
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · ファンタジー
93 Chs

Chapter 31

Seeing this, Cesar used some of his prepared Runes. Ten papers with Rune Symbols on it flew towards the Cultivator

"[Rune Magic: Vine Bind!]" A single Rune will not hinder the enemy at all but ten of them was enough to stall even if it's just a few seconds!

Vines wrapped around the man's body which made him stop on his track

"[Magic Skill: Dance of Bullets!]" A hundred bullets surrounded Calter which all aimed at the Cultivator running to him wanting him to be dead

Even with the boost of [Bloodline Manifestation] it still didn't pose much of a threat to the enemy. After all there is a small realm difference between their Ranks!

All it managed to do was to expend another chunk of the energy which came from sacrificing the Cultivator's body. Even then this made their enemy a step closer towards death

After just a few seconds the Cultivator managed to destroy the vines binding him

However another ten Runes drawn in a paper landed on his body which once again binded him

Kence turned his arms into a root that is thicker than normal, he used it to constrict their enemy's body

He tried to break the man's body using these roots however a Cultivator's body was the toughest body among the Mystics!

Although the most desirable outcome was not achieved still it brought them more time

The Cultivator roared and the fire red aura around him intensifies, this made him be able to destroy the vines and the roots

His speed exploded once again, this time all of them can only see a blur figure charging towards Calter

"No!!!" All of the Mystics cried out. They aimed all the skills they can make as fast as possible to the Cultivator but all of them know that their speed was inferior to their enemy

Despair and anger clouded their face, they can already imagine the bad outcome that Calter will have

The Cultivator was now in front of Calter, he reached out his arm to grip the child's neck

When his hand was just a few centimeters away no one expected him to suddenly stop

Even the Cultivator himself didn't know why

Suddenly, the fire red aura around the man vanished while his body slowly decay into ashes

They can see how the man's body slowly turned into ashes that the wind carried away

All of them let out the breath they were holding

It was finally over now! The Cultivator used up all of his body's energy and life force causing him to turn into a pile of ashes

King run towards Calter and hugged him tightly. Death was so close to his son just a few moments ago! Aside from him no one knows how much fear and despair he felt at the time

He even imagined his dead wife's face looking at him with a disappointed look

Calter's face was pale white, the man was too close to him and he can sense how strong the man is. If he was grabbed by the bandit he was 100% sure that he will really die

"Eat your blue fruits now"

As much as Kence wants to rest everyone's mind but they need to recover their energy first. He was just being cautious, who knows if some mishaps will come to them again. It was better to always be prepared

Everyone nodded and took the blue fruits that Kence gave them and ate it. A warm stream of energy travelled around their body and once again filling them with energy

When they recovered quite a bit Kence looked at some of the ashes that the bandit's leader left with some pity. If he can absorbed the man's body he might be able to advance into the mid-stage of Knight Rank


Two figures can be seen running towards a certain city. One them was was wearing an all black clothes while the other was an old man wearing a lab coat

"Old man, hurry up!" Sun shouted and pulled the other man on his wrist and fastened his pace of running

"Stinky child! How can you treat someone as old as me like this?!" The old scientist complained but even though they are running at a fast speed he didn't even sweat a bit or having a difficulty in breathing

"I'm already too old yet you are making me run this fast!" Although that is what he said he still managed to run at a speed that will leave a fully grown man in shame

"Stop your drama!" Sun rolled his eyes, so what if he was an old man? His strength was superior with a man at his peak age!

When the two entered the city hundreds of fallens quickly surrounded them

"Why didn't you just wait for the army to have some time and help you?" The old man complained

Currently, they went to this fallen city to kill a mid-stage Knight Rank Fallen naturally for its Blood Bean

Although Sun was confident he can kill one by himself but the lower leveled fallens will sure come on his way and with their number it would be impossible for him to get the Blood Bean that he needed

"I don't have time! I need to be stronger!" Blood Beans of fallens with the same cultivation base than him or higher was beneficial for him. Just one Blood Bean from a mid-stage Knight already greatly boosted his strength! If he were to consume early-stage Knight Rank Blood Beans it will take quite some of it to have the same effect and even then early-stage Knights are quite rare. He won't have enough of those for himself

"Too impatient!" The old man groaned, he just wants to continue his research why was he suddenly dragged here in a dangerous place?

"Don't you think I'm too old to be your helper?"

