
That’s My Daughter 

Just as Lux was about to open the door of Queen Rhiannon's bed chambers, he heard the crying of a child from the other side, which almost melted his heart.

Aurora looked at him in confusion and wondered if he was going to enter the door or not. Perhaps feeling impatient, she reached out her hand and opened the door on her own before looking at the Half-Elf with a smile.

"Thank you," Lux said as he entered the room. 

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that his entire body had become as heavy as lead. 

Each step took him so much effort, making him wonder if the adrenaline rush he had felt during his mad escape from the lower Layers of the Abyss had faded, leaving him feeling weak and lethargic.

"Who is it?" Queen Rhiannon, who had sensed the presence of someone entering the room, asked.

She still hadn't fully recovered from her long labor, and she was currently breastfeeding Dia because the child was hungry.