
Strongest man in Fairy Tail

I got quite bored and was imagining the destructive power of Tsar bomba and boom....π

Lazydude · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs


A/N : Short chappy.

Makarov who had arrived on the remains of what was left of the guild could only sigh. Outside the destroyed guild, everyone was helping each other to treat their wounds and wounded. A great relief washed on him as he thought, 'At least the children are safe'

and that was what truly mattered to him. He finally made his presence clear.

"Master!!" Erza who immediately sensed Makarov's magic called him out. Really shows her veteran intuition. With her call, everyone noticed him.

"Master! Look what Richter did." Cana complained.

"CANA!!! stop it. He did that to protect us from jupiter canon. What do you think would have happened otherwise?" Erza reprimanded her.

"even still...." Cana brooded. Don't mistake, she didn't have any bad blood with him. She knew full well what would have happened if he wasn't here. They could have possibly died at the face of that cannon. Just that.... she wanted to vent her frustration and complain.... wait does it make her worse?

Makarov getting the gist of what happened did what a guildmaster is supposed to do in these situation.

"Guild house is something that can be repaired, even rebuilt but the feeling of loss due to your inaction will last an irrepairable hole. In this battle, guild house isn't important. What's important is the bond we forge, our FAMILY we protect. We share our burden, anger, hope and joy. We are Fairy Tail mages."

"FAIRY TAAAIIIIL!!!!!" Everyone cheered showing off their guild marks.

Makarov had his eyes closed, he spoke with his true heart and was feeling a bit content with his speech. Hearing his children laughter, cheers and joy, gave him the feeling of content and satisfaction.

Turning towards the sea, he took a deep breath, held his head high and opened his eyes.

The sun was setting. The sea had the remains of the buildings washed by the tsunami and also the a dusty remains of the phantom Lord HQ. Watching this sight, Makarov couldn't help but mutter, "The boy really did his worse."

Then he looked sideways. Last time he didn't notice because he was worried about the children but now he could realize why Cana was frustrated at Richter. The destroyed buildings, there were debris everywhere, cars, vehicles were lying everywhere. Although magnolia residents were fine but the damage was just too much.


Thinking how he should explain this to the Magic Council, Makarov could only shout in anger.


"Achoo!" Richter sneezed.

"Did you catch a cold?" Elfman asked him.

"Nah! I am fine."

Right now they were returning back to home with Mirajane on Richter's arm since Porlyusica said, "I don't want you humans to stay here any longer!!! Get lost!"

"Is it okay for us to take Nee-chan back home?" Elfman asked worriedly.

"Well, Porlyusica did say she needed our company more as of right now. I believe she said it for Mira's mental health. Her magic is recovering quite well too. So, I think it should be fine." Richter explained.

"How about we cook her a delicious meal for when she wakes up? Let me help too."

"MAAAAN!!!!! We are going to cook her the world's most delicious meal."

Elfman was pumped up and both of them returned back to the home for they have food to cook.