter

The Supernatural walk towards one of the servants and ask where the Emperor is. The servant answered that he was in his 'Imperial Office'

Hearing the answer, the Supernatural started walking towards where the Emperor is

Just like the other servants he knock first on the door not daring to enter on his own accord. When he heard the confirmation to enter that was the only time when he twisted the doorknob and opened the door

He bowed down first before saying anything. Although he was quite annoyed by these 'etiquette' but he can't do anything about it. If he dare violate it maybe the next thing he knew is that he was already on the floor screaming because of pain

"Your Majesty, a peak stage Knight Rank Mystic entered the Empire" the Supernatural said in a respectful manner

The Emperor stopped whatever he was doing when he heard that a peak stage Knight Rank Mystic entered the city

Even he with all the best resources of an entire city was also just in same cultivation base. He felt dissatisfied with it and though that that Mystic's talent and power was a threat for him and he need have him in his grasp

He needed to poison the Mystic and made him his own powerful servant

"I want to meet that Mystic as soon as possible"

"Your Majesty, the Royal Scout was already tailing him and soon will invite him in the Royal Palace"

The Emperor nodded "very well, you are not needed here anymore. Scram!"

Hearing the Emperor's harsh words the Supernatural bowed and left the room immediately

I have a new novel titled "Dual Rebirth" it is a BL (Boy's Love) and Cultivation Novel. I hope you will also support my story. Even heterosexuals can read it as I intend to balance the Cultivation and Bl theme. Thank you all!!

KenceRusselcreators' thoughts