
Strongest Superhuman System

Four years ago, the first-ever Armageddon Class Anima appeared on Earth, destroying everything that it touched and threatening the lives of the entire world's population! But along with it came Superhumans that had the blessing of mana. They rose up to fight against the Armageddon, and leading them was the strongest Superhuman, KING. After two days and three nights of nonstop battle, KING gave his life to stop the Armageddon and give the Superhumans a fighting chance against the invading Anima, and everyone in the world remembers his good deeds and sacrifice! ... Mark was just an average Superhuman living in City A. His daily routine was skipping classes and hanging out with his only two friends while hunting for Anima in secret whenever he could. But this easy life was not going to last for long as the hidden power he sacrificed a long time ago began to awaken once more! [Initializing Superhuman System...] [Recognizing Host... Host Recognized.] [Parsing Constitution. Host Fully Healed. No Traces Of Residual Damage.] "Hello once again, Mark Vanitas. Has it already been four years?" ... Posting Schedule: Two chapters a day everyday, except days when extra chapters are posted along with the regular ones.

Legioneer_1000 · ファンタジー
531 Chs

On The Road


Mark and Arit were on Mark's Kawasaki Ninja H2/R motorcycle as they made their way towards school. The Kawasaki was a gift from Pat on Mark's sixteenth birthday, and Mark has loved the bike ever since. Mark knew that this Kawasaki breed is the fastest commercial motorcycle in the world and Mark had no idea how Pat was able to get one as easily as he did!

Mark has always believed that Pat had way more money than he knew what to do with.

Mark made a lot of modifications to the bike to make it faster and stronger than other Ninja H2/Rs, and he uses any excuse he can to ride the bike anywhere he goes!

At first, Arit was against riding the bike because of how Mark always rode at a very high speed. Mark was always trying to perform stupid stunts with the bike, and Arit was always scared for her life when she was with him. She was afraid that Mark would put them in an accident one day, and they could both end up dead. But Mark assured her that he would be careful, and he would drive slowly whenever they were together, so she finally agreed for him to take her to school with it.

Arit had no idea that Mark only wanted her to ride with him so much because of how tightly she would hold onto him whenever she was on the back of the bike. Mark could feel all her assets pressing against his back, and it was too exciting for him to pass up. If feeling something like that meant he had to ride slower, then he would gladly go ahead and do just that!

As Arit and Mark went to school that day, Mark had to stop at a cross-section as he saw a long line of cars moving through the road. They were both shocked to see so many cars moving down the road toward the docks. The cars were all military-grade vehicles with bulletproof windows and large Gatling guns mounted on top of their roof, and everyone knew that these cars were specially created to fight against Anima. What was happening!? Was there an Anima attack?

Mark didn't receive any calls from Pat, so he was sure that there were no attacks close by right now. That means that this must have something to do with the attack that happened yesterday. Pat said that the attack was weird and there were a few things that didn't seem right about it, but Mark didn't know that it was this serious. He would have to call Pat later to get some info out of him!

"Hey, I think that's from the Phoenix guild!"

"Yeah, look over there! It's Lightning Rider from the Phoenix guild! He's that B-rank superhuman who fought against the Disaster class the other day! What is he doing here!?"

"Oh, my gosh, it's Lightning Rider! Over here! Look at me!"

One of the fangirls on the street started to wave erratically as she tried to get Lightning Rider's attention. Lightning Rider only glanced towards her for a second from inside the car before he rolled up the window in annoyance and told the driver to move faster so they could get away from the annoying children. The girl that was screaming shouted happily as she started to gush to her friends on her group chat that Lightning Rider glanced in her direction.

"There are a lot of cars! Is this about the attack I saw on TV? They said that there was an attack at the docks, but a Superhuman blocked off the reporters and prevented them from getting any pictures because the Anima's corpse is still there!"

"Yeah, I heard that too! They said it was Yellow Phantom that killed the monster! I watched a video of the fight on Metube, and she was so cool! But why are so many Superhumans from City C doing here!? I thought the Phoenix guild only functions over there. They don't have jurisdiction in City A!"

The students who were also going to school were all talking about the cars that were passing, and Mark could see that all of them were very curious about what was happening. Mark also found it strange that this many Superhumans from City C were coming down to City A, but he didn't stop to gawk like the other students because he wasn't interested in watching the convoy. He needed to find out what was happening over there! There's a chance that there is a big fight coming soon!

Arit only looked at the convoy for a few minutes before she looked away without a care in the world. She looked down at her phone to read up on the class that they would be having today so she would be prepared for any questions from the teacher. Arit didn't care about Superhumans, and she wasn't some fangirl who would start gushing over them just because they were passing by!




A loud car horn echoed through the street and startled Arit so much that she almost dropped her phone in shock!

"Hey, fucker, don't just stay there blocking the way! Get a move on already and let me pass! You think this fucking road belongs to you!? Get that stupid-looking bike out of the way now!"

Someone suddenly shouted from behind Arit and Mark, and Mark didn't even need to turn around to know exactly who it was. The person was driving a yellow Lamborghini and was shouting loudly in anger, telling Mark to get the hell out of the way. Mark looked back to see one of his seniors in school named Francis. Francis was from class 3-B, and he was the son of one of the richest men in City A. His father owned at least one-third of the businesses in the city, and they were far too rich to be considered normal!

There was a girl sitting beside Francis in the Lamborghini, and she was busy fixing up her makeup in the car mirror as she ignored what was happening around her. Her name was Esmeralda Fortuna, and she was the second daughter of the Fortuna Entertainment company president. The Fortuna Entertainment company was in charge of everything that had to do with media in City A. They handled things like modeling and idol shows, and they were also involved in TV presentations. She was from a very wealthy family, so she knew she didn't have to worry about anything in life! All she had to do was look pretty, and she knew that life would be easy for her.

She hung out with Francis because she knew that it would look good on her to be with the son of such a rich family, but she was constantly annoyed at the things that he did. Did he not know that he was bothering her makeup session with his stupid horn!? Esmeralda glared at Francis as he pressed the horn again. He just made her make a mistake in applying her lipstick. But she just sighed and looked away. She couldn't do anything to stop Francis when Mark was involved. Francis has hated Mark right from the first time he saw Mark hanging out with Arit. 

Esmeralda didn't have anything against Mark, in fact, she thought that Mark was very handsome, but she couldn't say that out loud because she would be going against Francis and that would be bad for the future relations between their two family businesses. So she just allowed Francis to torment Mark anyhow he wanted.

Francis has always had it out for Mark right from when Mark started coming to Nature Academy. The reason for this was that Francis had been trying his best to woo Arit right from her first year, and she has never agreed to be friends with him, so Francis was pissed when he saw how Arit and Mark immediately became close when Mark started going to their school last year. Francis considered himself to be better than Mark in every way, so he didn't see any reason why Arit should not like him more than Mark. As far as Francis was concerned, both Arit and Mark were eyesores, and he tried his best to make things difficult for them in any way he could!

I once wanted to get a dog when I was little. My mum told me I couldn't beacuse I was terrible at taking care of other people. I told her to by me a gold fish as a test and she agreed to it.

I ended up loving the gold fish so much that I forgot all about the dog. I currently have five goldfishes in my tank. They're pretty cool.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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