"We both know that you are old but not weak!" The old scientist with the help of his research and support from their organization managed to also reached the early-stage of Knight Rank and with his flexible Copy Magic even if he can't kill all the lower leveled fallens it was enough to buy quite a lot of time for Sun

At this time the fallens already reached the two of them

"Kill them! I want to conserve my energy" Sun demanded and the old man let out a long sigh

In front of the old man his blank white grimoire hovered and it shone with a brown colored light

"[Copy Magic: Earth Spikes!]" Tens of a few inches long earthen spikes were quickly formed out of nowhere, all the spikes flew and pierced the fallen's brain. All fallens that were hit died and fell down on the ground but another group of fallens replaced the dead ones and continued coming on their way

Behind Sun, a pitch black wings appeared. He grabbed the scientist and flapped his wings

Being in the ground will make it hard for them to locate their target as those fallens will just keep coming on their way

"Can't you grab a fragile old man like me more carefully?!" The old man complained and showed an annoyed look

Fragile your ass, Sun thought inside his head

He flew for quite some time before he saw a two meter fallen surrounded by other fallens

Sensing the aura that is much stronger than the other fallens, Sun was sure that this was their target

Black aura surrounded Sun's body, he threw the old man and readied himself for the up coming fight

"Brat!! How dare you throw me?!" The old man's face was filled with anger but the one being directed by his anger didn't gave him any attention as it was focus on the mid-stage Knight Rank fallen. He looked at it as if it was some kind of delicious food

"[Copy Magic: Wind's Embrace]" winds surrounded the old man's body that stop him from falling and he levitated in the air

Sun licked his lips and his black grimoire appeared in front of him. It shone with black light while its pages furiously turned into a certain page "[Hell Flame Magic: Blazing Stamp!]"

On Sun's right foot black fire condensed and he descended to the ground with his foot aiming at the fallen's head

Sensing the coming danger, the mid-stage Knight Rank Fallen looked towards Sun and it roared furiously

Gray aura surrounded the fallen and it threw its fist towards Sun's fire covered foot

The two attacks collided producing a loud bam

On the fallen's fist some burn marks appeared but it quickly regenerated back to normal

This was the difference between a Warrior and a Knight Rank fallen! When you destroy a warrior fallen's body it will stay the same as it is but Knight Rank ones have a great regenerative ability!

Sun's grimoire once again turned its page "[Hell Flame Magic: Hell Fist!]" This time it was Sun's fist that were covered by fire. Since he didn't gain much of an upper hand he will attack again unti he did!

The burning fist landed on the fallen's body causing it to flew backwards and its chest cave in but it was slowly regenerating back to normal again

The subordinate fallens roared like a beast and threw themselves to Sun

The nightmare fallens spat out some gray cloud towards Sun wanting to turn him into a fallen to

"[Copy Magic: Fire Balls!]" The old man's grimoire now shoned with a red light. Balls of fire was created and flew towards the gray fogs burning it into nothingness

The strongest fallen recovered now and looked at Sun angrily. It opened its mouth and it shone with gray light. A gray laser like light shot from its mouth and aimed towards Sun

"[Flame Magic: Hell Flame Barrier!]"

Around Sun dancing black flames circled around him, the flames enlarge and covered the area around him. Sun poured out more of his black energy towards the barrier

The gray laser landed on the flame barrier causing the barrier to quickly used up the energy that it was provided and it was now on the verge of getting pierced

Sun seeing this controlled the flames on the barrier, the flame retracted into a smaller one only big enough to block the gray laser

The fallen put more energy on its mouth strengthening the gray laser. The laser managed to destroy the barrier and hit Sun on his chest

Some blood leak out from Sun's mouth, fortunately the energy left on the laser was not enough to heavily injure him or pierce his body

"[Copy Magic: Heal!]" From the old man's palm a beam of energy flew and landed on Sun's body that healed the minor injury he sustained

After that the old man once again turned his focus on the other fallens

"[Copy Magic: Needle Rain!]" Hundreds of needles made from energy descended down on the group of fallens

The weakest fallens that were hit by the needles on the head quickly died, but still the fallen's number was still not something that the old man can take alone. He can only pray that Sun will quickly end his fight with the strongest fallen

"[Hell Flame Magic: Demonic Serpents!]" Sun's grimoire once again turned into a new page. Ten serpents made from black fire appeared and went towards the fallen, wanting to kill it

The serpents wrapped around the fallen and bit it, the energy from the serpents flowed inside the victim's body destroying the fallen inside

The gray aura of the fallen intensifies and it destroyed all the black serpents

The fallen launched itself towards Sun while its fist was covered by dense gray energy

Sun didn't want to meet this attack head on, after all he was not a Cultivator. He can take its normal fist but a fist covered with the fallen's energy will surely cause him some injury!

"[Hell Flame Magic: Scorching Demon Claw!]" A ten inches black flaming claw went to meet the fallen's fist head on

The claw contained dense black flame, when it collided against the fallen's fist the flames exploded and covered the fallen's arm with black flame

The black flame slowly burned the fallen's arm

Sun's black aura intensifies and some of it gathered to his arm and took the shape of a Lance

"[Demon Magic: Flaming Lance of Envy]"

Demon Magic! This was Sun's Magic that used the energy of Envy that he have inside him that either came from himself or the ones he absorbed from other people

The Lance let out an oppressive aura to the surrounding, it was as if the world itself was favoring Sun

Even the old man was suffocated by this aura, the feeling of envy inside him intensifies without any reason. He can only look at Sun with dread and when he look at the Lance of Envy the envy inside him intensified once again!

Without a choice he can only close his eyes and take a deep breath to calm himself

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