
Teleport? No, it was not like teleport

Just as the Seviper fang was heading straight towards Eevee's body, just as the Pokemon poacher, enjoyed the drama happening in front of them, Just as all these things happened, a small fist crossed the air around them and hit the Seviper cheek with a blunt force!

Eevee was feeling that something was weird and his senses were telling him to watch its back. It felt like a sudden breeze cooling down its left side. However since it was in the air and everything was very fast, it could only hear *BANG*, and before Eevee could react, everything already ended.

When Eevee looked turned back into the left area the scene in front of it perplexed its weakened mind even more.

Jun knocking Seviper using its fist?! No, to be exact, using his inertia he push Seviper from the side cause its fang to miss Eevee body but it wasn't enough for a full-stop Seviper, but in the end Seviper still pushed and miss Eevee. As Seviper already in its full momentum to bited Eevee, it wasn't possible to readjust into a more favourable position or stop Jun Crash course at all!

Jun and Seviper falling together cause the dust stirred slighly. As the clouds of dust that were stirred moments before settled down again, one could see the Seviper laying there perplexed about what was happen with its body covered by dust.

On the sidelines, the Pokemon poachers mouth agape while standing there with shocked and dumbfounded expressions on their faces. What was that? they still didn't get what had occured just now, the Poacher boss was already fuming with rage.

He needed a couple of seconds until he understood why his Seviper was on the ground. While he don't know the exxact situation but did he care? only result matter! It's just that, he couldn't decide on whom he should direct his wrath towards! to his Seviper who was knocked up by this big boy?? or towards this two stupid Poachers.


Seviper shake it body and glancing left and right, searching toward Jun, however Jun already leave the area near Seviper with Eeevee and Metang, standing fat away from Seviper attacking range.

"What the..." the Poacher who was kicked by Jun earlier exclaimed with his foul mouth wide open.

"What the hell..." The other poacher who was with the boss muttered under his breath. Through his vision, he could clearly see the big boy suddenly scream and run towards Eevee. But what made him very perplexed was the boy's movements.

After he stood up and tried to reach his Eevee from Seviper, the poacher watched with relish, anticipating the attack. But when he blinked, the boy who was still a few meters away from Eevee and Seviper had disappeared. Without him knowing, the poacher saw the boy reappear on the side of Seviper and suddenly crash into it.

"Wasn't that supposed to be my imagination?", the question resounded through his head for a while...


Meanwhile Jun...

"What the heck?!", the person who was the most flabbergasted right now was the initiator of this attack himself!

"In the name of the great holy Arceus did I do that?!" Jun looked at his hand and body from top to the bottom.

'Did I already awakened my Psychic? I can teleport right now?!' he wondered excitedly.

Let's jump a couple of minutes backwards

From the dust, Seviper's movements was fast and could not be predicted. Jun didn't know that this poacher was so ruthless. In the animations, the villains would often ramble on and on, giving the protagonist time to prepare, but this poacher didn't even follow the routineand directly attacked him without any conversation at all.

There are a few possibilities. First, he could be a Psychic who can telepathically communicate with his Pokemon, which seems ridiculous

Secondly, it's possible that he could be a veteran trainer. Trainers who have reached the veteran rank and above are often in sync with their Pokemon. They have an instinctual understanding of their Pokemon's preferences, and vice versa. So sometimes, in certain situations, the Pokemon doesn't need its trainer to give it instructions as it becomes second nature to them. Of course, there is also the possibility that he was whispering to Seviper when he was near, but he'd rather believe that the guy was a veteran to make him more cautious.

Jun's heart was racing as he looked at Seviper fangs that ready to pierce through Eevee.

Realizing that he couldn't wait any longer, Jun felt a sudden impulse. He gathered all his energy into his foot, ready to leap forward and push Eevee out of harm's way.

It was in that moment that it happened... time seemed to stand still.

Jun's heart raced as his surroundings shifted to a surreal black and white. The world appeared to blur, except for the Seviper and Eevee, which hung motionless in mid-air like a perfectly sculpted statue.

That Seviper was literally stuck mid-air! It didn't move, its mouth just opened and stay still... wait, no, that's not it!

"Huh?", Jun got startled for a second. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint the exact reason to it.

Jun refocused on Seviper and put even more concentration into his eyes.

After looking for it for a while, he finally got his answer. He noticing slight vibrations coming off from the Seviper's body! It wasn't frozen, but it was moving extremely slowly! It would take ages for it to reach Eevee's side!

"What is going on!" Jun now observed his surroundings and noticed how everybody else on the field also got affected by this slow-motion phenomaena. It nearly blew his mind away, but his mature self quickly got back on track. he had something more important to do now! His life as well as Eevee's and Metang's depended on it!

As Jun turned his attention back to Seviper, his mind worked like a computer, analyzing the situation and calculating his next move. He looked at his body, still caught in the pushing inertia of his earlier sprint.

He looked at his body still in motion and gathering energy in his foot. The slow-motion effect gradually ceased to affect him and he could move normally

'So that's how is it... It's not a teleport, it's just I become fast. But I still don't know to much about it, better ask grandpa after this' Jun thought

He wanted to stop himself from running and grab Eevee to escape the danger, but suddenly he realized he couldn't move his body too much. His foot even started to ache from trying to resist the inertia force.

Gaining a moment of clarity, he dismissed the idea of stopping. He stared at Seviper, savoring the sensation for a moment. Gradually, like an instinct, the feeling of absolute control and clarity became deeply imprinted onto his mind. And with the full force of his right foot, he lunged forward towards Seviper!

As he lunged towards seviper, Jun could feel the wind rushing past him and before he knew it.



Information about Jun Pokemon


[Type: Steel Psychic]

[Gender: -]

[Species: Iron Claw Pokemon [Shiny]]

[Potential: Champion]

[Abilities: Clear Body, [Light Metal]]

[Level: 27 [98/100] (Adult)

[Moves: [E] Confusion, [E] Metal Claw, Tackle, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Zen Headbutt, Magnet Rise]



[Type: NORMAL]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: Evolution Pokemon *Mutation*]

[Potential: Champion]

[Abilities: Adaptability, *Anticipation*]

[Level: 21 [89/100] (Adult)

[Moves: [E] Double Kick, [E] Mud Slap, Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift]