
Oath Of Eternal Glory [Part 2]

Before Sid exited the alley, he had turned his head to look behind him and saw that Scarlet had decided to escape through the rooftops.

He thought that it was a brilliant move, and even wished that he had done the same. Unfortunately, he didn't have his acquaintance's ability to climb walls.

As soon as he left the alley, he immediately chose to run in the direction of one of the escape routes that he had planned beforehand just in case his assasination attempt failed.

Without feeling any disgust in regards to his surroundings, Sid decisively went to the sewers as an escape route out of the city.

Only the sploshing sounds of his traveling boots echoed throughout the underground as he hurried to his destination. Sid had planned all of this beforehand, and he was confident that he would be able to shrug off any pursuers that would try to go after him.